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MediaWiki:Scribunto/Central modules reference manual

La bibliothèque libre.

Some parts are empty or missing
This document can display only 10 dropboxes in draft state.

Central modules in brief

In 2019, they are multi languages using i18n translations tables for each language.
They are also multi languages as able to use in one run the content language, the page language and the user langage.
They are multi wikis using the future Phabricator task T121470 "Begin T121470 Central Global Repository for Templates, Lua modules, and Gadgets"
This task permit to use in local any central Lua module.
The Lua part of central modules support contains 10 libraries used by central modules.
The first test is dated of Xmas 2013.
On january 2019 they are based on 10 libraries installed by the Module:Centralizer which must be used in each wiki/language in the last version.
These continue until they become parts of Scribunto.

In this document, Library: is not a namespace, only a way to shortly express that an object is understood as a library.
Each new language need only to translate 300 short texts.
See convert a module as central.

The central system permits to convert any module as central.
Central libraries are intimately dependent of each other. Examples: the Library:versions installs others and the Library:viewers is usefull anywhere.

Why central modules

Current modules are made for one wiki and one language. They need Lua-coders to translate and adapt them for another wiki or language.
Errors in them are corrected in one wiki/language but continue in others.
Small wikis do not have Lua-coders to translate them and can not use them.
In this way, many small wikis have no or few modules. Existing ones are not easy to debug elsewhere. The effort to re-use them is very heavy.
Then central modules can solve many questions.

Documentations and cooperation

This manual documents the Lua part of central modules support for any central modules in w:Lua as they are used in MediaWiki with the Scribunto extension.
See also the Tactics Manual:Developing libraries.

The Phabricator task T20180527 "Begin to use central modules", invite you to cooperate about the transfert of know-how.
During this phase Lua-coders need to cooperate.
They could dialogate in Discussion MediaWiki:Scribunto/Central guideline.

Tests pages

Central libraries: Module:Central.
Simple examples of uses: Module:Central/Documentation
Full example: User:Rical/Victor_Hugo.


Central modules specially must be stable. Some supports for stability:

  • Central modules must follow S.O.L.I.D recommendations. Lua-coders can ask help from their pairs if necessary, see
  • Which kind and level of stability do we need to begin to use central modules?
  • Which kind and level of stability do we need to really centralize?
  • How to insure a hight level of stability?
    • Run many tests for key functions.
    • Display groups of tests for Lua-coders. Then they can detect errors or missing tests cases.
    • Notify and alert central Lua-coders using errors and categories.
    • Document all functions supporting stability and listing all actual fonctions to not miss some ones.
    • Save and restore main configurations for each group of tests to better avoid mutual perturbations between them.
    • Display tests in any documentations pages, always up-to-date.
    • Search other means to increase the stability and report them.

Stability Tactic

Some questions are especially important for all developers in the early phase of the deployment of central modules.
Libraries and functions names must be stable before a large deployment to reduce the renaming of them.
That could imply heavy corrections after the begin phase.
Stability questions:

  • How to name central libraries ?
  • How to name functions in these libraries ?
  • How to distribute the functions in one or some libraries ?

Some examples:

  • The Library:lua_table enhances the table library from the Lua language, to avoid ambiguities.
To enhance Scribunto table, we could write: lua_table = table.
  • Too diversity in the styles of variables names result in difficulties to remember their names for Lua-coders. They are sources of errors and of losts of time.
  • How to distribute the functions in one or some libraries ?
  • The categories "Module with internal error" and "Module with usage error" duplicate and group some other categories for an easier help from Lua-coders. Also they need different competences from helpers. How to enhance these supports?
Do we want a library args separed from the existing library modes, to easier identity the main job of each function?

Stability tasks

  • The versions library installs sought sub-modules using versions support.
  • Drop boxes and tables views help to easy format new tests.
  • The activity library help to manage sub-tasks and phabricator tasks, between Lua-coders, projects and languages.
  • The tracker object supports parametrable track objects to help to debug the Lua code.
  • The events library formats events as errors, warnings and categories.
  • In many functions in the Lua code, strict type checks of values reduce errors risks.
  • The initial development in the same text file enhance the cohesion in values, variables and functions.
  • The function viewers.save_restore_balance_report checks and reports known couples of save and restore global configurations to reduce interferences between tests.

Central supports

The central system permit some new supports.

Languages support

Central modules support translations in many languages, using i18n tables.
They support also the content, page and user languages.
The system can also suggest a default local language depending where the module is used.
For these goals, central modules get these languages from the system, modes, options, arguments and tests cases.

Translations support

The langs library supports i18n translations.

  • It merges translations together from libraries, sub-modules and the main module.
  • It also detects missing translations between languages.
  • It also detects the translations changes in the main module compared to more inner other translations.

In i18n tables, each translation key begin with the module or library name, to not disturb other and future translations.
Where to place the translations:
A central module containing all translations would become too big and would always be in change for each correction of translations. That is not possible.
Each module or sub-module has its own /I18N submodule. See langs.
Proposed method to use them: Include 3 or 4 most used languages in the main central module and add some other languages for each case: project + language.
Then the versions.bind_modulesfunction follows these rules:
An alternative version can modify any translation of the normal version.
A main module can modify any translation from any submodule to adapt it to a new context.

Versions support

To activate the versions support of a module, start it with a definition of alternative versions of its sub-modules.
Tactic for versions numbers: They follow the format major.minor.release.
The major number is incremented when there's a big change in functionality.
Template or invoke arguments can replace soughtversions and knownversions.
In known versions, the first of each group of versions is the normal one and can replace any other if not available.
The versions support require() adequate versions of submodules, following known and sought versions, like Module:Box 2.
The versions support reports: versions used, errors, missing or replaced by normal ones.
Then Lua-coders can better understand what happens.
Any Lua-coder of main module can select versions of its submodules from internal arguments or from template arguments.
Each module or sub-module must document its version and date-time.
For the typical version description see convert a module as central.

How to convert a module as central

The support of central modules needs some dedicated functions and descriptions of arguments, translations, modes, options, versions...
Rough example of code:

--	Example to define its version and sub-modules:
p.version = { -- Modules dependencies. Dependencias del módulo. Dépendances du module.
	versionName = "Central-s-fr", versionNumber = "1.0.0(180726T10:42)", versionDate = "2018-07-26T17:53:00",
	-- UTC version structure :		  main.fonction.task(yymmddThh:mm)
	mainDescription = "Begin to use", functionDescription = "first functional support", taskDescription = "T198107 Begin to use central modules",
	sought = "Central;Centralizer/I18N;Mathroman;TestRequire", -- Sought module and submodules versions
	known = "Central;Central-s-fr;Central-14 * Centralizer/I18N;Central/i18n * Mathroman22;Mathroman34", -- Known module and submodules versions
--	Before the conversion to define arguments:
	modes.frame = mw.getCurrentFrame()
	modes.args_template = modes.frame:getParent().args
--	After, Example to define arguments:
p.known_arguments = { -- Table of the definitions of all known arguments at module level. -- ric (p.box1)
	["mode"]		= { ["typ"] = "config", ["need"] = 0,	["keyword"] = "mode"}, -- To change the mode from an argument
	["userlang"]	= { ["typ"] = "config", ["need"] = 0,	["keyword"] = "userlang"}, -- To change the user language from an argument
	["image"]		= { ["typ"] = "dat",	["need"] = 2,	["image"]	= "description",["prop"] = "P18", }, -- for an image
	["birthyear"]	= { ["typ"] = "dat",	["need"] = 2,	["keyword"] = "birthyear",	["prop"] = "P569", ["format"] = "year", }, -- for the birthyear
	["itemid"]		= { ["typ"] = "dat",	["need"] = 2,	["keyword"] = "QITEM",		["prop"] = "Q16222597", ["syn"] = 2, }, -- for a synonym of a Wikibase item
--	Example to initialise languages, including arguments names:
p.i18n = {} -- translations tables known in the module
p.i18n.en = {
	["mode"]					= 'mode',
	["userlang"]				= 'userlang',
	["itemid"]					= 'itemid',
	["example_user_sentence"]	= 'You speek French.',
	["example_user_mode"]		= 'You are in mode: %1', -- where %1 will be replaced
} -- p.i18n.en = {
	["mode"]					= 'mode',
	["userlang"]				= 'userlang',
	["itemid"]					= 'itemid',
	["example_user_sentence"]	= 'Usted habla francés.',
	["example_user_mode"]		= 'Estás en modo: %1', -- donde %1 será reemplazado
} -- = {
	["mode"]					= 'mode',
	["userlang"]				= 'userlang',
	["itemid"]					= 'itemid',
	["example_user_sentence"]	= 'Vous parlez français.',
	["example_user_mode"]		= 'Vous êtes en mode : %1', -- où %1 sera remplacé
} --

--	Example to define options for modes...
p.options_for_modes = { -- module options_for_modes
	["read"]	= " box1 catview ",
	["doc"]		= " nobox1 noerr nocatview ",
	["edit"]	= " box1 catview docdef docline docsrc docdata docview : ",
	["tests"]	= " box1 catview docdef docline docsrc docdata docview : tests ",

