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Page:C12 - Émeutes de Québec de 1918 - Témoignage du Major George Robert Rodgers BAnQ Québec E17S10D1661-918.djvu/36

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Q. You asked the pool room…

A. There was a pool room back at the railway building which was filled up with young men and there was quite a crowd in there, the back pool room. So I went in and asked the man if he would kindly close at 9.30. And he said he would at 9.30. And no one said another word to him. The blinds were left up, lights on and the place was closed up. That was at 9.00 o’clock I went in there. At 9.00 asked him if he would close at 9.30. Lest him finish any games that were going on. I said certainly. He said he would close at 9.30.

Q. Did not you or somebody ask the man not to let the people out, keep them there ?

A. No. I went in myself and asked — no other conversation with him.

Q. Did you go to Hallé’s St. Sauveur, pool room called Hallé’s at St. Sauveur on St. Valier Street ?

A. No.

Q. Corner of St. Valier and St. Joseph Streets.

THE CORONER : That is the one you went into ?

A. I never went there. That is where I took the men out when we were going back.

MR LAVERGNE : You don’t know if anybody went there early in the evening ?

A. No.

Q. Told them not to let the people out ?

A. No.

Q. That they would be struck by the soldiers. Do you know a place called the Club National ?

A. That is the back pool room behind the bowling room behind the railway building ?

Q. I think that is it.

A. That is the place.