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The Mythology of the Hindus, with notices of various mountains and Island Tribes, inhabiting the two peninsulas of India, etc., with plates, illustrative of the principal hindu Deities, by Ch. Coleman.London, 1832 ; in-4o, cart. angl.
40 fr.
A view of the history, literature, and Mythology of the Hindoos : including a minute description of their manners and customs ; by William Ward.London, 1822 ; 3 vol. in-8o, demi-rel.
45 fr.
Hitopadesa, the sanscrit text of the first book, or Mitra-Labha, with a grammatical analysis, by Francis Johnson.London, 1840 ; in-4o, cart.
20 fr.
An historical Sketch of sanscrit literature, with copious bibliographical notices of sanscrit works and translations, from the German of Adelung.Oxford, 1832 ; in-8o, cart.
7 fr. 50 c.
Grammatica Sanskrita, edidit Othmarus Frank.Wirceburgi, 1823 ; in-4o, cart.
20 fr.
Chrestomathia Sanskrita, quam versione, expositione, tabulis, grammaticis illustratam edidit Othmarus Frank.Monachii, 1821 ; 2 vol. in-4o, cart.
35 fr.
An Introduction to the grammar of the sanskrit language, by H. H. Wilson.London, 1841 ; in-8o, cart. angl.
25 fr.
A Dictionary in Sanskrit and English ; translated, amended and enlarged from an original compilation, by H. H. Wilson, second edition.Calcutta, 1832 ; gr. in-4o.
180 fr.
Amarakocha, ou vocabulaire d’Amarasinha publié en sanskrit, avec une traduction française, par A. Loi-