Page:Corneille - Polyeucte, édition Masson, 1887.djvu/82

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Brachet’s Public School Elementary French Grammar. WITH EXEEOESES. By A. BRACBESTy Lauréat de l’Académie français» And adapted for Fmgliflh Schools by the mev. y. B. a. bmitts, a.»., «> avsTAva acAssoir, b.a, PaH mnd PresetU Éœaminen mi (A« UmmrtUy o/London, Wew Sdition. Complète in 1 toI. Olotb. Frlce 2s. 6d., or ^rt X.— JILCOIoavoa. With Examination Questions and Exercises. CHoth, 176 pages, smaU Syo. With a complète French-English and Eoglish-French Yocabulary. Priée !•• 60. Wmrt n. — îÊTVTA’Xm With Examination Questions and Exercises, and a complète French-English and English -French Yocabulary. Priée !■• 60. KET TO THE ZXSBOZBEB. Tor TeMlMn «alj. Vrioe li. 6d. A SUPPLEMENTARY SERIES OF EXERCISES. Vol. X. — ACCXBBircs. With a Supplément to Grammar and a Yocabulary to the Exercises. Clotb, priée le. ▼ol. XX.— snTAX. ClotUfPrtoe le. KXT TO THE ACdOENOE, FSIŒ 8s. KET TO THE SYVTAX, PBICB ta. OPINIONS OP THE PRESS. A good Bohool-book. The type is m olear m the tacnjigemm.V*—Ath«n€Bum9 Jan. 6, 1877.

    • we are not sstonished to hear tUat it has met with the most flattering reoeption."

-’Sohool Board ChronicUf Maioh 10, 1877. ’* We haye no hésitation in stating our opinion fhat no more niefol or praotical in- troduction to the Frenoh Laaguage has been published than this.**— iHioJtc Opinion, Xaroh 34, 1877. «< England is f ortnnate in fhe senioes of a small knot of French Masten like lOC. Masson and Brette^ who hâve, alike by their teaehing and their sohool books, done much for the scientifio study of the language and literature of Fnusioe. Af ter •aooessfnlly introducing into English f orm the * Public Sohool French Grammar,’ in which M. littré’B rescsarches are happily applied by M. Braohet so as to show the relation of modem French to Latin. MM. Brette and Masson hère translate and a,dapt fhe Petite or Elementary French Grammar. That has at once proved as popular aa ihe more elaborate tTea,tae."—JSdinburgh Daily Review, Maroh 20, 1877.

  • ’ Of this excellent school séries we hare before us the ’Public School Elementary

X^renoh Grammar’— (li Aoddenoe, and (2) S^ntax. Brachef s work is simply beyond comparison with any other of its dass ; and its scientific character is not sacrificed ia the yery judidous adaptation which has made it available for English studenta. — There is no better elementary JPrench Grammar, tohether for boys or for girls^*-^ Mereford Times, April 11, 1877.

    • Messrs. Hachette issue some vaJuable contributions to their séries of Frent^

’ Educational works. M. Auguste Brachet is well known as one of the most scientifie , and leamed of French philologists and grammaiians, and the practical utility of hia

  • Elementary French Grammar is proved by the f act that the translation of it by thr

Ber. P. H. Brette, head master of the French School at Ohrisf s Hospital, and Mr. CT Masson, assistiant mister at Harrow, has alreadj reaohed a lecond editioa." — Th êcoUtnan, Apiil 10,