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amici ; il faut ou qu′Ériphyle soit entièrement digne de vous, ou qu’elle ne paraisse point. Valete.

262. — À M. THIERIOT[1].
Paris, 13 mai 1732.

I thank you heartily for your charming letter, and for the Craftsman you send me. I am not wholly displeased to see that my works are now and then the ground upon which the republicans point their artillery against the ministry : but never would I utter a single word that could be shocking to a free and generous nation which I admire, which I regret, and to whom I am indebted. It is to be imputed to the printer that these words are to be found in my préface ; Les Anglais d’aujourd’hui ne ressemblent pas aux Anglais de Cromwell. He should have printed, aux fanatiques de Cromwell ; and thus it is to be read in the errata and in the late éditions. I entreat you therefore to clear me from that aspersion, for your friend’s and for truth’s sake.

The abbot Rothelin, to whom I speak of you as often as I see him, desires you would be so kind as to get him all the collection of the Craftsman, and to send him for the future every one that shall come out. He does not understand English, and he says he asks it for one of his friends, who is a great master of the English language. Tell me by which way you will send him that collection he desires so carnestly : he will be very punctual in returning the money.

Yesterday I went to your divinity, miss Sallé, whom I found musing with your brother and the young Bernard. She complained of my négligence towards her picture ; Bernard swore he had wrote nothing about so fair a subject ; I was inspired suddenly by her présence, and I broke out in thèse verses :

Les feux du Dieu que sa vertu condamne
Sont dans ses yeux, à son cœur inconnus ;
En soupirant on la prend pour Diane,
Qui vient danser sous les traits de Vénus.

Èriphyle bas not been rewarded with a great success. I was ready to give it to the press : but this very hour I am determined not even to print it ; at least to let it wait in my closet till I may

  1. Pièces inédiles, 1820.