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Page:Le livre des petits enfants ou recueil de récits mis à la portée du premier âge, 1851.djvu/185

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No. I.—qui lui demanda la charité (who of-him asked charity), who asked charity of him—lui dit (to-him said), said to him—d’abord, at first—petite monnaie (small money), change — donna, No. IV.—pensa, thought—c’était, No. VI.—la faire changer (to make it change), to get it changed—alla, went—bien vite, very quick — chercher, to seek — la monnaie, the change—revint, No. I.—il ne trouva plus (he no more found), he no longer found—celui, .him—donnée, given.

Il s’en alla (he went himself from-there), he went away—tristement, sorrowfully—plusieurs, No. I.—il retourna au même endroit, he returned to the same place—espérant, hoping—reverrait, would see again— avait été, had been—si bon pour lui (so good for him), so good to him—enfin, at last—il he perceived him—courut après ran after the stranger—remettre, to give back—quarante, No. VI. —sous, sous*—étonné, astonished—satisfait de l’honnêteté, pleased with the honesty— of the—s’intéressa à lui (interested himself for him), took an interest in him—le plaça, placed him—école, No. III.— lorsque, when—sut (knew), knew how—lire et écrire, to read and write— il lui fit apprendre (he made teach to-him), he had him taught—métier, No. VI.—afin qu’il pût, in-order that he might. ♦ A son is a French copper coin worth a cent. Twenty sous make a franc.
