
La bibliothèque libre.

La documentation pour ce module peut être créée à Module:CentralSchool//Documentation

local CentralSchool = require("Module:CentralSchool") -- The main central module install central libraries and bind the main and its sub-modules
local p = CentralSchool -- Save as ModuleCentralSchool French town coutry monument 20181008.lua
--	See the documentation in: mediawiki:Scribunto/CentralScool_modules_reference_manual
--	Module:CentralSchool only tests sections titles when renew drop_box.lua From 2018-07-19
p.version = { -- Modules dependencies. Dependencias del módulo. Dépendances du module.
	versionName = "CentralSchool-s-fr", versionNumber = "1.0.0(181008T08:15)", versionDate = "2018-10-08T08:15:00", --MWMW NOWNOW
	-- UTC version structure :		  main.fonction.task(yymmddThh:mm) 
	mainDescription = "Begin to use", functionDescription = "first functional support", taskDescription = "Update modes.get_args(args_known) -- Interactions between arguments",
--	p_template_drop_box_name		= 'Cuadro desplegable', -- Equivalent templates exist in other wikis
	-- function tableview.table_rows(t) -- Formats rows of tables in direct html
	sought = "Centralizer;CentralSchool;CentralSchool/I18N;Mathroman;TestRequire", -- Sought module and submodules versions
	known = "Centralizer;Centralizer-s-fr * CentralSchool;CentralSchool-s-fr;CentralSchool-14 * CentralSchool/I18N;CentralSchool/i18n * Mathroman22;Mathroman34", -- Known module and submodules versions
} -- Task details : ...() from 2018-07-28 = for 14 days.
CentralSchool.CentralScool_version = CentralSchool.version.versionName
p.ModuleNS = .. ":" -- translate Module: in other languages

--	cut_libraries

-- - - - ------------------ - - - - ------------------ - - - - -----------------------------
--	Development guide line for i18n translations
--	A central module could need a translation service and a versioning service to enhance its functions or its stability without disturbing the preview normal use.
--	A main module can define its sought sub-modules versions names and its known sub-modules versions names.
--	The Library:versions installs other libraries, supports versions, binds modules, libraries and i18n translations.
--	A central module and its translations can inpedendently change. Its p.version{} identifications change also.
--	For this goal a module contains at least one i18n tranlations table. Its /I18N sub-modules contains translations in several languages.
--	CentralSchool Libraries, like modules, contain their own p.version{} identifications and i18n translations in Module:Library/library_name/I18N.
--	The adaptation to any number of languages is automatic.
--	The highest level is the main module. The lowest level is the libraries level.
--	Any module or library can contain i18n tables.
--	i18n tables are mixed from the lowest to the highest level, to permit at upper module to adapt the meaning of string to a new use.
--	Each library is independent of other ones and they can be mixed in any order.
--	To avoid conflict of translations keys between libraries, all translations keys names start with the library name.
-- - - - ------------------ - - - - ------------------ - - - - -----------------------------

--	The central system permits to convert any module as central.
--	The Lua part of the central modules support contains some libraries used by central modules.
--	The Module:CentralSchool is made to easy understand how to build a central module
--	An object has a function to form several objects
--	A library is unic and come from Scribunto.

CentralSchool.infos = { -- from 20180831
	["libname"] = "CentralSchool", typ = "Module",
	libdesc = "The CentralSchool module is made to easy understand how to build a central module.",
	versfirst = "2018-08-31T19:45:00", verslast = "2018-08-31T19:45:00",
	versionName = "CentralSchool", versionNumber = "180831T19:45", versionDate = "2018-08-31T19:45:00", -- UTC
	versions = {
		{ ["libname"] = "CentralSchool", verstime = "2018-08-31T19:45:00", versid = "1.0.31T19:45", phabtask = "T135845", subtask = "S180106arg", change = "to understand central module", },
		{ ["libname"] = "CentralSchool", verstime = "2018-08-31T19:45:00", versid = "1.0.31T19:45", phabtask = "T135845", subtask = "S170901mMW", change = "MWversions_report()", },
		{ ["libname"] = "CentralSchool", verstime = "2013-03-12T12:00:00", versid = "130312.1200", phabtask = "T135845", subtask = "S000000new", change = "new: manage translations, arguments for central modules", },
	}, -- infos.version
} -- infos

