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Page:Le livre des petits enfants ou recueil de récits mis à la portée du premier âge, 1851.djvu/211

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VOCABULARY. 209 mener, the day when they were to take him away. emmènerai, will take. empaillé, stuffed. empara (s’), got hold. emparèrent (s’), seized upon. empêché, prevented. empêcher, to prevent. empêcheront, will prevent. emplette, purcliase. • employé, employed, spent. emporté, carried away. ému, moved, agitated. en, in, while. en, of it, of them, some ; on en trouve (one finds some), they are found ; on en voit, they are seen ; ce qu’il voulait enfaire, what he wished to do with it. encore, also, moreover, yet, still, again ; ou bien encore, moreover. endormit (s’), fell asleep. endort ( s’), falls asleep. endroit, place. enfant, child. enfin, at last. enfamma (s’), took fire. enflammé, on fire. enfoncèrent, burst open. enfuit ( s’),ran away. engagea, advised. engagèrent, engaged, coaxed. engraisse, fattens. enivrer, to intoxicate. enlevé, carried away. ennemi, enemy. énorme, enormous. enseignait, taught. enseigne, teaches. ensemble, together. ensuite, afterwards. entamé, eut, broken. entendait, heard. entendent, hear. entendirent, heard. entendit, heard. entendre, to hear ; elle fut étonnée de ne pas entendre aboyer le gros chien noir Loulou, she was astonished not to hear the big black dog Looloo bark ; un grand cri se fil entendre (a great cry made itself heard), a loud cry was heard. entendu, heard ; il n’était entendu de personne, nobody heard him. enterrement, funeral. entier, entire, whole. entoura, surrounded. entourait, surrounded. entouré, surrounded. 18*