--	Example to initialise a mode.
function -- The read mode generates the normal result for read only users.
	-- Helpers or admins can add options to include edit or tests or user language...
	local res = ""
	res = res .. p.init_central_module(frame, mode_name, known_arguments, options_for_modes, QITEM) -- FAMLTVQDR replaces function Central.init(...
	res = res .. p.form_result(modes.args_final)
	res = res .. "\n* " .. datas.track_val
	return res
end -- function


Installs all central libraries until they become parts of the Scribunto extension.
The Central.init function is roughly equivalent to:

function Central.init(frame, Central_version, mode_name, known_arguments, options_for_modes)
	function versions.init(frame, Central_version, mode_name, known_arguments, options_for_modes, QITEM)
		versions.bind_the_main_module() -- Bind the main module, all sub-modules and all their i18n translations.
		versions.setup_central_libraries(versions.bindable_libraries) -- Actual installation of central bindable libraries in package.loaded.
		versions.bind_all_sub_modules() -- Bind all sub-modules of the main module.
		versions.bind_reverse_i18n_translations(main_versions, loaded_pack) -- Bind all i18n translations from modules and their /I18N translations sub-modules.
		versions.detect_MediaWiki_changes() -- Detects to display versions of MediaWiki for 3 months.
	modes.init_modes_translate_events(frame, Central_version, mode_name, modes.known_arguments, options_for_modes, QITEM or itemid)
	datas.get_item(known_arguments, QITEM) -- Get datas from mw.Wikibase for the page.
	modes.init_args_mode_options(mix, mode_name, modes.args_template) -- Import and mix args mode and options from template and invoke
	modes.import_arguments(known_arguments, args_source, content_translations, args_wikidata)

Formats the result for the read mode. See standard central modes.
Typical code from Module:Central:

function -- Normal use for simple readers of pages
	Central.init(frame, p.known_arguments, "read", p.options_for_modes) -- Default mode init.
	res = res .. p.form_result() -- Formats only the read resulting wikitext.


Formats the result of the doc mode. See standard central modes.
Typical code from Module:Central:

function Central.doc(frame) -- Forms a Dropbox for technical documentations about the module.
	Central.init(frame, p.Module_Central_version, "doc", p.known_arguments, p.options_for_modes, "Q535") -- Default mode init.
	modes.args_final = p.interact_args_final(modes.args_import) -- Interactions between argumensts
	local dockey = modes.args_final.dockey or modes.args_final[1]
	if dockey then
		local selector = mw.text.trim(dockey)
		res = res .. viewers.doc_group(selector, QITEM)
	return res


Formats the result of the edit mode. See standard central modes.
Typical code from Module:Central:

function p.edit(frame) -- Normal use for simple readers of pages
	Central.init(frame, p.known_arguments, "edit", p.options_for_modes) -- Default mode init.
	res = res .. viewers.formDocBox() -- A box to help helpers when they tests/change the use of a template or a module.
	res = res .. p.form_result() -- Formats the resulting wikitext like in read mode.


Begins to format the result of the tests mode. See standard central modes.
Typical code from Module:Central:

function Central.tests(frame) -- To support the user to modify arguments in case of errors. To support helpers in their own laguages.
	Central.init(frame, p.known_arguments, "tests", p.options_for_modes) -- Default mode init.
	res = res .. viewers.formDocBox() -- A box to help helpers when they tests/change the use of a template or a module.
	res = res .. p.form_result() -- Formats the resulting wikitext with extended tests.


This function is the last step in the arguments values acquisition.
It tries to find values for all missing needed arguments.
Some extracts from the initial Module:Central:

	-- if absent, synonym of basic arguments, syn = 2
	if not a.firstname then i.firstname = (i.firstname2 or a.firstname2) end
	if not a.initial then -- If initial is undefined, enforce it.
		if a.lastname then
			i.initial = string.sub( a.lastname, 1, 1 ) -- selects the first letter
			i.initial = string.upper( i.initial or "*" ) -- in upercase

Initialize a module

As a fisrt step, define the options to select which part to format or to discard.
Each option like "box1" have an oposite like "nobox1" and the oposite has the priority if the two are present.

p.options_for_modes = { -- default options<!--Doc 20171103 DocTodo DocOK -->
	read	= " noerr ",
	doc		= " noerr nobox1 nocatview ",
	edit	= " : catview docview docdef docline docsrc docdata ",
	tests	= " : catview docview docdef docline docsrc docdata tests ",
	-- Option nocatview means "Do not categorize and do not show categories."

Minimal centalisable module

Any module, even those without direct text for wiki pages, can format errors or categories in any function.
It can also use translated arguments and/or format reports.
For most details see Arguments: their process and translations.

Any module using central libraries can contain internal translations for some MediaWiki languages in i18n tables:

p.i18n.en = { -- Define translations of arguments names, categories names, and errors messages to produce.
	["birthyear"]	= "birthyear", -- Translated argument name
	langs_select_lang_test_err = "Internal error : langs.select_lang(lang) has no tests table.", -- Translated error
} -- p.i18n.en

p.known_arguments = { -- Define all known arguments at the main module level.
	["birthyear"]	= { ["typ"] = "dat", ["need"] = 0, ["keyword"] = "birthyear", ["prop"]prop = "P569", ["format"] = "year"},
} -- p.known_arguments

p.options_for_modes = { -- default options. Very simple modules do not need this part of the interface.
	["read"]		= " noerr ",

function -- Formats the text to read for readers of Wikipedia.
	local res = ""
	Central.init(frame, p.known_arguments, "read", p.options_for_modes) -- Default init from the versions library.
	res = res .. "Hello world !" -- Formats the resulting wikitext only in English.
	res = res .. viewers.form9user("activity_central_count_admins_active_users", admins, active) -- Translates and formats the resulting wikitext.
	return res
end -- function

Modes and options

Modes are modifiable in any way in the main module, even making new ones or masking them.
The 4 standard central modes are ways to display the result of a central module:

  • The read mode is for simple readers of wikipedia, the default mode.
  • The doc mode is to display, up-to-date, one Dropbox to include in technical documentations about the module.
  • The edit mode serves to help wikipedia users when they edit a page containing a module which is bad used.
  • The tests mode is to support Lua-coders who change a module and who need to see the results of several tests.

Modes are adaptable using options to adjust what and how to display the result:

  • Arguments can change default options and modes like in {{Central|doc|dockey=versions_support_desk_title|docitem=Q535}}.
  • Default modes and options come from p.options_for_modes:
p.options_for_modes = { -- default options
	read	= " box1 noerr ", -- For simple readers of a page.
	doc		= " noerr nobox1 nocatview ", -- To display a live example in a documentation page.
	edit	= " box1 docdef docline docsrc docdata catview docview ", -- To support the user who edit a page.
	tests	= " box1 catview docdef docline docsrc docdata docview tests docGroup ", -- To report several tests cases for each function.
	-- Option nocatview means "Do not show categories."

Default options permit to adapt modes:

  • Each option has its canceller, as for catview and nocatview, and the canceller has the priority over the option.
  • The box1 option asks to display the box 1 and nobox1 to mask it.
  • The err option asks to display errors and warnings and noerr to mask it.
  • The catview option asks to display the categories to activate and nocatview to mask it.
  • The docdef option asks to display origin of arguments and others details and nodocdef to mask it
  • The docline option asks to display these details in a single line and nodocline in a list of line.
  • The docsrc option asks to display the origins of arguments and nodocsrc to mask it.
  • The docdata option asks to display datas coming from the Wikibase and nodocdata to mask it.
  • The tests option asks to display the tests part of the result, after boxes to view and notests to mask it. That include viewers.doc_page, viewers.doc_module and viewers.doc_internal.

Process and translations of arguments

The main module defines all arguments, and all must have translations in all available languages.
modes.args_source: The source arguments come from template, else from #invoke, for each argument.
modes.args_config : Memorizes direct configuration arguments.
modes.args_wikidata : An argument can come from wikidata if its definition have a wikidata property like prop = "P21".
The priority in origin of an argument is always: first the template, else the { {#invoke:module, else the internal interaction between arguments in the module, else the internal default value in the module.
modes.args_config: The config arguments come from source arguments and translations are identical in all languages.
Rough summary of the process of integration of arguments and translations:

	modes.known_arguments = {} -- Known arguments, at main module level
	modes.args_template = {} -- Template arguments, at {{Template| ...}} level
	modes.args_invoke = {} -- Invoke arguments, at {{#invoke: ...}} level
	modes.args_source = {} -- Source arguments = args_template + args_invoke
	modes.args_unknown = {} -- Unknown arguments
	modes.args_wikidata = {} -- Wikidata arguments, from Wikibase
	modes.args_import = {} -- Import arguments
	modes.args_final = p.interact_args_final() -- Final arguments, after interactions between them
	modes.args_selected = {} -- Selected arguments, in some modules
	langs.wiki_translations = {} -- Wiki translations
	langs.user_translations = {} -- User translations
	langs.page_translations = {} -- Page translations
	events.errors_list = {} -- Errors list to collect, display or activate arguments errors and warnings
	events.categories_list = {} -- Categories lists to collect, display or activate arguments errors and warnings
	langs.init_content_page_user_lang(modes.args_source.contentlang, modes.args_source.pagelang, modes.args_source.userlang)

Available options to define one argument:

	["birthyear"] = {				-- Key of the argument.
		["keyword"] = "birthyear",	-- The keyword is the same as Key to identify the argument in some cases.
		["syn"] = 1,				-- A synonym of an argument defined in the known_arguments table.
		["keyword"] = "birthyear2", -- For a synonym, the keyword identify the referral argument.
		-- A synonym can be another argument. Then interact_args_final(args_import) mixes them.
		["typ"] = "dat",			-- The type "dat" is the basic type of arguments.
		["typ"] = "config",			-- The type "config" groups direct arguments from modes.args_source, without translation.
		["need"] = 1,				-- If need == 1 the argument can be automatic.
		["need"] = 2,				-- If need == 2 the argument must come from the template or wikidata.
		["prop"] = "P569",			-- Wikidata property to automatic import an argument, if available.
		["format"] = "year",		-- Extract the year from a Wikidata property.