--	cut_libraries

p.i18n = {} -- translations tables known in the module

p.i18n.en = { -- Translations in English
	-- All arguments have a keyword identical to the registration name, except synonyms.
	-- Tous les arguments ont un keyword identique au nom d'enregistrement, sauf les synonymes.
	args_known_country_en			= "England",
	args_known_flag_en				= "Flag of England.svg",
	args_known_monument_en			= "St Paul's Cathedral",
	args_known_town_en				= "London",
	-- Arguments to import, do not translate.
	p_template_drop_box_name		= "Drop-down box", -- Template: Drop-down box for drop_box.form
	c								= "c",
	mode							= "mode",
	options							= "options",
	itemid							= "itemid",
	QITEM							= "QITEM",
	uri								= "uri",
	-- Translate all the following arguments:
	-- Arguments linked to the main module
	lastname						= "name",
	lastname_descr					= "Family name. Please specify to correct the sort key.",
	firstname						= "firstname",
	firstname_descr					= "First name. Please specify to correct the sort key.",
	firstname2						= "firstname",
	firstname2_descr				= "First name. Please specify to correct the sort key.",
	initial							= "initial",
	initial_descr					= "Initial to correct the category of authors.",
	title							= "title",
	title_descr						= "Page title, automatic.",
	country							= "country",
	flag_of_country					= "Flag of England.svg",
	flag_of_country_descr			= "Flag of the country",
	occupation_cat					= "%1",
	year_number_cat					= "Year %1",
	-- birth and death
	birthday						= "birthday", -- birthday P569
	birthday_descr					= "Day of birth.",
	birthyear						= "birthyear",
	birthyear_descr					= "Year of birth.",
	p_authors_birthyear_cat			= "%1 births",
	deathday						= "deathday", -- deathyear P570
	deathday_descr					= "Day of death.",
	deathyear						= "deathyear",
	deathyear_descr					= "Year of death.",
	p_authors_deathyear_cat			= "%1 births",
	description						= "description",
	description_descr				= "Description of the author, to clarify if the automatic description does not fit.",
	description						= "description",
	description_descr				= "Author's description, to clarify whether the automatic description does not fit.",
	-- Arguments limited to multiple values
	region							= "region", -- argument with verified multiple values
	region_descr					= "Region to determine the ancient periods.",
	region_values					= "other;china;india;century", -- wiki_selectors

	rights							= "rights",
	rights_descr					= "Necessary copyrights type: 70,50,mpf,ONU,non.",
	rights_values					= "70;50;mpf;ONU;none",

	sex								= "sex",
	sex_descr						= "Genre of the author",
	sex_values						= "male;female",
} -- p.i18n.en = { -- Translations in espagnol
	-- Importar estos argumentos. No traducir.
	args_known_country_es			= "España",
	args_known_flag_es				= "Flag_of_Spain.svg",
	args_known_monument_es			= "Madrid_-_Plaza_Mayor_-_121212_140648.jpg",
	args_known_town_es				= "Madrid",
	p_template_drop_box_name		= "Cuadro desplegable", -- Modelo: cuadro desplegable  :Boîte déroulante for drop_box.form
	c								= "c",
	mode							= "mode",
	options							= "options",
	itemid							= "itemid",
	QITEM							= "QITEM",
	uri								= "uri",
	-- Traducir todos los los argumentos siguientes:
	-- Argumentos relacionados con el módulo principal
	occupation_cat					= "%1",
	p_authors_deathyear_cat			= "Autores-%1",
	year_number_cat					= "Año %1",
	-- Nombres y descripciones de los argumentos
	lastname						= "nombre",
	lastname_descr					= "Nombre. Por favor, especifique para corregir la clave de ordenación.",
	firstname						= "apellido",
	firstname_descr					= "Primero. Proponer para corregir la autómata.",
	firstname2						= "primero",
	firstname2_descr				= "Primero. Proponer para corregir la autómata.",
	initial							= "inicial",
	initial_descr					= "Inicial para corregir la categoría de los autores.",
	title							= "titulo",
	title_descr						= "Título de la página, automático.",
	country							= "país",
	flag_of_country					= "Flag_of_Spain.svg",
	flag_of_country_descr			= 'Bandera del país',
	-- nacimiento y muerte
	birthday						= 'nacimientodía', -- nacimiento P569
	birthday_descr					= "Día de nacimiento.",
	birthyear						= 'nacimientoaño',
	birthday_descr					= "Año de nacimiento.",
	p_authors_birthyear_cat			= "N%1", -- es.wikisource N1802 - F1885
	deathday						= 'muertedía', -- muerte P570
	deathday_descr					= "Día de muerte",
	deathyear						= 'muerteaño',
	deathyear_descr					= "Año de muerte",
	p_authors_deathyear_cat			= "F%1", -- es.wikisource N1802 - F1885
	description						= 'descripcion',
	description_descr				= "Descripción del autor, para aclarar si la descripción automática no encaja.",

