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La bibliothèque libre.

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  • Firefox / Safari : Maintenez la touche Maj (Shift) en cliquant sur le bouton Actualiser ou pressez Ctrl-F5 ou Ctrl-R (⌘-R sur un Mac) ;
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/*The !important declaration is very important. Without, the author stylesheet would take precedence. It must be declared on anything not created by Beautipedia. For some properties, !important must be used, regardless of the element creator. These are typically properties which were created using a blanket selector (html, body)*/

/* Hide Dumb Stuff */

#mw-panel, #mp-sister, #mp-lang, #footer-icons, #p-personal, #left-navigation, #p-views, #p-cactions, #mw-page-base, #articlecount, .editsection, .metadata, .magnify, #mw-fr-revisiontag, .portlet {
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/* Search */

#p-search {
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	opacity: .50;
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	right: 4.7em;

#p-search:hover, .suggestions-results:hover {
	opacity: 1;

#simpleSearch {
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#searchInput {
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.suggestions-results, .suggestions-special {
	background-color: white !important;

/* Main Menu */

#mlDiv {
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#mainLink {
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#mainLink:hover {
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#mlLinksDiv {
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#mlDiv:hover #mlLinksDiv {
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#mlLinksDiv a {
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#mlLinksDiv a:first-child {
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/* Main Page */

#mp-upper h2, #mp-bottom h2 {
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#mp-upper table, #mp-bottom table, .MainPageBG, #mp-bottom {
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#mp-topbanner {
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	font: 20px Times;
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#mp-topbanner td:nth-child(n+2) {
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#mp-topbanner td table {
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	margin: auto !important;
	vertical-align: middle;

/*General Pages*/

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#mw-head-base, #content, #footer {
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#footer {
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	font-size: 14px;

#content {
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html {
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/* Content Display */

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a:hover {
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p {
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#firstHeading {
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.mw-headline {
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.thumbinner {
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.thumbcaption {
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.thumbinner:hover .thumbcaption {
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.tmbox-notice {
	/*Content -> Notice Boxes */
	display: none !important;