Erreur de script : le module « Centralizer » n’existe pas.

Arguments properties

They can be needed, synonym, limited to some values ... typical examples:

	["language"]		= { ["keyword"] = "language", ["typ"] = "dat", ["need"] = 0, ["prop"] = "P103", }, -- Simple argument, with wikidata property.
	[1]					= { ["keyword"] = "mode", ["typ"] = "sys", ["need"] = 0, ["syn"] = 2, }, -- Synonym or alias of an argument defined by position.
	["c"]				= { ["keyword"] = "c", ["typ"] = "dat", ["need"] = 0, ["syn"] = 1, }, -- Synonym or alias arguments.
	["options"]			= { ["keyword"] = "c", ["typ"] = "dat", ["need"] = 0, ["syn"] = 2, }, -- Synonym or alias arguments.
	-- Argument limited to some values.
	["region"]			= { ["keyword"] = "region", ["typ"] = "dat", ["need"] = 0, -- like Simple argument
							 ["arg_values"] = "region_values", ["key_values"] = "other,china,india,century" }, -- arg_values translation key for
	["region_values"]	= "autre,chine,inde,siècle", -- i18n french translations for region argument.
	["region_values"]	= 'otros,china,india,siglo', -- i18n spanish translations for region argument.
	-- Argument and its description.
	["options"]			= 'options', -- Arguments can be described for documentation in tests or in doc mode.
	["options_descr"]	= 'Options to add with mode options.',

Erreur de script : le module « Centralizer » n’existe pas.

Arguments from template

They drive directly supports aspects, without translations, examples:

	contentlang = "en", -- content language for i18n translations.
	pagelang = "fr", -- page language for i18n translations.
	userlang = "fr", -- user language for i18n translations.
	mode = "read", -- default mode
	options =	"", -- to change options for modes
	c = "", -- for the catview option, to really categorise
	c = ":", -- for the catview option, to display categories
	soughtversions = "", -- Lua-coders can change sought versions when they change a module.
	knownversions = "", -- Lua-coders can change known versions when they change a module.
	-- for datas from the Wikibase
	dockey =	"tools_known_arguments_structure_title", -- key to select a Dropbox to display in doc mode.
	docitem = "Q535", -- wikidata element to display in doc mode.

Translations keys

They follow the Tactic below. There suffix have a functional role.

  • Translations keys are always formated with only underlines names like in begin_central_modules_support.
  • The structure of keys must respect this rules:
  • They begin with the library name like in langs_lang_table_err_cat
  • They finish with _cat to translate a category name.
  • They finish with _err to translate an error string.
  • They finish with _headers to translate headers for a table in lines and colums.
  • They finish with _msg to translate a message like: "Verify the automatic argument: %1 = %2.".
  • They finish with _report to translate a title for a documentation, in or out of a Dropbox.
  • They finish with _title to translate a title for a documentation in a Dropbox.
  • They can finish with _i_cat to generate a second category for internal errors.
Then Lua-coders able to change the Lua code find all this kind of errors in a same place and become more efficient.
  • They can finish with _u_cat to generate a second category for user errors.
Then helpers able to modify the arguments to better use a template find all this kind of errors in a same place and become more efficient.
  • Some examples of keys:
langs.i18n = {}
langs.i18n.en = { -- English translations, begin
	langs_lang_not_exist_err		= "Error: The language <b>%1</b> is not available.", -- Example of error
	langs_lang_table_err_cat		= "Module with internal error", -- Example of category
	langs_missing_one_translation_i_cat = "Missing at least one translation", -- + "Module with internal error"
	modes_auto_val_warning_msg		= "Verify the automatic argument: %1 = <b>%2</b>.", -- Example of message
	modes_no_known_arguments_i_cat	= "Module without known arguments table.", -- + "Module with internal error"
	viewers_section_title_page		= "Tests of this page",
	versions_sort_central_modules_headers	= "Titre; Version; Date; Traductions / Langues", -- Example of headers
	versions_versions_management_title		= "versions.versions_management_test() Tests du management de versions.",	-- Example of title of Dropbox
	options							= 'options', -- Argument to describe.
	options_descr					= 'Options to add to mode options.', -- Description for an argument. The key ends with "_descr".
} -- langs.i18n.en -- English translations, end = { -- Spanish translations, begin ...

Translate types

To add a new language, only do add dedicated i18n tables in the main module or the sub-module /I18N.
Proposed method: Include 3 or 4 most used languages in the central module and add some other languages for each case: project + language.
The recognition of MediaWiki languages is automatic, the others are not available.
For an easier support of translations, the Lua-coders group them in Module:Library/langs/I18N. Erreur de script : le module « Centralizer » n’existe pas.

Examples of translated arguments names, their descriptions, errors, categories, titles...
p.i18n.en = { -- English
	mode							= "mode", -- All arguments must be translated in all languages to operate.
	mode_descr						= "Type of use of the module or template: read, edit, doc, tests...", -- Describe the argument for documentation.
	options							= "options",
	options_descr					= "Options to format the module or template result.",
	firstname						= 'firstname', -- Other argument and description
	firstname_descr					= "First name. Please, specify it to help to compute the sort key.",
	mathroman_J_before_end_err		= "character J before the end", -- Example of error.
	mathroman_roman2int_test_title	= "Test from digital to roman numbers", -- Example of title of a group of tests.
	modes_language_cat				= 'Speaking %1', -- Example of category.
	modes_date_to_part_call_cat		= "Module with internal error", -- Several errors are grouped in a same category, defined at translation level.
	modes_needed_to_verify			= "(required, to be checked)", -- In the list of arguments, an argument is needed

Define arguments

  • All arguments must be translated in all needed languages to operate.
  • And all known arguments must be defined to operate. Even if they are not used at template or invoke level.
p.known_arguments = { -- Too small example of definitions of all known arguments at the main module level.
	birthyear	= {typ = "dat", need = 0, keyword = "birthyear", prop = "P569", format = "year"},
	country		= {typ = "dat", need = 0, keyword = "country", prop = "P27", },
	mode		= {typ = "sys", need = 0, keyword = "mode"},

Available parameters to define an argument:

  • typ: type of the argument.
  • typ = "dat" ; type of the argument in: dat for data values.
  • typ = "sys" ; type of the argument in: dat for data values.
  • typ = "autority" ; type of the argument in: dat for data values.
  • need: type of the argument in: dat for data values.
  • need = 0 ; type of the argument in: dat for data values.
  • need = 1 ; type of the argument in: dat for data values.
  • need = 2 ; type of the argument in: dat for data values.
  • keyword: type of the argument in: dat for data values.
  • keyword = 1 ; type of the argument in: dat for data values.
  • prop: defines the property to import from Wikidata like P569 for birthyear.
  • format: selects the sought format for the prop parameter.
  • syn: the argument is it a synonym?
  • syn = 0 ; this value is the default and means: the argument is not a synonym.
  • syn = 1 ; this value means: the argument is a synonym.
  • syn = 1 ; this option can be used several times.
  • syn = 2 ; this value is the same as syn = 1. It permit to remember that an argument have several synonyms.
Examples of data bases:
	["ARCHIVE"]			= { ["typ"] = "not", ["need"] = 0, deprecated = 1,
		keyword = "ARCHIVE", base_base = "ARC", base_id = "ARCHIVE", not_type = "Author",
		base_test = "1234",
		base_name = "National Archives and Records Administration",
		not_link = "", },

	["ARCHIVEbook"]		= { ["typ"] = "not", ["need"] = 0,
		keyword = "ARCHIVEbook", base_base = "ARC", base_id = "ARCHIVEbook", not_type = "Book",
		base_test = "lesmisrable03hugouoft", -- Les misérables (Volume 3) - Hugo, Victor, 1802-1885 OK
		base_name = "National Archives and Records Administration",
		not_link = "", },

	["CANTIC"]			= { ["typ"] = "not", ["need"] = 0,
		keyword = "CANTIC", ["prop"] = "P1273", base_base = "CANTIC", base_id = "CANTIC", not_type = "Author",
		base_test = "12972/259446", -- pape Víctor III, 1027-1087
		base_name = "CANTIC", -- Catálogo de autoridades de nombres y títulos de Cataluña
		not_link = "", },