	-- Argumentos limitados a múltiples valores
	region							= 'región',
	region_descr					= 'Región para determinar los tiempos antiguos.',
	region_values					= "otro;china;india;siglo",

	rights							= 'derechos',
	rights_descr					= "Tipo de derechos de autor necesario: 70,50,mpf,ONU,non.",
	rights_values					= '70;50;mpf;ONU;no',

	sex								= 'sex',
	sex_descr						= 'Género del autor',
	sex_values						= 'hombre;mujer',
} -- = { -- Translations in français
	-- Arguments à importer. Ne pas traduire.
	args_known_country_es			= 'France',
	args_known_flag_es				= 'Flag_of_France.svg',
	args_known_monument_es			= 'Tour Eiffel',
	args_known_town_es				= 'Paris',
	p_template_drop_box_name		= 'Boîte déroulante', -- Modèle:Boîte déroulante for drop_box.form
	c								= 'c',
	mode							= 'mode',
	options							= 'options',
	itemid							= 'itemid',
	QITEM							= 'QITEM',
	uri								= 'uri',
	-- Traduire tous les arguments suivants :
	-- Arguments liés au module principal
	occupation_cat					= '%1',
	p_authors_deathyear_cat			= "Auteurs-%1",
	year_number_cat					= "Année %1",
	-- Noms et descriptions des arguments
	lastname						= 'nom',
	lastname_descr					= "Nom. A préciser pour corriger la clé de tri.",
	firstname						= 'prénom',
	firstname_descr					= "Prénom. A préciser pour corriger la clé de tri.",
	firstname2						= 'prenom',
	firstname2_descr				= "Prénom. A préciser pour corriger la clé de tri.",
	initial							= 'initiale',
	initial_descr					= "Initiale pour corriger les catégories d'ateurs.",
	title							= 'titre',
	title_descr						= "Titre de la page, automatique.",
	country							= 'pays',
	flag_of_country					= 'Flag_of_France.svg',
	flag_of_country_descr			= 'Drapeau du pays',

	-- naissance et deces
	birthday						= 'jourNaissance', -- nacimiento P569
	birthday_descr					= "Jour de naissance.",
	birthyear						= 'anneeNaissance',
	birthyear_descr					= "Année de naissance",
	p_authors_birthyear_cat			= "Naissance en %1", -- fr.wikisource Naissance en 1802 Décès en 1885
	deathday						= 'jourDeces', -- muerte P570
	deathday_descr					= "Jour de décès",
	deathyear						= 'anneeDeces',
	deathyear_descr					= "Année de décès",
	p_authors_deathyear_cat			= "Décès en %1", -- fr.wikisource Naissance en 1802 Décès en 1885
	description						= 'description',
	description_descr				= "Description de l'auteur, à préciser si la description automatique ne convient pas",
	-- Arguments limités à des valeurs multiples
	region							= 'région',
	region_descr					= 'Région pour déterminer les époques anciennes.',
	region_values					= "autre;chine;inde;siècle", -- wiki_selectors

	rights							= 'droits',
	rights_descr					= "Type de droits d'auteur nécessaire parmi : 70,50,mpf,ONU,non.",
	rights_values					= '70;50;mpf;ONU;non',

	sex								= 'sexe',
	sex_descr						= "Sexe de l'auteur",
	sex_values						= 'homme;femme',
} --

-- - - - ------------------ - - - - ---------------------------------
-- p.i18n tables end
-- - - - ------------------ - - - - ---------------------------------

-- - - - ------------------ - - - - ---------------------------------
-- Arguments table, to change in calling modules
-- - - - ------------------ - - - - ---------------------------------

p.args_known = { -- Table of the definitions of all known arguments at module level. -- ric (p.box1	box_read	box_edit)

