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Ascoli (M.). Essai de diagnostic de la fièvre typhoïde au moyen de l’A. passive (B. B., 1908, 611).

Atkinson (J. P.) et Fitzpatrick (C. B.). Notes on sensitization with tuberculin to tubercular rabbitserum (Proc. of the Soc. for experim. Biol. and Med., New-York, VII, 1910, 77-79).

Auer (J.) et Lewis (P.). The physiology of the immediate reaction of A. in the guinea pig. (The Journ. of exper. medicine, XII, 1910, 151-173). — La cause de la mort dans l’A. aiguë du cobaye (B. B., 1910, (1), 193).

Auer (J.). The prophylactic action of atropin in immediate A. of guinea pigs (Americ. Journ. of Physiology, XXVII, 1910, 439-452). — The effect of vagus section upon A. in guinea pigs (Journ. of exper. med., XII, 1910, 638-648).

Axamit (O.). Ueberempfindlichkeitserscheinungen nach Hefeinjeclion (Arch. f. Hyg., 1907, LXII, 15).

Bachrach (B.). Verwertung der spezifischen Ueberempfindlichkeitreaktion zur biologischen Eiweissdifferenzierung (Viertelj. f. gericht. Medizin, oct. 1910).

Bail. Uebertragung der Tuberkulinüberempfindlichkeit (Z. I., IV, 1910, 479).

Baldwin. Hypersusceptibility or A. (An. in Z. I., Ref., II, 1910, 477).

Banzhaft (E.) et Famulener (L.). The influence of chloralhydrate on serum A. (Proc. Amer. Soc. biol. Chem., 1909, (1), 189).

Banzhaft (Edw. J.) et Steinhardt (E.). Vaughan’s split products and unbroken proteins. A comparative study of their effects (Proc. of the Soc. for experim. Biol. and Med., New-York, VII, 1910, 74-77). — Anti a. vaccination (Journ. of med. Res., 1910, 1).

Baroni (V.) et Jonesco-Mihaiesti (C.). Sur la destruction par les rayons ultra-violets de la propriété anti-