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Page:Le livre des petits enfants ou recueil de récits mis à la portée du premier âge, 1851.djvu/187

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qu’il a fait, for that which he has done—de ce qu’il vous a gardés (for that he has guarded you), because that he has protected you—la the day—il a bien voulu (he has well willed), he has been pleased— vous donner, to give you—tout, ail—nécessaire à la vie, necessary to existence—remercier, to thank—louer, to praise.

Ne joue plus, plays no longer—après, No. VII.— paroles, words—il se fait(it makes itself ), there en. sues— un grand silence (a great silence), a deep silence —alors, then—tombent à genoux (fall at knees), fall on their knees—se découvrent la tète (uncover themselves the liead), uncover their heads—et disent leur prière, and say their prayer. Il fait (it makes), it is—tout-à-fait, No. V.—on entend de nouveau le cor (one hears anew the horn), the horn is heard again—crie, cries—mots, words—répétés, repeated—échos, echoes—car il y en a, for there are some*—chacun, each one—se relire tranquillement, retires quietly.

Soyez sûrs (be sure), rest assured—ceux qui finissent leur journée de cette manière, those who finish their day in this manner—passeront, will pass—ils ont pensé a Dieu, they have thought on God—c’est pourquoi (this is why), for this reason—ne les oubliera pas, will not forget them—gardera, will protect— mal, evil.

  • Meaning, there are echoes.