	-- Arguments in order without names, with their keyword for use as other arguments.
	-- Special arguments to modify the fonctions and outputs of this module.
	-- Arguments speciaux pour modifier le fonctionnement et les sorties de ce module.
	["category"]		= { ["typ"] = "ctr",	["need"] = 0,	["keyword"] = "category"},
	["docfunc"]			= { ["typ"] = "config", ["need"] = 0,	["keyword"] = "docfunc"},
	["docitem"]			= { ["typ"] = "config", ["need"] = 0,	["keyword"] = "docitem"},
	["dockey"]			= { ["typ"] = "config", ["need"] = 0,	["keyword"] = "dockey"},
	["itemid"]			= { ["typ"] = "config", ["need"] = 0,	["keyword"] = "itemid"}, -- Property:P2959 points to a double of the item.
	["mode"]			= { ["typ"] = "config", ["need"] = 0,	["keyword"] = "mode"},
	["options"]			= { ["typ"] = "config", ["need"] = 0,	["keyword"] = "options"},
	["contentlang"]		= { ["typ"] = "config", ["need"] = 0,	["keyword"] = "contentlang"},
	["pagelang"]		= { ["typ"] = "config", ["need"] = 0,	["keyword"] = "pagelang"},
	["userlang"]		= { ["typ"] = "config", ["need"] = 0,	["keyword"] = "userlang"},
	["country"]			= { ["typ"] = "dat",	["need"] = 0,	["keyword"] = "country",	["prop"] = "P27", },
--	["countryRANK"]		= { ["typ"] = "dat",	["need"] = 0,	["keyword"] = "country",	["prop"] = "P27", ["RANK"] = "RANK_NORMAL", },
	["birthyear"]		= { ["typ"] = "dat",	["need"] = 0,	["keyword"] = "birthyear",	["prop"] = "P569", ["format"] = "year", },
	["deathyear"]		= { ["typ"] = "dat",	["need"] = 0,	["keyword"] = "deathyear",	["prop"] = "P570", ["format"] = "year", },
	["lastname"]		= { ["typ"] = "dat",	["need"] = 0,	["keyword"] = "lastname",	["prop"] = "P734", },
	["lastname2"]		= { ["typ"] = "dat",	["need"] = 0,	["keyword"] = "lastname",	["prop"] = "P734", ["syn"] = 2, },
	["firstname"]		= { ["typ"] = "dat",	["need"] = 0,	["keyword"] = "firstname",	["prop"] = "P735", },
	["firstname2"]		= { ["typ"] = "dat",	["need"] = 0,	["keyword"] = "firstname",	["prop"] = "P735", ["syn"] = 2, },
	["initial"]			= { ["typ"] = "dat",	["need"] = 0,	["keyword"] = "initial",	["prop"] = "P735", },
	["title"]			= { ["typ"] = "dat",	["need"] = 0,	["keyword"] = "label",		["prop"] = "P735", ["syn"] = 2, },
	["personlang"]		= { ["typ"] = "dat",	["need"] = 0,	["keyword"] = "personlang", ["prop"] = "P1412", },
	["description"]		= { ["typ"] = "dat",	["need"] = 0,	["keyword"] = "description",["prop"] = "description", },
	["label"]			= { ["typ"] = "dat",	["need"] = 0,	["keyword"] = "label" ,		["prop"] = "label", ["prop_default"] = "Aristote", },
	["labelcontent"]	= { ["typ"] = "dat",	["need"] = 0,	["keyword"] = "labelcontent",	["prop"] = "labelcontent", },
	["labelpage"]		= { ["typ"] = "dat",	["need"] = 0,	["keyword"] = "labelpage",	["prop"] = "labelpage", },
	["labeluser"]		= { ["typ"] = "dat",	["need"] = 0,	["keyword"] = "labeluser",	["prop"] = "labeluser", },
	["labelbylang"]		= { ["typ"] = "dat",	["need"] = 0,	["keyword"] = "labelbylang",["prop"] = "labelbylang", },
	["QITEM"]			= { ["typ"] = "dat",	["need"] = 0,	["keyword"] = "QITEM",		["prop"] = "QITEM", ["prop_default"] = "QITEM", },
	["sitelink"]		= { ["typ"] = "dat",	["need"] = 0,	["keyword"] = "sitelink",	["prop"] = "sitelink", },
	["Eiffel"]			= { ["typ"] = "dat",	["need"] = 0,	["keyword"] = "Eiffel",			["prop"] = "P18",	["item"] = "Q243", ["prop_default"] = "Tour Eiffel", },
	["Eiffel_town"]		= { ["typ"] = "dat",	["need"] = 0,	["keyword"] = "Eiffel_town",	["prop"] = "P127",	["item"] = "Q90", ["prop_default"] = "Paris", },
	["Paris"]			= { ["typ"] = "dat",	["need"] = 0,	["keyword"] = "Paris",			["prop"] = "P127",	["item"] = "Q90", ["prop_default"] = "Paris", },
	["Eiffel_country"]	= { ["typ"] = "dat",	["need"] = 0,	["keyword"] = "Eiffel_country",	["prop"] = "P17",	["item"] = "Q142", ["prop_default"] = "France", },
	["France"]			= { ["typ"] = "dat",	["need"] = 0,	["keyword"] = "France",			["prop"] = "P17",	["item"] = "Q142", ["prop_default"] = "France", },
} -- #p.args_known = 34 on 2018-10-08