	["CiNii"]			= { ["typ"] = "not", ["need"] = 0,
		keyword = "CiNii", ["prop"] = "P1687", base_base = "CiNii", base_id = "CiNii", not_type = "Author",
		base_test = "9000009556470", -- CiNii = ID: 9000009556470 = KIKUYAMA Sakae
		base_name = "Scholarly and Academic Information Navigator", -- Q10726338
		not_link = "", },

	["DNB"]				= { ["typ"] = "not", ["need"] = 0,
		keyword = "DNB", base_base = "DNB", base_id = "DNB", not_type = "Author",
		base_test = "3684200072", -- , DNB = "3684200072"
		base_name = "Bibliothèque nationale allemande", -- Deutsche National Bibliothek
		not_link = "", },
  • config: defines the property to import from Wikidata like P569 for birthyear.

soughtversions = { typ = config , keyword = soughtversions , need = 0 }
example of use: soughtversions = { typ = config , keyword = soughtversions , need = 0 }

  • format: selects the sought format for the prop parameter.
  • opt: defines the property to import from Wikidata like P569 for birthyear.
  • format: selects the sought format for the prop parameter.

example of use: debug = { typ = opt , keyword = debug , need = 0 }

Central libraries descriptions

Descriptions of the Central libraries:#

  • The Library:Library:activity supports Lua-coders sub-tasks and inter-wikis central modules.", },
  • The Library:Library:datas gets datas from the Wikibase.
  • The Library:Library:events formats events like erros, warnings and categories.
  • The Library:Library:langs supports i18n translations.
  • The Library:Library:lua_table enhances the native Lua table library, to avoid ambiguities.
  • The Library:Library:mathroman converts roman numbers and detect errors. It is here as an example of very small central library.
  • The Library:Library:modes supports the modes and their options, like
  • The Library:Library:versions installs all central libraries, modules, their i18n translations and versions.
  • The Library:Library:viewers translates and formats strings to document texts and table views.

Objects have a function to format several objects:

  • The Object:Dropbox, in the Library:viewers, formats dropboxes and their styles.
  • The Object:central_library, in the Library:versions, formats the basis of libraries and their properties.
  • The Object:tableview, in the Library:viewers, formats some viewers for tables, in lines and columns.
  • The Object:tracker, in the Library:activity, formats parametrables tracks to help to debug the code.

Erreur de script : le module « Centralizer » n’existe pas.


The activity library help Lua-coders to cooperate in begin phase.

  • activity Import all Wikidatas from Wikibase.


To support the first uses of Central modules:

  • Report the sub-tasks support from inside central modules.
  • For each, it reports: Projet, Language, Admins count, Actives count, Used from, by which Lua-coder.
  • For all, it counts: Projects, Versions, Languages and Lua-coders.

Erreur de script : le module « Centralizer » n’existe pas.


Lists actual functions for documentations:

  • To help to format this Central modules reference manual.
  • Also to know up-to-date actual availabe functions.
  • It sorts and lists them, in bold for functions to document, from a dedicated list.
  • It also counts all and to document functions.

The dedicated dedicated list lookalikes:

activity.functions_to_doc = "viewers.form9user;viewers.styles_color_usual;viewers.form_image;viewers.doc_internal;viewers.rough_view_test;"

Erreur de script : le module « Centralizer » n’existe pas.


Reports imbalances of beginnings and ends of bold tags in code.
Results are normal case or ABNORMAL case.
Each imbalance is based upon a sequence of 4 bold tags then result in 3 ABNORMAL case.
This imbalances search uses a long string of level 1 as [=[ ... ]=].
To use it you must avoid any other long string of level 1 and use only deaper levels like [==[ ... ]==].
Begin of code with some cautions for Lua-coders:

activity.bold_tags_to_check = [=[
--	This activity.bold_tags_to_check() must be near the end of the entire code to not disturb the search.
--	This starter permit to begin the search of bold tags and to test this search. Keep it carefully:
--	These 3 <b>1356<b> imbalances </b>1353</b> come from here. Others are probably these what you search.
--	After this needed starter, you can duplicate the code here to check it:

	activity_central_count_admins_active_users	= "This site count <b>%1</b> administrators for <b>%2</b> active users.",
	do not translate parts like these: </b>%1</b> ; <b>%1</b> = <b>%2</b> (%3) ; <code>Q535</code> ; <br/> ;
	do not translate parts like these: <b>%1</b> = <b>%2</b> (%3) ; <code>Q535</code> ; <br/> ; \n* ;

--	End of checked code ]=]

-- Example of result for the just before case:

   activity.bold_tags_to_check(bold_tags_to_check) : bold_length = 693 , code_size = 693 ,
   normal case : prev_begin = 410 , prev_end = 415 , begin = 439 , end = 444 ,
   ABNORMAL case : prev_begin = 439 , prev_end = 444 , begin = 514 , end = 501 ,
   ABNORMAL case : prev_begin = 514 , prev_end = 501 , begin = 514 , end = 507 ,
   ABNORMAL case : prev_begin = 514 , prev_end = 507 , begin = 514 , end = 519 ,
   normal case : prev_begin = 514 , prev_end = 519 , begin = 526 , end = 531 ,
   normal case : prev_begin = 526 , prev_end = 531 , begin = 607 , end = 612 ,
   normal case : prev_begin = 607 , prev_end = 612 , begin = 619 , end = 624 ,
   ABNORMAL case : prev_begin = 619 , prev_end = 624 , begin = 693 , end = 693 ,


Reports the current state of subtasks defined by Lua-coders. See "NOW",.
"todo" tasks are automatic shifted in time, after the last "NOW" sub-task.
Each sub-tasks description contains:

  • bug.start is the begin date.
  • bug.end is the end date.
  • bug.plan is "todo" when the sub-task is to do.
  • bug.plan is "NOW" when the sub-task is change by a Lua-coder.
  • bug.plan is "done" when the sub-task is closed.
  • bug.user is the Lua-coder driving the sub-task.
  • bug.subid is the unique identifier of the sub-task.
  • bug.description describes it.
  • bug.duration is the diffrence between bug.end and bug.start.
activity.report_subtasks_list = { -- Examples of descriptors:
	-- Automatic shift of below "todo" subtasks.
	{ "20180425", "20180427", "todo", "Rical", "S171210arg", "Check all arguments: known_args/unknow_args missing/levenstein description", },
	{ "20180423", "20180424", "todo", "Rical", "S180128lit", "Show details link to internal error cat ending _i_cat, _u_cat in events.add_record()", },
	-- NOW, in change.
	{ "20180421", "20180422", "NOW", "Rical", "S180421upa", "For 'Begin' Update all phabtask in activity.phabricator_tasks_report()", },
	{ "20180417", "20180420", "NOW", "Rical", "S170705ust", "For 'Begin' Update all important tasks to support central modules", },
	-- Already done.
	{ "20180329", "20180407", "done", "Rical", "S180329uma", "For 'Begin' Update ModuleAuthor3.lua.", },
	{ "20180322", "20180323", "done", "Rical", "S180322crm", "For 'Begin' Update Stability in Central modules reference manual", },

Erreur de script : le module « Centralizer » n’existe pas.


Reports versions of MediaWiki for 3 months.
It helps Lua-coders to better report detected bugs and t o link them to the adequate MediaWiki version.
Each MediaWiki version description contains:

  • like "www.MediaWiki" or "fr.wikisource".
  • version.verstime is the UTC time-stamp of the version itself, like "2018-03-27T21:01:26".
  • version.versid is the referral version number, like "1.31.0-wmf.27 (06af291)".
  • version.seen_time is the UTC time when the Lua-coder has seen the new version in the site, like "2018-03-28T21:01:00".

Examples of descriptors:

versions.MediaWiki_Versions = { -- Examples of descriptors:
	{ site = "www.MediaWiki", verstime = "2018-05-22T23:18:01", versid = "1.32.0-wmf.5 (82c3307)", seen_time = "2018-05-23T07:35:00", },
	{ site = "fr.wikisource", verstime = "2018-05-23T16:24:49", versid = "1.32.0-wmf.5 (fda06ee)", seen_time = "2018-05-24T05:19:00", },


Reports the Phabricator tasks linked with central modules.
It helps Lua-coders to interact with MediaWiki developers.
Each Phabricator task description contains:

  • task.sort only to manual sort.
  • task.importance group. Values: Important, Central, Other, Obsolete.
  • when the Lua-coder reports in the table the state of the task from the referral Phabricator.
  • task.task is the unique key to refer to one Phabricator task.
  • task.state is the step in the development process or rejection. Values: ToCreate, Open, Stalled, Assigned, Resolved, Declined, Invalid, Gerrit.
  • task.title synthetise the description of the task.
activity.phabricator_tasks_Group = { -- Examples of descriptors:
--	Importance: Important
	{ 114, "Important", "20180326", "T135845", 0, "Assigned", "Convert any module as central or centralisable", "Convert as central", },
	{ 126, "Important", "20170522", "T68051", 1, "Open", "Central modules need the user language to display errors and category names", "user language for errors", },
--	Importance: Central
	{ 192, "Central", "20180408", "T20180410", 0, "ToCreate", "Begin to use central modules in 7 wikis S180408btu", "Begin use central", },
	{ 204, "Central", "20180321", "T52329", 0, "Stalled", "We need a common repository for Scribunto modules and templates", "common repository", },
--	Importance: Other
	{ 302, "Other", "20170526", "T104109", 0, "Close", "No syntax highlight for large JavaScript/CSS/Lua/API pages", "loadTemplateData", },
	{ 320, "Other", "20170213", "T20170213", 0, "ToCreate", "Some languages have not French names in French language", "languages in stranger names", },
--	Importance: Obsolete: Already closed or Do not create.
	{ 442, "Obsolete", "20160813", "T75460", 0, "Resolved", "[Story] Make Lua functions default to the user's language on multilingual wikis", "multilingual wikis", },

Erreur de script : le module « Centralizer » n’existe pas.


