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 * EditTools support: add a selector, change <a> into buttons.
 * The special characters to insert are defined at [[MediaWiki:Edittools]].
 * @author Arnomane, 2006 (on the
 * @author Kaganer, 2007 (adapting to
 * @author Krinkle, 2012
 * @source
 * @revision 2012-02-29
/*jslint browser: true*/
/*global jQuery, mediaWiki*/
(function ($, mw) {
	"use strict";

	var conf, editTools, $sections;

	conf = {
		initialSubset: window.EditTools_initial_subset === undefined ? window.EditTools_initial_subset : 0

	editTools = {

		 * Creates the selector
		setup: function () {
			var $container, $select, initial;

			$container = $('#mw-edittools-charinsert');
			if (!$container.length) {
			$sections = $container.find('.mw-edittools-section');
			if ($sections.length <= 1) {
				// Only care if there is more than one

			$select = $('<select>').css('display', 'inline');

			initial = conf.initialSubset;
			if (isNaN(initial) || initial < 0 || initial >= $select.length) {
				initial = 0;

			$sections.each(function (i, el) {
				var $section, sectionTitle, $option;

				$section = $(el);
				sectionTitle = $'sectionTitle');

				$option = $('<option>')
					.prop('value', i)
					.prop('selected', i === initial);




		 * Handle onchange event of the <select>
		 * @context {Element}
		 * @param e {jQuery.Event}
		handleOnchange: function () {

			return true;

		 * Toggle the currently visible section
		 * @param sectionNr {Number}
		 * @param setFocus {Boolean}
		chooseSection: function (sectionNr) {
			var $choise = $sections.eq(sectionNr);
			if ($choise.length !== 1) {




}(jQuery, mediaWiki));