-- Display the documentation in an infobox, similar to edit-boxs
-- Affichage de documentation dans un cadre (box), semblable aux boites d'edition
function p.box_edit(args_final)
--	read	= " box1 ",
--	edit	= " box1 docdef docline docsrc docdata catview docview : ",
--	doc		= " nobox1 noerr nocatview ",
--	tests	= " box1 docdef docline docsrc docdata catview docview : tests ",
	local res, props = "", datas.props
	if type(args_final) ~= "table" then args_final = modes.args_final end -- optional arguments
	langs.init_content_page_user_lang(modes.args_source.contentlang, modes.args_source.pagelang, modes.args_source.userlang)
--	res = res .. "<center><small>" .. viewers.discreet_main_version() .. viewers.ta("contentlang", langs.content_lang) .. viewers.ta("pagelang", langs.page_lang) .. viewers.ta("userlang", langs.user_lang)
	res = res .. "(p.box_edit) "
	res = res .. "<center>" .. viewers.discreet_main_version() .. viewers.ta("content", langs.content_lang) .. viewers.ta("page", langs.page_lang) .. viewers.ta("user", langs.user_lang)
	res = res .. " - [ User manual]"
	res = res .. " - [[phab:T135845|T135845 Convert]]"
	res = res .. " - [[phab:T198107|T198107]] Begin to use" .. "</center>"
	res = res .. viewers.styles_color_error("<center><b>" .. viewers.form9user("modes_delete_docbox_wng") .. "</b><br/></center>")
	res = res .. drop_box.form(drop_box.new_title(), versions.form_support_desk_report() )
	if modes.option("debug") then res = res .. "\n*" .. viewers.ta("modes.cat_view", modes.cat_view) .. viewers.ta("modes.template_options", modes.template_options) .. viewers.ta("modes.mode_options", modes.mode_options) end
	local lnk = props.QITEM
	if modes.option("docdata")	then res = res .. "\n*" .. modes.generDoc(" docdef docline ", datas.args_wikidata, datas_link) end
	res = res .. ", " .. viewers.form9user(" (%1	 properties)", (datas.propss_count_all or "") ) -- datas_structured_data_txt
	if modes.option("docview")	then res = res .. "\n*" .. modes.generDoc("", args_final, "Arguments") end
	if not modes.option("noerr")then res = res .. "\n*" .. events.errors_lister() end
	local t = "" -- Formats events views
--	local wng, err, cat = events.sort_typ() -- Sort events by type in wng, err, cat.

--	if evt.typ == "wng" then evt.res = viewers.styles_color_warning(evt.user_wkt) end
--	if new_evt then table.insert(events.list_all_events, evt) end
	for key, evt in pairs(events.list_all_events) do
		if evt.typ == "wng" then
			evt.res, evt = events.form(evt)
			if evt.res then t = t .. "<br>* " .. tostring(evt.res) end
	for key, evt in pairs(events.list_all_events) do
		if evt.typ == "err" then
			evt.res, evt = events.form(evt)
			if evt.res then t = t .. "<br>* " .. tostring(evt.res) end
	for key, evt in pairs(events.list_all_events) do
		if evt.typ == "cat" then
			evt.res, evt = events.form(evt)
			if evt.res then t = t .. "<br>* " .. tostring(evt.res) end
	t = t .. langs.main_i18n_languages_list() -- List available translations languages
	res = res .. t
	res = '<div style="margin-right:5px; background-color:#EEEEEE; padding:0.3em; width=90%; overflow-x:hidden; ">' .. res .. '</div>' .. "</b>"
--	local result = "\n------ " -- This code interact with drop_box and debug the bug T20151215 2016-11-13 17:57.
--	result = result .. '<div class="CentralScoolDocBox" style=" width=90%; border: 1px solid #AAAAAA; margin:1em; background-color:#F1F1F1; padding:0.3em; ">' .. res .. '</div>'
--	result = result .. "\n* " .. events.categories_lister(":")
	return res
end -- function p.box_edit(args_final)

