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Page:Le livre des petits enfants ou recueil de récits mis à la portée du premier âge, 1851.djvu/202

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causaient, chatted. causant, chatting ; tout en causant, while they were chatting. cause, cause. causent, cause. causèrent, caused. caverne, caveVr. ce, this, that, it ; ce qui, that which, what ; ce jour-là, that day. céder, to yield. cela, that ; -pour cela, on that account. celle, that ; celle-ci, this one, the latter. celui, he, him ; celui-ci, this, the latter. cent, hundred. centime, centime, a quarter of a cent. cependant, meanwhile, however. cérémonie, ceremony. certain, certain. certainement, certainly. ces, these ; ces choses-là, those things. cesse, cessation ; sans cesse, incessantly, continually. cessé, ceased. cet, cette, this, that. ceux, those. chacun, each one, every one. chagrin, grief. chair, flesh. chambre, chamber, room. champ, field. chantait, sang, was singing. chapeau, hat. chapitre, chapter. chaque, each, every. charbon, charcoal. charge, burden, load. chargé, loaded. chargea, charged, told ; se chargea de les élever, undertook to bring them up. charger, to charge. charité, charity, almshouse ; mettre un enfant à la charité, to put a child in the alms-house. charmant, charming. charme, yoke-elm. charpentier, carpenter. chasse, chase. chasser, to tlrive. chasseur, hunter. chaud, warm. chaudron, kettle. chaumière, cottage. chef, foreman. chemin, road, pathway ; le bon chemin, the right