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Utilisateur:Phe/Running header.js

La bibliothèque libre.

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// Does a lookup two previous Page:* from the current, extract the rh from
// its content, insert it in the header after trying to increase the rh page
// number. See the FIXME comment(s) for caveats.

function fill_rh(data)
    try {
        var header = document.getElementsByName('wpHeaderTextbox')[0];
        if (header && !data.query.pages["-1"]) {
            for (var ids in data.query.pages) {
                var content = data.query.pages[ids].revisions[0]['*'];
                var r = new RegExp("{{rh[^}]*}}");
                var match = r.exec(content);
                if (match) {
                   // FIXME: needs to be tweaked, actually works only if the first
                   // sequence of digit in the rh is the one and only one we want
                   // to modify.
                   var rh = match[0];
                   var r = new RegExp("(\\d+)");
                   var page = Number(r.exec(rh)[1]) + 2;
                   rh = rh.replace(/\d+/, page);
                   header.value = header.value + '\n' +  rh;
    catch (err) { }

function create_script_obj(url)
    var scriptObj = document.createElement("script");
    scriptObj.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript");
    scriptObj.setAttribute("src", url);

function set_running_header()
    var r = new RegExp("(\\d+)$");
    var page = Number(r.exec(wgPageName)[1]) - 2;
    var pagename = wgPageName.replace(/\d+$/g, page);

    var url = wgServer + wgScriptPath
        + "/api.php?action=query&prop=revisions&callback=fill_rh&rvprop=content"
        + "&format=json&titles=" + encodeURIComponent(pagename);


function addButton2(id,alt,comment,source,onclick){
	var tb  = document.getElementById("toolbar"); 
		var image = document.createElement("img");
		image.width = 46;
		image.height = 22;
		image.border = 0;
		image.className = "mw-toolbar-editbutton"; = "pointer";
		image.alt = alt;
		image.title = comment;
		image.src = source;
		image.onclick = onclick;

function addRhButton()
     // FIXME: change the icon, by one with Rh letter drawn on it.
     addButton2("wpRh", "Running header auto", "Running header",
                "", set_running_header);