function p.box_read(prop, title) -- Draw the main box one. -- ric (p.box1	box_read	box_edit)
--	Galilée (Q307), Victor Hugo (Q535), Aristote (Q868), Albert Einstein (Q937), Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (Q1001), Christophe Colomb (Q7322),
--	Nelson Mandela (Q8023), Rudyard Kipling (Q34743), Martin Fleischmann (Q899264), Emmanuel Macron (Q3052772)
--	datas.default_item = "Q7322"
	local QITEM = datas.QITEM or datas.default_item
	datas.prop, datas.props = datas.get_item(modes.args_known, QITEM) -- Get datas from mw.wikibase for the page.
	for lang, lang_group in pairs(p.i18n) do -- Add datas from p.args_known in modes.args_known
		for key, val in pairs(lang_group) do -- function datas.get_item(
			if string.find(key, "args_known_") == 1 then
				if string.find(key, "args_known_country_") == 1 then datas.prop["country"] = lang_group["args_known_country_en"] end
				if string.find(key, "args_known_flag_") == 1 then datas.prop["flag"] = lang_group["args_known_flag_en"] end
				if string.find(key, "args_known_monument_") == 1 then datas.prop["monument"] = lang_group["args_known_monument_en"] end
				if string.find(key, "args_known_town_") == 1 then datas.prop["town"] = lang_group["args_known_town_en"] end
p.i18n.en = { -- Translations in English
	-- All arguments have a keyword identical to the registration name, except synonyms.
	-- Tous les arguments ont un keyword identique au nom d'enregistrement, sauf les synonymes.
	args_known_country_en			= "England",
	args_known_flag_en				= "Flag of England.svg",
	args_known_monument_en			= "St Paul's Cathedral",
	args_known_town_en				= "London",
	langs.init_content_page_user_lang() -- function langs.init_content_page_user_lang()
	local prop = datas.prop
	local res = "(p.box_read) "
	local flag = viewers.form_image(viewers.form9user("flag_of_country"), 50)
	local image = viewers.form_image(prop.image, 50)
	local birthyear_deathyear = " ( " .. (prop.birthyear or "birthyear") .. " - " .. (prop.deathyear or "deathyear") .. " ) " -- ["birthyear"] ["deathyear"]
	local phabtask = " - [[d:" .. QITEM .. "|Datas]] "
	res = res .. "<b>sitelink: " .. prop.sitelink .. phabtask .. "</b></center>" .. " - [[d:" .. QITEM .. "|Datas]] "
	res = res .. "<br/><center>Labels in langs: <b>" .. prop.labelbylang .. "</b>, user: <b>" .. prop.labeluser .. "</b>, content: <b>"
	res = res .. prop.labelcontent .. "</b>, page: <b>" .. prop.labelpage .. "</b>"
	res = res .. "<br/><center><b>description: " .. prop.description .. birthyear_deathyear .. "</b></center>"
	res = res .. "<br/><center>" .. flag .. " * used languages: user:<b>" .. langs.user_lang .. "</b>, content:<b>" .. langs.content_lang .. "</b>, page:<b>" .. langs.page_lang
	res = res .. "</b> * " .. image .. "</center>"
--	res = res .. "<br/><center>languages:<b>" .. langs.main_i18n_languages_list() -- List available translations languages
	res = '<div style="margin-right:5px; box-shadow:0.2em 0.3em 0.2em #B7B7B7; background-color:#F1F1DE; padding:0.3em; width=90%; overflow-x:hidden; ">' .. res .. '</div>' .. "</b>"
	return res
end -- function p.box_read(args_final, title)

function p.form_tests_init(res, args_source)
-- Special init for the test mode
	if type(res) ~= "string" then res = "\n* Mode test : " end
	if type(args_source) ~= "table" then args_source = modes.args_source or {} end
	if p.i18n and p.i18n.en then p.i18n.en.error_i18n_wanted_to_test_missing_translation = 'English error i18n wanted for tests missing translation' end
	if p.i18n and then = 'Espagnol error i18n deseada para probar traducción faltan' end
	if p.i18n and then = 'Français erreur i18n voulue pour tests de traduction manquante' end
--	if not args_source.userlang then args_source.userlang = "en" end
--	if not args_source.contentlang then args_source.contentlang = "es" end
	if not args_source.modeinvoke then args_source.modeinvoke = "catview" end
	if not args_source.mode_invoke then args_source.mode_invoke = "catview" end
	if not args_source.template_options then args_source.template_options = "catview" end
	if not then = "Jack Smith" end
	if not args_source.nom then args_source.nom = "Victor Hugo" end
	if not args_source.region then args_source.region = "india" end
	if not args_source["région"] then args_source["région"] = "chine" end
	if not args_source.description then args_source.description = "Victor Hugo est très connu." end
	if not args_source.langue then args_source.langue = "français,japonais" end
	if not args_source.occupation then args_source.occupation = "Académiciens,Personnalités politiques" end
	modes.args_source = args_source
	return res
end -- function p.form_tests_init(res, args_source)

