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Page:Le livre des petits enfants ou recueil de récits mis à la portée du premier âge, 1851.djvu/200

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than a hundred years), were more than a hundred years old. avait, had, there was, there were ; il y avait deux jours que Louis avait disparu (there were two days that Lewis had disappeared), two days after Lewis had disappeared ; il y en avait un autre, there was another of them ; il n’y en avait plus, there was not any more. avalanche, avalanche. avalant, swallowing. avaler, to swallow. avança, advanced. avant, before ; avant tout, first of ail. avec, with. avertir, to inform. aveugle, blind. avez, have. avocat, lawyer. avoir, to have ; sans avoir, without having ; après avoir, after having. avoua, confessed, owned. ayant, having. B. banc, bench. baptisé, baptized. bas, low ; d’en bas, lower, là-bas, down there. bas, stocking, stockings. Basses Afjpes, Lower Alps. bataille, battle. bateau, boat. bâton, stick, walking-stick, staff. battent, beat. beau, beaux, beautiful, fine. beaucoup, much, many. bel, beautiful, fine. belle, beautiful, fine. béni, blessed, praised. bénisse, may bless ; que le Seigneur te bénisse, may t-he Lord bless thee. bénit, blesses ; blessed. berger, shepherd. besoin, need, want. bête, beast. beurre, butter. bien, well, good, very, very much ; bien plus, much more ; eh bien, well ! faire le bien, to do good ; bienaimé, much loved, dear. bien, possession, property. bienfaiteur, benefactor. bienfaitrice, benefactress. bientôt, soon. blanc, blanche, white. blé, corn. blessure, wound.