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var auto_michaud = {

    // try to replace ## "début" ## marker with the last section of the previous page
    last_match : function (regex, text) {
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        var match;
        while (match = regex.exec(text))
           last_match = match;
        return last_match;

    has_section_begin : function () {
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        return !wpTextbox1 ||'## "début" ##') != -1

    pagename : null,

    set_section_begin : function (data)  {
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    rh_string : null,

    typographie_michaud : function () {
        var char_min = 'a-zéèàùâêîôûŷäëïöüÿçœæſñ';
        var char_maj = 'A-ZÉÈÀÂÙÊÎÔÛŶÄËÏÖÏŸÇŒÆÑ';
        var char = char_min + char_maj;
        var bw = '([^' + char + ']|^)';
        var ew = '([^' + char + ']|$)';
        var ch = '[' + char + ']';

        var typo_def = new Array(
             // Format: couple de regexp, remplacement, le flag est toujours "g".
             // L’ordre des définitions est parfois important
             'í', 'i',
             bw + 'siège' + ew, '$1siége$2',
             bw + 'sièges' + ew, '$1siéges$2',
             bw + 'succés' + ew, '$1succès$2',
             bw + 'aprés' + ew, '$1après$2',
             bw + 'progrés' + ew, '$1progrès$2',
             bw + 'Angouléme' + ew, '$1Angoulême$2',
             bw + 'étre' + ew, '$1être$2',
             bw + 'piéce' + ew, '$1pièce$2',
             bw + 'Genéve' + ew, '$1Genève$2',
             bw + 'agé' + ew, '$1âgé$2',
             bw + 'zéle' + ew, '$1zèle$2',
             bw + 'zéles' + ew, '$1zélés$2',
             bw + 'mére' + ew, '$1mère$2',
             bw + 'pére' + ew, '$1père$2',
             bw + 'régle' + ew, '$1règle$2',
             bw + 'rénes' + ew, '$1rênes$2',
             bw + 'poete' + ew, '$1poëte$2',
             bw + 'poetes' + ew, '$1poëtes$2',
             bw + 'Théatre' + ew, '$1Théâtre$2',
             bw + 'ainé' + ew, '$1aîné$2',
             bw + 'téte' + ew, '$1tête$2',
             bw + 'tète' + ew, '$1tête$2',
             bw + 'bète' + ew, '$1bête$2',
             bw + 'bètes' + ew, '$1bêtes$2',
             bw + 'féte' + ew, '$1fête$2',
             bw + 'fétes' + ew, '$1fêtes$2',
             bw + 'prétre' + ew, '$1prêtre$2',
             bw + 'prétres' + ew, '$1prêtres$2',
             bw + 'modéle' + ew, '$1modèle$2',
             bw + 'n’\\)', ' $1d’)',
             ' 1er([ ,])', ' 1{{er}}$1',
             bw + 'in—([0-9][0-9]*)', ' in-$1',
             bw + 'in-1°', ' in-4°',
             bw + 'tout a coup', '$1tout à coup$2',
             bw + 'in-foi\.', '$1in-fol.'

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    handle_nowiki_section : function () {
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    strip_text : function () {
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        var text = wpTextbox1.value;

        // broken, if the lf is missing at start of textbox something remove the first section
        //text = text.replace(/^\n*/, "");
        //text = text.replace(/\n*$/, "");

        wpTextbox1.value = text;

    auto_Michaud : function() {
        if (auto_michaud.has_section_begin() || !mise_en_page.has_rh() || !mise_en_page.has_tiret()) {
            var r = new RegExp("(\\d+)$");
            var page = Number(r.exec(wgPageName)[1]);
            auto_michaud.pagename = 'Page:' + wgTitle.replace(/\d+$/g, page - 1);
            mise_en_page.pagename = 'Page:' + wgTitle.replace(/\d+$/g, page - 2);
            mise_en_page.previous_page = auto_michaud.pagename;

            var url = wgServer + wgScriptPath
                + "/api.php?action=query&prop=revisions&callback=auto_michaud.set_section_begin&rvprop=content"
                + "&format=json&titles=" + encodeURIComponent(auto_michaud.pagename) + '|' + encodeURIComponent(mise_en_page.pagename);

    create_script_obj : function(url) {
        var scriptObj = document.createElement("script");
        scriptObj.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript");
        scriptObj.setAttribute("src", url);

if (mw.config.get("wgNamespaceNumber") == 104 && mw.config.get("wgAction") == "edit" && mw.config.get("wgTitle").search(/Michaud - Biographie universelle ancienne et moderne /) == 0) {
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