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Page:C12 - Émeutes de Québec de 1918 - Témoignage du Major George Robert Rodgers BAnQ Québec E17S10D1661-918.djvu/41

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see very well what they were shooting at and a man standing up, very little difference in the elevation, by the time he goes that distance, makes an awful lot of difference where the bullet hits.

MR. LAVERGNE : How big a distance, how many yards ?

A. I should judge from the map that house would be…

THE CORONER : About two acres.

WITNESS : I should judge 400 yards from that spot to the house, between four and five hundred yards.

Q. Not four hundred ?

A. Roughly.

Q. There is about two hundred yards ?

A. I don’t know. I have not seen the place.

MR. LAVERGNE : From the map. Is there a scale on the map ?

A. No, there is no scale.

MR. BARCLAY : About 135 feet.

Q. In your movements around town from one place to another, were your troops followed by a crowd ?

A. You mean down there or when we were going down ?

Q. Moving from the Square, when you left the Square, was there still a crowd around your troops ?

A. Oh yes.

Q. Right up to the time of the firing ?

A. No, up till about ten o’clock the crowd were in around all over. Once the firing started the crowd got away.

Q. Which firing are you speak of now ?

A. Their firing.

Q. They got in front of you and kept in front ?

A. They kept, the people, the spectators which were a big percentage I think early in the evening, when their firing started, kept off the street ; they backed as near as I could explain it out towards the Boulevard.