The Object:central_library is built in the Library:versions.


Detects if the object is binded in _G space or in package.loaded.

Installs a library in package.loaded. The new library must be a Lua table.
Each library must be install only once to not disturb subsequent processes.

  • name is the referral name of the library in package.loaded.
  • library is the table containing the library.
  • options could optimize the installation of the library.

options can modify the installation of the library.
Some extracts of the code:

function, library, options)
	if (type(options.library) == "table") then
		options.library.libname =
	function object.setupInterface(options) -- key instruction to install
	object = object.setupInterface(options)
	options.binded_in = central_library.binded_in(object,
	return package.loaded[], options.err


The Library:datas gets datas from the mw.Wikibase.


Gets the sought image for one page o one item.

  • The argument prop is the property name for an image, "P18" as default.
  • The argument QITEM asks an image from another Wikibase item.
  • The result is the name of the image.
  • Images come from Commons.


Gets datas from mw.Wikibase for one page from one item, in a simple way for developers.
It bases mainly its datas upon the property prop of p.known_arguments = {...}. See Convert a module as central or centralisable.
It gets properties on the function which gets datas from the Wikibase available properties for the page.
It returns and memorizes:

  • All collected datas from all properties in datas.props.
  • All collected values for properties in datas.prop.

The QITEM argument is necessary if the image is not the default for the page.
This is roughly equivalent to:

function datas.get_item(known_arguments, QITEM)
	datas.QITEM = QITEM or mw.Wikibase.getEntityIdForCurrentPage()
	datas.item = mw.Wikibase.getEntity(datas.QITEM)
	for key, pp in pairs(known_arguments) do -- For all known parameters
		pp = -- Get datas from the mw.Wikibase for one property of the page.
		if pp.prop then -- If a known argument ask a data value.
			props[pp.keyword] = mw.clone(pp)
			prop[pp.keyword] = pp.val -- get the data value for the known argument.
	datas.prop = prop
	datas.props = props
	return prop, props


Reports the mw.Wikibase available properties for one page.
Some extracts of the result:

function datas.get_item_report(t)
	for key, val in pairs(props) do
		t = t .. "\n* get_item: " .. key .. "=" .. val
	return t

Erreur de script : le module « Centralizer » n’existe pas.

function -- Get datas from mwwikibase for one property of the page.
Gets datas from the mw.Wikibase for one property of the page.
It is called once for each sought property.

  • The argument QITEM asks an image from another eventual item.
  • The result is the name of the image.

Some extracts of the code:

function -- Get datas from mwwikibase for one property of the page.
	if pp.prop == "QITEM"		then val = mw.Wikibase.getEntityIdForCurrentPage()
	if pp.prop == "label"		then val = datas.item:getLabel(QITEM) -- default label
	if pp.prop == "description" then val = mw.Wikibase.description(QITEM)
	if pp.prop == "labeluser"	then val = mw.Wikibase.getLabelByLang(QITEM, langs.user_lang or "es") -- user_lang label
	if pp.prop == "labelbylang" then val = mw.Wikibase.getLabelByLang(QITEM, langs.user_lang or "it") -- user_lang label
		val = formatPropertyValues.value
	return val


The Object:Dropbox, in the Library:viewers, formats dropboxes and their styles.

Returns a new Dropbox for documentation.
It follows these Tactics from these arguments:

  • selector: Mainly checks to format a new Dropbox, or not.
  • content: As a string, it is the content of the Dropbox. As a function, the content comes from it.
  • options: permit to customise the style of the result.

To avoid ambiguities, these options are the last argument and are in a table which contains a variable named "drop_opt" and with the value "drop_opt".
Typical use:

	res = res .., "modes_get_args_report_title", modes.get_args_report)

The content argument, if it is a function, can need arguments which are after le function in content.
In this case the argument options becomes the last argument of
The code to get options is roughly:

--	The last argument can be a drop_opt to change the look of the Dropbox.
	if ( i == lua_table.level_count(args) ) and ( type(args_tab) == "table" ) and ( args_tab["drop_opt"] == "drop_opt" ) then
		drop_opt = mw.clone( args_tab )


The Library:events formats events like errors, warnings and categories.
Categories are bilingual. They categorize in the content language and they display in the user language. Erreur de script : le module « Centralizer » n’existe pas.


Adds a category in the actual table of events.

  • The argument key is a i18n key to translate in an available language.
  • The arguments v1 to v9 replace %1 to %9 in the translation.

This event is not added if the key and the arguments v1 to v9 are already present in the table of events.
Some extracts of the code:

function events.add_cat(ref, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9)
	return events.add_record("cat", key, ...)


Adds some categories in the actual table of events.

  • The argument groupCat is a i18n key to translate in an available language, or a simple string.
  • The arguments groupList is separated by some semicolumns ";" to format some categories based upon groupCat.

These events are not added if the key and the arguments from groupList are already present in the table of events.
Some extracts of the code:

function events.add_cat_group(groupCat, groupList)
	for i, str in mw.text.gsplit(groupList, ";", true) do ...


Adds an error in the actual table of events.

  • The argument key is a i18n key to translate in an available language.
  • The arguments v1 to v9 replace %1 to %9 in the translation.

This event is not added if the key and the arguments v1 to v9 are already present in the table of events.
Some extracts of the code:

function events.add_err(ref, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9)
	return events.add_record("err", key, ...)


Adds a warning in the actual table of events.

  • The argument key is a i18n key to translate in an available language.
  • The arguments v1 to v9 replace %1 to %9 in the translation.

This event is not added if the key and the arguments v1 to v9 are already present in the table of events.
Some extracts of the code:

function events.add_wng(ref, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9)
	return events.add_record("wng", key, ...)


Tests all kinds of events (err, wng, cat).


Categorizes or display categories, already grouped in events.all_events_group.

  • The argument c permit to choose to categorize or to display. The default is to categorize.


Returns the list of errors messages, if any, in the user language.


Only display categories, as a text line, using categories_lister.


The Library:langs supports i18n translations.
Each module or sub-module has its own /I18N submodule. For the distribution of translations in modules and sub-modules, see Translations support.
Then the versions.bind_modulesfunction follows these rules:

  • Starts with the libraries translations,
  • starts with the internal translations,
  • then add or mix translations from normal /I18N,
  • then add or mix translations from the /I18N alternative versions.
  • Continue with the modules translations,
  • starts with the internal translations,
  • then add or mix translations from normal /I18N,
  • then add or mix translations from the /I18N alternative versions.
  • In doc and tests modes, a report display missing or modified translations.


Report the characteristics of some languages

  • isTag: Returns true if a language code is known to MediaWiki.
  • isLang: Returns true if the language is localisable in MediaWiki.
  • isBuilt: Returns true if the language is customisable in MediaWiki.
  • langname: is the English name of the language.
  • native: is the native name of the language.


Initialise or update the 3 usual languages: langs.content_lang, langs.page_lang, langs.user_lang.


Reports the list of available languages from mw.language.fetchLanguageName(lang).
For each languages it displays the code, the native name and the english name.
It is used in versions.main_i18n_languages_list and in langs.dummy_languages.


Formats a text which list available languages in the main module, to include in documentations.

  • For all available languages it reports: the mean number of translations for one language, and the number of languages.
  • For each language, it reports: the available number of translations, the native name of the language, its international code and its English name.
	t = t .. "\n*" .. langs.main_i18n_languages_list() -- Lists available translations in available languages.


Reports some first misses in translations for one language compared to another.
These changes indicate in which languages update the translations, even many more if necessary. Erreur de script : le module « Centralizer » n’existe pas.


Formats a table reporting for some or all languages the number of available translations.
That permit to fastly estimate the advancement of translations for them.
In future versions, this function could reports the most and the least translated languages, to fastly alert translators.


The Library:lua_table enhances previous table library, to avoid ambiguities. To enhance, we could write: lua_table = table.


Counts all objects, of all types, in a table, including all levels in the table. Examples of uses:

	local max_tab = lua_table.count_all(tab)


Reports some examples of available types of counts.

  • Tested counts:
	{ "count_all", { "name", 111, "other", function() end, true, false, { 33 }, function() end }, },
	{ "count_types", { "name", 111, "other", function() end, true, false, { 33 }, function() end }, },
	{ "count_values", { "name", 111, "other", function() end, true, false, { 33 }, function() end }, },
	{ "count_all", { a = "abc", 11, z = "xyz", t = true, false, n = nil, min = 11, 33, nil, 33, max = 55, "abc", }, },
	{ "count_types", { a = "abc", 11, z = "xyz", t = true, false, n = nil, min = 11, 33, nil, 33, max = 55, "abc", }, },
	{ "count_values", { "abc", 11, "xyz", true, false, nil, 11, 33, nil, 33, 55, "abc", }, },
	{ "level_list", { "abc", 11, "xyz", true, false, nil, 11, 33, nil, 33, 55, "abc", }, "key", "3", },


Counts in a table, for each type, the number of objects of the this type.


