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Page:Le livre des petits enfants ou recueil de récits mis à la portée du premier âge, 1851.djvu/216

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gigot, kg. gland, acorn ; farine de gland, acorn-flou r. glissant, slippery, sliding. gloire, glory, honour. glorieux, glorious. gobelet, tumbler. gobiües, marbles. gorgée, gulp, swallow. goûter, lunch. goutte, drop. gouvernail, rudder. grâce, favour, kindness. grain, grain. grand,, great, large, big, grovvn up ; grand-père, grandfather ; grand’mère, grandmother ; grand’maman, grandmanima. grandeur, height. grandir, to grow big, to grow up. grêle, bail. grelottait, was shivering. grelottant, shivering. grimpait, climbed. gros, stout, thick, great. grosse, stout, large. grosseur, size. grossi, swollen. grossièreté, coarseness. grossissait, increased. grotte, grotto. guère, scarcely, ever. guérit, might cure. guerre, war ; se faire la guerre, to make war on one another. H. habillé, clothed, dressed. habiller, to clothe. habitait, inhabited, lived in. habitant, inhabitant. habitation, dwelling, habitation. habité, inhabited. habits, clothes. habitude, habit. haie, hedge. haut, high, tall ; height, top ; ce mât avait cent pieds de haut (this mast had a hundred feet of height), this mast was a hundred feet high ; au haut, at the top ; d’enhaut. , upper. hé bien ! well ! hé pourquois ?

why ?

hélas, al as ! Henri, Henry. herbe, grass, herb. hériteront, will inherit. heure, hour ; de bonne heure, in good time, early.