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Auteur:Dinah Maria Mulock

La bibliothèque libre.
(Redirigé depuis Dinah Maria Mulock)
Dinah Craik

Dinah Craik

romancière et poétesse britannique ()
Pseudonyme : Miss Mulock


  • Michael the Miner (1846)
  • How to Win Love, or Rhoda’s Lesson (1848)
  • Cola Monti (1849)
  • The Ogilvies (1849)
  • Olive (1850)
  • The Half-Caste (1851)
  • The Head of the Family (1851)
  • Alice Learmont (1852)
  • Bread upon the Waters (1852)
  • The Head of the Family (1852)
  • A Hero (1853)
  • Agatha’s husband (1853)
  • Avillion and other tales (1853)
  • The Little Lychetts (1855)
  • John Halifax, gentleman (1857)
  • A woman’s thoughts about women]] [essays] (1858)
  • A life for a life (1859)
  • Our Year : A Child’s Book in Prose and Verse (1860)
  • Nothing new, nouvelles (1861)
  • Mistress and Maid (1862)
  • The Fairy Book (1863)
  • Christian’s mistake (1865)
  • A Noble Life (1866)
  • Two Marriages (1867)
  • The woman’s kingdom (1869)
  • A Brave Lady (1870)
  • Fair France (1871)
  • Hannah (1871)
  • Little Sunshine’s Holiday (1871)
  • Twenty Years Ago (1871)
  • The Adventures of a Brownie (1872)
  • Is it True ? (1872)
  • My Mother and I : A Girl’s Love-Story (1874)
  • The Little Lame Prince and His Travelling-Cloak (1875)
  • The Laurel Bush (1876)
  • Young Mrs. Jardine (1879)
  • His Little Mother (1881)
  • Thirty years’poems (1881)
  • An Unsentimental Journey through Cornwall (1884)
  • Miss Tommy (1884)
  • King Arthur : Not a Love Story (1886)
  • An Unknown Country (1887)


  • After All’s Done
  • Blue Gentian : a Thought
  • The Boat of my Lover
  • Deep in the Valley
  • Indian Summer
  • The Years
  • God Rest Ye, Merry Gentlemen