Counts in a table, for each value, the number of objects of the this value.


Get the last sub-object from its sub-names, but not a table.

  • sub_names: a string to search the object like lua_table.from_subnames_object_names.
  • base_table: any table where to search. The default is package.loaded.


Get the last sub-table from its sub-names. Arguments like in lua_table.from_subnames_object


Counts all objects in the table, only in the first level of the table. No matter if the table is a sequence or not.
It can be used in any sub-table in a table.
It returns 0 if the sole argument tab is not a table. Example of call:

	local one_level_count = lua_table.level_count(tab)


Gets only the first level of the table. Gets only one key type if asked.

  • tab: table to search.
  • typ: type to select, else any types.


Lists all keys, or selected one's, in the first level of the table.
It could be used in any sub-table in a table.

  • tab: is the part of a table to list.
  • typ: is the type selector of values to restrict the list.
  • select: selects the field as key if defined.
  • field: selects a value only if the field is defined, and if the value in the table is equal to the value of field.
  • typ, select, and field: restrict the list in conjonction.

The selection to list in this function is roughly equivalent to:

	if ((type(keyval) == typ) and (viewers.is_in(select, keyval)) and (field) and (keyval == field) then
		list = list .. ", the field " .. field .. " = " .. keyval
	list = list .. "."


This function, first, select a sub-table from its sub-name.
Then it counts inside all objects of all types in all levels.
It can be used in any sub-table in a table.
It returns 0 if the sub-table do not exist.

  • subnames_in is the part of a table to list, selected by a string.
  • base_table is the table in which search the sub-table. The default value is package.loaded.

This function, first, select a sub-table from its sub-name.


Gets the last sub-object from its sub-names.
It returns nil if the sub-object do not exist.

  • subnames_in is the last sub-object to get, selected by a string.
  • base_table is the table in which search the sub-table. The default value is package.loaded.


Sorts a table based upon any type of keys.
It converts the table in another sortable table. Then it sorts the sortable table on the base of the keys in the 2 records compared in the sortable table.

  • tab is the table to sort.
  • key: the keys in 2 records compared must be of the same type. Other comparisons are not in the resulting sortable table.


Sorts a table, with any types of fields, even of differents types as strings.
It converts the table in another sortable table. Then it sorts the sortable table on the base of the keys in the 2 records compared in the sortable table.

  • tab is the table to sort.
  • key: if the keys in 2 records are of the same type the comparison uses their values.
  • key: else the comparison uses the conversion of their values in strings .

Other comparisons are not in the resulting sortable table.

  • decrease: if decrease == ">" then the sort is in decreasing order, else increasing.


Formats the structure of a table.
Arguments of the function lua_table.structure(table, tablename, opt):

  • table is the table to report.
  • tablename is the name of this table.
  • opt are the options transmitted for sub-tables.
  • options:
  • level_maxi is the limit of table levels to format.
  • max_n is the maximum number of reported and counted objects in any levels of the sub-tables.
  • exclude1: do not report an element of this value, including eventual sub-tables.
  • exclude2: do not report an element of this value, including eventual sub-tables.
  • exclude3: do not report an element of this value, including eventual sub-tables.
  • opt are the options transmitted for sub-tables.

Example of results:

Table .lua_table.tablim, 5 vars: string - 1 = one , string - 2 = two , string - max1 = MAX1 , string - max2 = MAX2 , string - max3 = MAX3 ,
Table .lua_table.tablim, 0 functions:
Table .lua_table.tablim, 3 tables: life, comfort, house,


Reports the structure of a table. See lua_table.structure


Gets the last sub-table from its sub-names.
It returns the last sub-table, else nil.
Arguments of the function lua_table.tab_from_subnames(sub_names, base_table):

  • sub_names is the last sub-table to get, selected by a string.
  • base_table is the table in which search the sub-table. The default value is package.loaded.


From any Lua table, this function returns a list of variables names with their values.

  • tab is the table to list.

Example of results:

	{ [1] = 123, [2] = abc, ["key"] = txt, } -- this table
	[1] = 123 , [2] = abc , -- results in this string


Reports some tests to check the lua_table.to_list function.
Example of results:


From a table of words, this function formats a Lua table.
See: lua_table.to_table_test.


Reports some tests to check the lua_table.to_table function.
Example of results: Erreur de script : le module « Centralizer » n’existe pas.


The Library:mathroman convert roman numbers and detect errors. It is here as an example of very small central library.


Converts an integer to a roman number, also if int is a string.
It returns the roman number first, then the eventual text of error(s).

  • int is the integer to convert.


Reports some unitary tests of mathroman.int2roman function.
Example of results:

	{ ["int"] = 0,		["roman"] = 0,			["error"] = "The integer "0" is not a convertible in Roman number", }
	{ ["int"] = 12,		["roman"] = XII,		["error"] = "", }
	{ ["int"] = 17,		["roman"] = XVII,		["error"] = "", }
	{ ["int"] = 3.14,	["roman"] = 0,			["error"] = "The non-integer number 3.14 is not convertible to Roman number", }
	{ ["int"] = 4999,	["roman"] = MMMMCMXCIX, ["error"] = "", }
	{ ["int"] = 5000,	["roman"] = 0,			["error"] = "The integer "5000" is not a convertible in Roman number", }


Converts a roman number in a string to an integer.
It returns the integer first, then the eventual text of error(s).

  • rm is the roman number to convert.


Reports some unitary tests of mathroman.int2roman function.
Example of results:

	{ ["int"] = 0,		["roman"] = 0,			["error"] = "The integer "0" is not a convertible in Roman number", }
	{ ["int"] = 12,		["roman"] = XII,		["error"] = "", }
	{ ["int"] = 17,		["roman"] = XVII,		["error"] = "", }
	{ ["int"] = 3.14,	["roman"] = 0,			["error"] = "The non-integer number 3.14 is not convertible to Roman number", }
	{ ["int"] = 4999,	["roman"] = MMMMCMXCIX, ["error"] = "", }
	{ ["int"] = 5000,	["roman"] = 0,			["error"] = "The integer "5000" is not a convertible in Roman number", }


The Library:modes support modes and their options, for and others.


Reports available categories in the main module.
Their keys in i18n translations contain "_cat".


Reports available errors in the main module.
Their keys in i18n translations contain "err_".
Example of results: Erreur de script : le module « Centralizer » n’existe pas.


Updates arguments values in their default definitions.
It updates the value, in the field val, and the significant origins, in the field src.

  • Origins of arguments are in the increasig priority: known, import, datas, template, final.


  • known_arguments is the default definitions table, to not disturb: p.known_arguments{ , , , }.

Key points in code:

	local known_arguments = known_arguments or modes.known_arguments or p.known_arguments or {}
	local arguments_known = mw.clone(known_arguments) -- Do not disturb original definitions


Reports arguments definitions and values from modes.get_args. See the result: Erreur de script : le module « Centralizer » n’existe pas.


For arguments names, this function detects small writing errors to suggest replacement.
And even replace them.
It uses the Levenshtein distance. Erreur de script : le module « Centralizer » n’existe pas.


Reports examples of multiple selections for some persons, objects or entities, using strings.
Arguments of the function modes.multiple_selection(opt, selector, to_select):

  • Selector asks some signs to get the sought selection.
  • To selector show how selectors signs are understood in the function.
  • Selected displays the resulting selections.

In Selector, options can mix some signs:

  • ; wich meens "keep all selections". ; is the separator of all selections.
  • ;U wich meens " distinguish the lowercases and uppercases".
  • ;= wich meens "recognize only equal string".
  • ;t wich meens "recognize after trim". That is to say delete, before and after all selections, any space, coma...

See the result: Erreur de script : le module « Centralizer » n’existe pas.


Try some combinaisons of options and display the resulting combinaison.
That permits at Lua-coders to verify these results, and to alert if needed.
See the result: Erreur de script : le module « Centralizer » n’existe pas.


Normalizes a recursiveLevel and a recursive_limit.
That interact with an internal modes.recursive_limit which as an initial recursive_limit.

  • The normalization maintains recursiveLevel from 1 to recursive_limit.
  • If the recursiveLevel input is higher than recursive_limit, this function formats an error.

Then the module can alert Lua-coders if needed.


Reports some tests cases of the function modes.recursive_normal. See the result: Erreur de script : le module « Centralizer » n’existe pas.


For an unknown argument, this function searches the closest name of the among translated known arguments.

  • known_arguments is the default definitions table.


  • A list of translated known arguments in the decreasing Levenshtein distance from the given argument.


The Object:tableview, in the Library:viewers, formats a viewer for tables, in lines and columns.


Almost all uses of tableview need an adaptation of this function.
For typical use,
Typical call:

function tableview.form_one_case(case, tab_view) -- Default: Convert a case from test_group to rowGroup.

