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E. Gebhart. — Histoire du sentiment poétique de la Nature dans l'Antiquité Grecque et Romaine, par Emile Gebhart. Pans, A. Durand, 1860.

GiLFiLLAN. — A Galery of Literary Portraits, by George Gilfillan. "William Tait. Edin burgh, 1845.

GoLDSinTH. — The Works of Oliver Goldsmith. Edinburgh, W. P. Nimmo, n. d.

E. GuEST. — Origines Celticœ (a fragment), and othcr contributions to the History of Britain, by Edwin Guest. 2 vols. Loridon, Macmillaii, 1883.

Washington Irving. — The Sketch Book, by Washington Irving. London, Bell and Daldy, IS^S.

Victor Hugo. — Le Rhin, par Victor Hugo. Hachette, Paris.

Les Contemplations, par V. Hugo. Hachette, Paris.

Huxley. — Hume, by Professor Huxley [English Men ofLetters). London. Macmillan.

On some Fixed Points in British Ethnology, by Huxley. Contemporary Review 1871; or Critiques and Addresses. London, Macmillan, 1873.

Keats. — The Poetical Works and othcr Writings of John Keats, now first brought together, etc., edited with notes and appendices by Harry Buxton Forman: 4 vols London, Reeves and Turner, 1883.

W. Knight. — The English Lake District, as interpreted in the Poems of Words- worth, by William Knight.

Laconigs. — Laconics or the Best Words of the Best Authors. Sixth Edition. 3 vols. London, Charles Tilt, 1835.

Charles Lamb. — The Essays of Elia and Eliana , by Charles Lamb. Tauchnitz.

V. DE Laprade. — Histoire du Sentiment de la Nature, par Victor de Laprade- Prolégomènes. Didier, Paris, s. d.

Le Sentiment de la Nature avant le Christianisme, par Victor de Laprade. Didier, Paris, 1866.

Le Sentiment de la Nature chez les modernes, par Victor de Laprade. Didier, Paris, 1810.

L'EsTRANGE (Rev). — History of English Humour, wilh an Litroduction upon ancient Humour, by the Rev. A. G. L'Estrange. 2 vols. London, Hurst and Blac- kett, 1878.

Macaulay. — Critical and Historical Essays ; conlributed to the Edinburgh Review, by Lord Macaulay. London, Longmans, Green, etc., 1869.

Mahon (lord). — History of England, by lord Mahon. Tauchnitz, "7 vols.

Mantegazza. — La Physionomie et l'Expression des sentiments, par P. Mantegazza, 1885.

David Masson. — Drummond of Hawlhornden. The Story of his Life and Writings, by David Masson. London, Macmillan, 1873.

Essays Biographical and Critical, chiefly on English Poets. Cambridge, Macmillan etC", 1856.

A. MÉziÈRES. — Shakspéare, ses œuvres et ses critiques, par A. Mésières. Paris, Charpentier, 1865.