Page:Mallarmé - Œuvres complètes, 1951.djvu/1151

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4. — Article défini. 1. The cow gives good mïlk. but kicks over the pail. 2. That is the old tune upon the bag-pipe. 3. Feather by feather the goose is plueked. 4. The fox may grow grey, but never gond. 5. The lone sheep is 111 danger of the wo/J. 6. The sparrow builds in the martin's nest. 7. The nightinga/e and the cuckoo sing both in 011e month. 8. There is not a eompanion like the penny. 9. Where the bee suc ks honey, the spider sueks poison. 10. The Eng/ishman weeps, the Irishman sleeps but the Scotch-man goes while he gets il. 5. — Article défini. 1. In every eountry the sun rises in the morning. 2. Between the hand and the Zip the morsel may sleep. 3. The eyes, the cars. the tongue. the hands, the feet, ail fast in their way. 4. The mind is the man. 5. The tongue is the ruddcr of our ship. 6. To build castles in the air. Virtue dwells not in Mr tongue. but in the heart. 8. The eye is the pearl of /Ar face. 9. The belly liâtes a long sermon. 10. To fill the mouth with empty spoons. 6. — Article défini. 1. App/es, pears and nuis spoil the voiee. 2. A merehant’s happiness hangs upon chance winds and waves. 3. A wise inan will inake too/s of what cornes to hand. 4. When w’hzc sinks, words swim. 5. Chi/dren and fools tell truth. 6. Ail happiness is in the mind. 7. Fine feathers inake fine birds. 8. Fire and water are good servants, but bad inasters. 7. — Article indéfini. 1. .4 nod for a wise inan and a rod for a fool. 2. A man must plough with such an ox as he bas. 3. A mi//. a c/ock and a woman always want mending. 4. A whip..................................