Formats a table view with lines and columns.
It easy replaces: table_head, table_row, table_col, table_dat and table_end.
Typical use:

	local tab_view = {
		test_group = modes.central_libraries, -- List of central libraries.
		title_memo = "activity_display_central_libraries_title",
		headers = "activity_monitor_central_libraries_headers",
		headers_class = "wikitable alternative center sortable",
		rowGroup = {},
		form_one_case = function(case) -- Convert a case from test_group to rowGroup.
			return { case.key, case.val or "-", case.typ, case.need, case.keyword, case.syn, case.prop, case.format, case.src or "-", }
	--	track_on == "details",
	t = t .. -- Formats a table view with lines and columns.


  • The tracker object supports parametrable track objects to help to debug the Lua code.

Initializes a new track list.

  • opt is a group of options.

In opt, options can define:

  • form formats the begin or each track line, like "\n* %1 in=%2".
  • groupname selects the track list in which add a track line.
  • level is the level of detail of each track line.
  • limit is the limit of detailed lines.
  • more formats next parts of each track line, like ", arg%1=%2".
  • name is the name of the track.
  • t is the resulting text with all track lines. The initial value is "".
  • trackon tracks (if trackon == 1) or not (if trackon == 1), for one track object.


Adds, or not, a new track line to the track list.

  • opt is the same group of options as in
  • level is a group of options.
  • opt is a group of options.

In opt, options can define:

  • form formats the begin or each track line, like "\n* %1 in=%2".

Examples of uses:

	ARGS = tracker.initadd({ ["name"] = "ARGS", ["limit"] = 2 }) -- Initialize a track
	CNT = tracker.initadd({ ["name"] = "CNT", ["limit"] = 2 }) -- Initialize a track
	if not CMD then CMD = tracker.initadd({ ["name"] = "CMD", ["limit"] = 2 }) end -- Initialize a track
	CMD.add(CMD, 1, "descriptor admins assets hostPort", { ["admins"] = wiki.admins, ["assets"] = wiki.assets, } )
	res = res .. CMD.t


The Library:versions installs all central libraries, the main and sub-modules and their i18n translations. It also support the versions support.

version descriptor

Each version of a central module is characterised by these values:

  • versionName: like Central for the main version or like Central-s-fr for a variant.
  • versionNumber: like 1.0.0(180506:07:55) following the UTC version structure : main.fonction.task(yymmdd:hh:mm).
  • versionDate: like 2018-05-06T07:55:00 following the UTC rules.
  • mainDescription: like Begin to use following the main task goal.
  • functionDescription: like first functional support a step inside the main task goal.
  • taskDescription: like Update to 'Begin' at T20180510 approximately unambiguous detailed subtask.
  • sought is the sought module and submodules versions.
  • known are known module and submodules versions.
  • sought and known are inputs for versions.bind_the_main_module and versions.bind_all_sub_modules.

Typical header code:

local Central = {} -- The main central module install central libraries and bind the main and sub modules
local p = Central
p.version = { -- Modules dependencies. Dependencias del módulo. Dépendances du module.
	versionName = "Central-s-fr", versionNumber = "1.0.0(180506:07:55)", versionDate = "2018-05-06T07:55:00",
	-- UTC version structure :		  main.fonction.task(yymmdd:hh:mm)
	mainDescription = "Begin to use", functionDescription = "first functional support", taskDescription = "Update to 'Begin' at T20180510 approximately",
	sought = "Central-s-fr;Central;Mathroman22;TestRequire", -- Sought module and submodules versions
	known = "Central-s-fr;Central;Central-14 * Mathroman22;Mathroman34", -- Known module and submodules versions


Lists variables in the _G global space or in package.loaded.
It permits to check if some variable is in the global space _G from a coding error.
Colors used distinguish the kinds of values: central library in bold blue, library in blue, function in red, track in grey or others in black.
Erreur de script : le module « Centralizer » n’existe pas.


require() or installs a module or a library in package.loaded.
Then it formats and records its descriptor.
There are 2 uses, with changes of types of arguments:

	local get = versions.central_library(given_module, title)
	local get, module = versions.get_one_module_or_library("Module:Central")

Rought structure of the descriptor:

	get.title = title -- The name of the object, like "Module:Example" for a module.
	get.module = module -- The module or the library itself (compiled).
	get.isNil = not get.module
	get.isLoaded = true -- if the object is in package.loaded[title].
	get.isFunction = true -- if the object is a function.
	get.isTable = true -- if the object is a table.
	get.isModule = true -- if get.title lookalikes to "Module:Example".
	get.isLibrary = true -- if get.title lookalikes to "example".
	get.i18n = true -- if the object contains i18n translations, like "module.i18n".
	get.hasi18n = true -- if get.i18n translations are available.
	get.subI18N = get.title .. "/I18N" -- eventual sub-module "/I18N".
	get.isI18N = true -- if title include "/I18N".
	get.versionI18N = lookalikes -- to "Module:Example/I18N".
	get.lessI18N = title -- do not lookalikes to "Module:Example/I18N".
	get.simplename = title -- without "Module:" and without "/I18N".
	get.revistamp = time -- This compact format of the last update date-time of the module lookalikes to "20180512150600".
	get.versions = module.versions -- descriptor for the versions support {sought, known...}.
	get.versionName = get.title -- without "Module:", but perhaps with "/I18N".

Examples of use, see versions:

	local get = versions.central_library(given_module, title)
	local get, module = versions.get_one_module_or_library("Module:Central") -- The types of arguments differ to require a module or a library.


Binds libraries in package.loaded.
It is used in p.init_central_module.


The Library:viewers can formats texts to document in some languages: tableview(in lines and columns), dropboxes, recursive Lua tables...


Converts a date in a time stamp, limited to the date.
Examples of code for a similar result:

	return "@" .. tostring( jj*86400 + mm*30*86400 + (aaaa-1970)*31556926 )
	return viewers.day_to_stamp(jj, mm, aaaa)


Converts a date in UTC format, limited to the date.
Examples of code for a similar result:

	return aaaa .. "-" .. mm .. "-" .. jj
	return viewers.day_to_UTC(jj, mm, aaaa)


Returns the main version in light grey for attentive readers only.


Displays all


Displays only internal tests or reports


Displays only reports dedicated to the module.


Displays only reports dedicated to the page.


Formats the title of a group of, typicaly for each library.
Example of use:

	res = res .. viewers.doc_section(selector, "Library:lua_table", "h3")


Similar to viewers.form9user for 99 values in content language.


Similar to viewers.form9user for 99 values in page language.


Similar to viewers.form9user for 99 values in user language.


Similar to viewers.form9user for 9 values in content language.


Similar to viewers.form9user for 9 values in user language.
But in English only for tests.


Similar to viewers.form9user for 9 values in page language.


Formats a parametrable text and is the most used in all central libraries.
If the text is a key in i18n tables, it replaces the key by its translation in the user language.
Then it replaces "%1" to "%9" in the text by v1 to v9 arguments.
Example of use:

	viewers.form9user(ref, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9) -- reference call
	viewers.form9user("Module with internal error") -- example with simple text
	viewers.form9user("luaTable_structure_level_maxi", recursiveLevel) -- example with key.
	viewers.form9user(" %1 variables, %2 functions, %3 sub-tables.\n", vr, fn, tb) -- example with text and values.

Result in a parametrable string based on ref.

  • If ref is a key of translatable string in a i18n table, it is first translated.
  • If ref is not a translatable key, this function uses it as translated.
  • If the translated string contains %1 to %9 this function replaces them by v1 to v9 respectively.
  • If ref is any other string, the function returns it as is.

This is roughly equivalent to:

function viewers.form9user(ref, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9)
	if translations[ref] then wt = tostring(translations[ref])
	elseif ref then wt = tostring(ref)
	else wt = tostring("noref") end
	v1 = v1 or " 1"
	v9 = v9 or " 9"
	if v1 then wt = string.gsub(wt, "%%1", tostring(v1) ) end
	if v9 then wt = string.gsub(wt, "%%9", tostring(v9) ) end
	return tostring(wt)


Reports some unitary tests of the viewers.form9user function.
Do not translate the i18n translation key and separate the arguments with semicolons.
Example of results:

	"replace: abc%1efg%2ijk;<b>D</b>;<b>H</b>",


Formats an image from its file name, to the size in pixels.
Options are added as string.

  • file is the file name of the image.
  • size permit to change the size of the viewed image.
  • options is a string to acurately display the file.

This is roughly equivalent to:

function viewers.form_image(file, size, options) -- Formats an image from its file name, to the size in pixels
	return '[[File:' .. file .. '|' .. size .. 'px|' .. options .. ']]' -- options must begin with "|"


Returns true if the word is in the text, even inside another word. Else return false.
Apart some precautions, this is roughly equivalent to:

function viewers.is_in(word, text)
	return string.find(text, word)


Returns true if the word is in the text, beetwen spaces or separators, not inside another word. Else return false.

  • word is the separator to limit the word, or any string, to find.
  • text is the string where search the word.
  • sep is the separator to limit the word to find. The default is a space.

