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Page:Le livre des petits enfants ou recueil de récits mis à la portée du premier âge, 1851.djvu/186

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184 TRANSLATIONS. Gens, No. VI.—pieux, pious—long-temps (a long time), long—malheureux, No. I. No. VIII. Le cor des Alpes (the horn of the Alps), the Alpine horn. Pays, No. ,V.—près des montagnes, near the mountains —qu’on appelle, No. V.—dont, of which—sans doute, without doubt—entendu parler, heard speak— pâtres ou bergers, pastors or shepherds—se servent (serve themselves), make use—vous connaissez peut-être, you know, perhaps—on voit paître, one sees feeding —sur, on—bétail, cattle—on donne ce nom, they give this name—à des troupeaux de bœufs, to herds of oxen—vaches, cows—chèvres, goats—moutons, sheep— afin de les réunir, in order to collect them. On emploie aussi, they employ also—annoncer, to announce—aux, to the—va finir (goes to end), is going to close—le moment de prière, the moment of prayer— dont la cabane (of-whom the h ut), whose hut—la plus élevée (the most elevated), the highest—celui, he— chargé de, charged with—tirer des sons de (drawing sounds from), sounding—qui crie ensuite de toutes ses forces, who cries afterwards with ail his might—louez, praise ye—Seigneur, No. I.—cela veut dire (that means to-say), that means—remerciez, thank—de ce