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fondes et découpe sur le ciel sa silhouette tragique, et ces temples Bouddhistes au décor éblouissant, somptueuses demeures de la plus tolérante des religions[1], où des prêtres, qui étaient de grands artistes, ont, intérieurement, extérieurement, et de la base au faîte, accumulé l’or et la soie, le bronze, la laque rouge et noire, les émaux et les peintures, fouillé le bois, sculpté d’inextricables chapiteaux surmontant de lourds piliers, le tout bien digne d’être mis en parallèle avec nos plus belles cathédrales !

Saugrenus !… Ces fondeurs, ces armuriers, ces orfèvres, ces ciseleurs, ces sculpteurs et ces peintres

  1. … I may here mention as evidence of the liberality of the Buddhists ; that when Lady Parkes applied to the high priest of Shiba, for permission to have the church of England service performed in one of the chapels connected with this great shrine, her request was at once granted. Hence Christian worship offerd every Sunday in this greatest of Buddhist temple. … The impression which I now receive upon first beholding the magnificent temples (Shiba) and shrines standing before me as we step from our carriage is most delightful. Buildings so rich in colour, so beautiful in detail, so striking in symbolism, I have never before seen, or even dreamt of. Had a Gibbons been employed on the wood-carving, had the colourist of the Alhambra done his utmost to add to forms which in themselves are almost perfect, a new charm trough the addition of pigment, and were the whole of such detail subordinated to fitting places in as vast architectural edifices by the architects of the Parthenon, no more worthy effect could be produced than that of the buildings on which my eyes now rest. On this memorable day, I learnt many facts of deep interest, and I have certainly beheld, enshrined in cryptomerias and other conebearing trees of vast proportion, an amount of architectural beauty, such as I have never before seen.

    (Japan ; Its architecture, art and art manufacture).