This is roughly equivalent to:

function viewers.is_in_sp(word, text, sep)
	sep = sep or " "
	return string.find(sep .. text .. sep, sep .. word .. sep)


Formats all results of the main module, following main options.
In each mode, options ask to adapt the result to display.
This is roughly equivalent to:

function viewers.main_view(args_final, main_module) -- Formats all results of this module and its sub-modules.
	local main_module = main_module or versions.main_module
	events.gener_categories(args_final) -- Formats all categories without activate them
	if modes.option("docview") or modes.option(":") or modes.option("tests") or (modes.args_final.mode == "edit") then
		res = res .. p.formDocBox(modes.args_final)
	if modes.option("box1") then res = res .. p.box1(props) end
	if modes.option("box1") or modes.option("catview") then
		res = res .. " catview = " .. events.categories_lister(":") -- Display categories
	events.categories_lister("") -- really link to categories
	if modes.option("tests") then res = res .. viewers.doc_group("allwaysview") end
	return res


Restores global configurations, after eventual changes, saved by viewers.save_configs.
If needed, it creates an error which is roughly equivalent to:

	events.add_err("events_close_without_memo_err", versions.main_versions.versionName) -- Add an error in the actual table of events.

It is roughly equivalent to:

function viewers.restore_configs(memo, where) -- Restore global configurations after eventual changes.
	events.categories_list			= memo.memo_categories_list
	events.tab_options				= memo.memo_tab_options
	events.tab_view					= memo.memo_tab_view
	events.test_group				= memo.memo_test_group
	langs.content_lang				= memo.memo_content_lang
	langs.content_translations		= memo.memo_content_translations
	langs.main_i18n					= memo.memo_langs_main_i18n
	langs.page_lang					= memo.memo_page_lang
	langs.page_translations			= memo.memo_page_translations
	langs.user_lang					= memo.memo_user_lang
	langs.user_translations			= memo.memo_user_translations
	langs.wiki_lang					= memo.memo_wiki_lang
	langs.wiki_translations			= memo.memo_wiki_translations
	langs.init_content_page_user_lang(langs.content_lang, langs.page_lang, langs.user_lang)
	modes.known_arguments				= memo.memo_known_arguments
	modes.args_template				= memo.memo_args_template
	modes.cat_view					= memo.memo_modes_cat_view
	modes.invoke_options			= memo.memo_invoke_options
	modes.mode_name					= memo.memo_mode_name
	modes.mode_options				= memo.memo_mode_options
	modes.options_for_modes			= memo.memo_options_for_modes
	modes.recursive_limit			= memo.memo_recursive_limit
	modes.report_track_options		= memo.memo_report_track_options
	modes.template_options			= memo.memo_template_options
	modes.used_options				= memo.memo_used_options
	versions.actual_modules			= memo.memo_versions_actual_modules
	versions.main_i18n				= memo.memo_versions_main_i18n
end -- function viewers.restore_configs(memo, where)


Formats a string to describe a value of any type, even nil or a Lua table.
The string is a rough view of the value, like: true, 123.456, "abcd", func() or table{}.


Reports some tests of viewers.rough_view.


Saves global configurations, before eventual changes, restored by viewers.restore_configs.
It is roughly equivalent to:

function viewers.save_configs() -- Save global configurations before eventual changes.
	local memo = {}
	memo.memo_categories_list		= events.categories_list
	memo.memo_tab_options			= events.tab_options
	memo.memo_tab_view				= events.tab_view
	memo.memo_group					= events.test_group
	memo.memo_content_lang			= langs.content_lang
	memo.memo_content_translations	= langs.content_translations
	memo.memo_langs_main_i18n		= langs.main_i18n
	memo.memo_page_lang				= langs.page_lang
	memo.memo_page_translations		= langs.page_translations
	memo.memo_user_lang				= langs.user_lang
	memo.memo_user_translations		= langs.user_translations
	memo.memo_wiki_lang				= langs.wiki_lang
	memo.memo_wiki_translations		= langs.wiki_translations
	memo.memo_known_arguments			= modes.known_arguments
	memo.memo_args_template			= modes.args_template
	memo.memo_modes_cat_view		= modes.cat_view
	memo.memo_invoke_options		= modes.invoke_options
	memo.memo_mode_name				= modes.mode_name
	memo.memo_mode_options			= modes.mode_options
	memo.memo_options_for_modes		= modes.options_for_modes
	memo.memo_recursive_limit		= modes.recursive_limit
	memo.memo_report_track_options	= modes.report_track_options
	memo.memo_template_options		= modes.template_options
	memo.memo_used_options			= modes.used_options
	memo.memo_versions_actual_modules	= versions.actual_modules
	memo.memo_versions_main_i18n		= versions.main_i18n
	return memo
end -- function viewers.save_configs()

Use of save and restore functions:

function viewers.save_configs(where) -- Save global configuration before eventual changes.
	local memo = viewers.save_configs() -- Save global configuration before eventual changes.<!--Doc 20171103 DocTodo DocOK -->
	-- Any code which could disturb global configurations
	viewers.restore_configs(memo) -- Restore global configurations after eventual changes.


This function must run after any other tests to be efficient.

Checks and reports known couples of save and restore global configurations, mainly to protect them against tests which can disturb anything.
It uses the results of viewers.save_configs and viewers.restore_configs.


Splits a string in parts limited by 1 to 4 separators. It can also trim and sort these parts.

  • The list is the input string to split...
  • The 4 arguments sep1, sep2, sep2, sep2, have similar roles.
  • Their default role is to split list in parts.
  • The value "sort" asks to sort the resulting parts.
  • The value "trim" asks to delete, before and after each part, any space, coma...


Uses the viewers.simple_list function in some cases and reports them.
It uses the results of viewers.restore_configs.

  • The list is the input string to split...
  • The 4 arguments sep1, sep2, sep2, sep2, have similar roles.

See the result: Erreur de script : le module « Centralizer » n’existe pas.


Changes the style of a displaid text to the functional style "small caps".
Extract from the code:

	return '<span style="font-variant: small-caps">' .. t .. '</span>'


Formats a variable and its value in a documentation.

  • txt finishes with the name of the variable, and can begin with any complement.
  • val is the value of the variable.
  • sep can replace the equal sign.

You can code for the same result:

	return viewers.ta("\n* pi", 3.14)
	return "* pi = <b>3.14</b>, "


Uses viewers.ta.
If val is nil then viewers.tam return an empty string.


Begins a new column in a table. See also
A column become fix and not triable with the option: class="unsortable".


Displays a string in a column of a table. function viewers.table_dat(t) return "\n| " .. tostring( t or " ") end -- Table data -- or " " Uses viewers.ta.
If val is nil then viewers.tam return en empty string.


Finishes a table of rows. function viewers.table_end(t) return "\n|}" end -- Table end Uses viewers.ta.
If val is nil then viewers.tam return en empty string.


Begins a row of headers in bold in a table, even between two rows of usual strings.
Is used viewers.ta.
A triable table start with the option: class="wikitable sortable"

  • t defines the options values. The default is "wikitable alternative center".

Rough code:

	return '\n{| class="' .. tostring( t or 'wikitable alternative center' ) .. '" | '


Begins a row of usual strings.
A row become fix and not triable with the option: class="sortbottom".
See how to use options in viewers.table_end.


See viewers.usual_color.


See viewers.usual_color.


See viewers.usual_color.


See viewers.usual_color.


See viewers.usual_color.


See viewers.usual_color.


See viewers.usual_color.


See viewers.usual_color.


See viewers.usual_color.


Colors a text to display using the second argument. The first one is the text.
Available colors for styles in viewers.usual_colors:

  • add for add in blue = "blue", for a better accessible contrast see the task T156048.
  • colargs for invoked args in brown = "#804020".
  • delete for delete in yellow = "#C0C000", for a better accessible contrast see the task T156048.
  • discreet for discreet in light grey = "#B0B0B0".
  • error for error in modified red = "#AA6688".
  • mask to mask in white = "white".
  • normal for other standard in normal text = "black".
  • warning for warnings in brown = "#804020".
  • wikidata. for wikidata in green = "green".

These corresponding functions change the colors of a displayed text for available functional styles:
They need only the text argument:

  • viewers.styles_color_add(t)
  • viewers.styles_color_delete(t)
  • viewers.styles_color_discreet(t)
  • viewers.styles_color_error(t)
  • viewers.styles_color_colargs(t)
  • viewers.styles_color_mask(t)
  • viewers.styles_color_normal(t)
  • viewers.styles_color_warning(t)
  • viewers.styles_color_wikidata(t)

Used code for these functions:

function viewers.styles_color_add(t) return viewers.usual_color(t, "add") end
function viewers.styles_color_delete(t) return viewers.usual_color(t, "delete") end
function viewers.styles_color_discreet(t) return viewers.usual_color(t, "discreet") end --For attentive readers only.
function viewers.styles_color_error(t) return viewers.usual_color(t, "error") end
function viewers.styles_color_colargs(t) return viewers.usual_color(t, "colargs") end
function viewers.styles_color_mask(t) return viewers.usual_color(t, "mask") end
function viewers.styles_color_normal(t) return viewers.usual_color(t, "normal") end
function viewers.styles_color_warning(t) return viewers.usual_color(t, "warning") end
function viewers.styles_color_wikidata(t) return viewers.usual_color(t, "wikidata") end