function p.interact_args_final(args_import, args_known)
	local t = ""
	local args_known = args_known or modes.args_known or p.args_known or {} -- optional value from p.args_known = { -- }
	if type(args_import) ~= "table" then args_import = modes.args_import or {} end
	local args_final = mw.clone(args_import) -- do not disturb original args_import
	local a = args_import
	local i = {} -- interact
	local tit = nil
	if not a.title then -- If title is undefined, enforce it.
		if a.lastname and a.firstname then
			tit = a.firstname .. " " .. a.lastname
		i.title = a.label or modes.main_title or a.QITEM or a.itemid or a.title or tit
	if a.docfunc then a.docfunc = mw.text.trim(a.docfunc) end -- dockey docitem args_known = {
	if a.docitem then a.docitem = mw.text.trim(a.docitem) end -- dockey docitem args_known = {
	if a.dockey then a.dockey = mw.text.trim(a.dockey) end -- dockey docitem args_known = {
	if not a.QITEM then -- The Title can come from several arguments to insure it.
--		i.QITEM = a.label or modes.main_title or a.QITEM or a.itemid or a.title
--		i.QITEM = mw.text.trim(i.QITEM or "Q7322") -- Christophe Colomb
--	Galilée (Q307), Victor Hugo (Q535), Aristote (Q868), Albert Einstein (Q937), Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (Q1001), Christophe Colomb (Q7322),
--	Nelson Mandela (Q8023), Rudyard Kipling or "Q (Q34743), Martin Fleischmann (Q899264), Emmanuel Macron (Q3052772)
		a.QITEM = a.QITEM or datas.default_item
		a.QITEM = mw.text.trim(a.QITEM)
	-- if absent, synonym of basic arguments, syn = 2
	if not a.firstname then i.firstname = (i.firstname2 or a.firstname2) end
	if not a.lastname then i.lastname = (i.lastname2 or a.lastname2) end
	if not a.firstname2 then i.firstname2 = (i.firstname or a.firstname) end
	if not a.lastname2 then i.lastname2 = (i.lastname or a.lastname) end
	if not a.initial then -- If initial is undefined, enforce it.
		if a.lastname then
			i.initial = string.sub( a.lastname, 1, 1 ) -- selector the first letter
			i.initial = string.upper( i.initial or "*" )
	local label = a.label or a.labeluser or a.labelpage or a.labelcontent or a.labelbylang
	if label then i.label = label
		events.add_err( viewers.form9user("versions_with_internal_error") )
		events.add_cat( viewers.form9user("versions_with_internal_error_cat") )
	if a.birth and not a.birthyear then
		local tt, err = viewers.date_to_part(a.birth, viewers.form9user("modes_date_to_part_format"), "yyyy")
		if tt then i.birthyear = tt else
			events.add_err(err, viewers.form9user("birthyear"), "yyyy")
	-- memorize interactions in modes.args_final and show errors or warnings
	langs.init_content_page_user_lang() -- function langs.init_content_page_user_lang()
	local n = 0
	for key, val in pairs(i) do
		local argskwn = args_known[key]
		if type(argskwn) == "table" then
			args_final[key] = val -- = i[key]
			args_final.src = "inter"
			n = n + 1
			if (args_final.need == 2) and not a[key] then --
				-- need = 2 necessary from argument or module interaction
				events.add_wng("modes_auto_val_warning_wng", langs.user_translations[key], val) -- form_result
			events.add_err("modes_unknown_auto_arg_err", langs.content_translations[key], val)
	modes.args_final = args_final
	return args_final, t
end --	args_final = p.interact_args_final(args_import)

