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Page:C29 - Émeutes de Québec de 1918 - Témoignage du Major George Gooderham Mitchell BAnQ Québec E17S10D1661-918.djvu/13

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Q. Do you mean to say that they fired straight into the mob ?

A. I would say that they used a good deal of judgment in that matter or there would have been very many more casualties than were reported.

Q. The two young men that were killed, it appears that very few were on the street at the time ?

A. I would say there were quite a number ; I can give no estimate as to the number. As I stated before the fog was quite thick at that time, the street even at the next corner was indefinite. I can give no estimate at all. It was not a case of these two men being the only men on the street and being hit, I should think a very large number made away on fire being opened.

Q. The reason I ask you that is this : we had evidence given us yesterday that when the clergyman attended these two men that were stricken down there was no one around, few or none around in the direction ?

A. When I first went up to that comer where these man were that clergyman was not there ; the crowd had dispersed from there before I went up ; when I got there they had gone. It was some time after that that the minister appeared on the scene. I think he will recollect.

Q. And the crowd had been dispersed ?

A. And the crowd had dispersed quite a time before the minister — before I became aware of the presence of the minister. I was there before he was there and I think he will recollect my having gone to the door of the house where that wounded man was and inquiring as to his injuries.

Q. Were the shots fired from the machine gun or from rifles ?

A. The shots that I have been speaking about were fired