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Page:Routhier - À travers l'Europe, impressions et paysages, Vol 1, 1881.djvu/168

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voir. Mais laissez passer dans cette brise le plus faible chuchottement catholique, et sur le champ il produira un bouleversement dans l’atmosphère.

« Spontaneously the bolls of the steeples begin to sound. Not by an act of volition, but by a sort of mechanical impulse, bishop and dean, arch-deacon, rector and eu rate, one after another, each on his high tower, off they set, swinging and booming, tolling and chiming, with nervous intenseness, and thickening émotion, and deepening volume, the old ding-dong which has scared town and country this weary time ; tolling and chiming away, jingling and chamouring and ringing the changes on their poor half-dozen notes, all about the Popish aggression, insolent and insidious insidious and insolent, insolent and atrocious, atrocious and insolent, atrocious, insolent, and ungrateful, ungrateful, insolent, and atrocious, foui and offensive, pestilant, andhorrid, subtle and unholy, audacious and revolting, contemptible and shameless, malignant, frightfull, mad, meretricious, — bobs (I think the ringers call them,) bobs and bobs-royal, and triple-bob-majors, and grand-sires, to the extent of their compass and the full ring of their métal, in honor of Queen Bess, and to the confusion of the Holy Father and the Princes of the Church. »

Un instant on se crut revenu aux jours d’Henry VIII et d’Élisabeth, et l’on se reprit à vanter les vertus de la chaste Queen Bess.

L’opinion publique s’enflamma jusqu’à l’émeute, et dans quelques villes le Pape et le Cardinal furent brûlés en effigie.