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Page:C29 - Émeutes de Québec de 1918 - Témoignage du Major George Gooderham Mitchell BAnQ Québec E17S10D1661-918.djvu/31

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sight, that Mr. Nighton was in command.

Q. Would you mind telling us what instructions you gave to him ?

A. I have already done that. I instructed him …

Q. I may be dense.

A. … to proceed to the left and clear up that street, indicating Bagot Street.

Q. That was all ?

A. Simply instructed him to clear up the street.

Q. Did he ask you whether he was to fire ?

A. Did he ask me ?

Q. Or use the bayonet, or just the butt of the gun ?

A. He asked me nothing ; carried out the instructions, proceeded to carry them out when, as I stated, they were fired on at that point and replied.

Q. How was the firing done, was it done by a volley, by the man standing up, kneeling down or lying in the streets at the word command ; tell us how you say it, how it happened ?

A. I should think it might be regarded as individual firing’

Q. Individual firing. How many shots were fired ?

A. I am in no position to say that. I had other things to think of. I was not … As soon as they started, as I say, I proceeded immediately to order them to cease fire.

Q. Was there a machine gun used ?

A. I beg your pardon.

Q. Was there a machine gun used ?

A. There was no machine gun there at that time.

Q. It was brought up after ?

A. It was brought up afterwards.

Q. Were you there when it was brought up ?