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Page:C12 - Émeutes de Québec de 1918 - Témoignage du Major George Robert Rodgers BAnQ Québec E17S10D1661-918.djvu/13

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supplemented by verbal orders.

A. They were.

Q. Will you tell the jury what were the verbal orders that you received ?

A. Oh, I cannot give word for word.

THE CORONER : The substance of it.

A. As near as I can remember I was told by every senior officer over me to if possible avoid a clash, but on no account to let a mob gather the same as had gathered the previous evenings.

Q. MR. FITZPATRICK : How did you communicate these written orders and these supplementary verbal orders to the officers and the men under your command ?

A. To the men and to the officers and men, I spoke to them. I had the men and spoke to them in a body, the officers separate from the men and the officers and men together.

Q. I understand that you had on Monday last approximately one thousand men under your command ?

A. Roughly yes.

Q. Are you satisfied that these officers and men when you addressed them and gave them instructions that you received from your superior officers understood you, that each man understood the orders that he was to carry out on that evening ?

A. No.

Q. You are not satisfied ?

A. I would not be satisfied any thousand men would understand me.

Q. Did I understand you to say to me that these verbal orders were communicate to the officers and men under your command ?

A. No.

Q. Make that clear for the jury.