-- - - - ------------------ - - - - ---------------------------------
-- - - - ------------------ - - - - ---------------------------------
-- Interfaces, alias and functions to templates
-- Interfaces, alias y funciones para modelos
-- Interfaces, alias et fonctions pour les modèles
-- - - - ------------------ - - - - ---------------------------------
-- - - - ------------------ - - - - ---------------------------------

function CentralSchool.init(frame, CentralScool_version, mode_name, args_known, options_for_modes)
--	p.version.versionNumber = CentralScoolI18N.version.versionNumber
	local res = ""
--	tracker.init_trakers() -- Initialize some trakers. To run in CentralSchool.init()
	modes.time1 = os.clock()
	local args_known = args_known or modes.args_known or p.args_known or {} -- optional value from p.args_known = {...}
	CentralScool_version = CentralScool_version or langs.CentralScool_version or CentralSchool.CentralScool_version
	options_for_modes = options_for_modes or modes.options_for_modes or p.options_for_modes
	res = res .. versions.init(frame, CentralScool_version)
	versions.memo_i18n = mw.clone(versions.main_i18n or langs.main_i18n)
	langs.main_i18n = versions.memo_i18n ; versions.main_i18n = versions.memo_i18n
	local datas = mw.clone(datas)
	res = res .. modes.init_modes_translate_events(frame, CentralScool_version, mode_name, modes.args_known, options_for_modes, QITEM or itemid)
--	["QITEM"]			= { ["typ"] = "dat",	["need"] = 0,	["keyword"] = "QITEM",	["prop"] = "QITEM", default_item = "Q34743", },
	for key, one_arg in pairs(args_known) do
		local argskwn = args_known[key]
		if type(one_arg) == "table" then
			if type(one_arg.default_item == "string") then datas.default_item = one_arg.default_item end -- "Q34743" -- Rudyard Kipling **
	local QITEM = datas.QITEM or datas.default_item -- ** --
	datas.props = datas.get_item(args_known, QITEM) -- Get datas from mw.wikibase for the page.
	modes.init_args_mode_options(mix, mode_name, modes.args_template) -- Import and mix args mode and options from template and invoke -- S170710mix
	modes.args_import = modes.import_arguments(args_known, args_source, content_translations, args_wikidata) -- function modes.import_arguments()
	modes.args_final = p.interact_args_final(modes.args_import) -- Interactions between arguments
	modes.get_args(args_known) -- Interactions between arguments
	langs.init_content_page_user_lang() -- function langs.init_content_page_user_lang()
	res = res .. (datas.props_trk or "")
--	p.version.versionNumber = CentralScoolI18N.version.versionNumber
	return res
end -- function CentralSchool.init(frame, CentralScool_version, mode_name, args_known, options_for_modes)

function -- The read mode generates the normal result for read only users.
	-- Helpers or admins can add options to include edit or tests or user language...
	local res = ""
	local t = CentralSchool.init(frame, CentralSchool.CentralScool_version, "read", p.args_known, p.options_for_modes)
--	res = res .. t
	modes.args_final = p.interact_args_final(modes.args_import) -- Interactions between arguments
	res = res .. p.form_result(modes.args_final)
	res = res .. "\n* " .. datas.track_val
	return res
end -- function

function CentralSchool.begin(frame)
	local res = ""
	res = res .. "\n* Some examples of author headers, infosbox, ... from 10 first begin modules in langs"
	return res
end -- function CentralSchool.begin(frame)

function viewers.doc_group(selector, mask_sections) -- Formats all or any documentations of tests and reports. -- snaks tst
	local res = ""
	res = res .. viewers.doc_section(selector, "Tests of this page", "h2", mask_sections)
	res = res .., "modes_args_known_report_title", modes.args_known_report)
	res = res .., "activity_report_subtasks_title", activity.central_subtasks_report)
	res = res .., "datas.get_item() Report datas from mw.wikibase **", datas.get_item_report)
	res = res .. viewers.doc_page(selector, mask_sections)
	res = res .. viewers.doc_module(selector, mask_sections)
	res = res .. viewers.doc_internal(selector, mask_sections)
	return res
end -- function viewers.doc_group(selector, mask_sections) item:

return p

--	local QITEM = datas.QITEM or datas.default_item
--	Tests pages on 2018-06-22 :
--	mediawiki:Scribunto/CentralSchool modules reference manual
--	Tests pages on 2018-08-31 :
--	mediawiki:CentralSchool/Documentation	-- www.mediawiki.Module:CentralSchool in English
--	Module:Auteur2Tpt						-- in French
--	Module:Auteur2Tpt/Documentation			-- in French
--	Module:CentralSchool/Documentation		-- in French
--	Modèle:CentralSchool					-- in French