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Page:C29 - Émeutes de Québec de 1918 - Témoignage du Major George Gooderham Mitchell BAnQ Québec E17S10D1661-918.djvu/2

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been ten o’clock or later a message was received at the Merger Building that our troops were being fired on in the neighborhood of the Boulevard. Major Rodgers who was in command instructed me to go up and see what the trouble was taking with me if possible a machine gun. I left the Merger Building and proceeded along Joseph Street in the direction of the Boulevard. When I reached the corner of the Boulevard end Joseph Street our troops were being fired on.

Q. Where at the corner ?

A. At the corner of Joseph and the Boulevard.

MR. BARCLAY : Were you fired on before you got to that corner ?

A. Of Joseph and the Boulevard ?

Q. Yes.

A. No sir.

THE CORONER : Can you tell me if it was with rifles or with revolvers, do you know, can you tell ?

A. I should say revolvers.

Q. Were some of them wounded at the time ?

A. The message that I got was that our troops had been fired on and that a couple had been wounded. That is the message I got before being sent by Major Rodgers from the Merger Building. As I say when we got to the Boulevard, they were fired on, while I was there. I then continued along St. Joseph Street. At the Boulevard there is a sort of triangular place there, if looks like a snowpile ; on the street, on the further side of that triangular block — I was standing there — there was a machine gun placed there while I was speaking to them at that corner.

Q. That is, at this corner ?

A. No, it is out here. Here is the Boulevard, there