Page:Corneille - Polyeucte, édition Masson, 1887.djvu/84

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PAUL BAUME’S Practical and Theoretical French I Glass Books. Tliese partioularly modem Works, which hâve been nxuuilmonsly praiaed hy the presa, and well reoeived by tbe educaitonal worldj are eepecially aaapted to preparing for Public Examinations. *’ Ni trop td trop peu " bas been tbe Autbor*s motto, and tbe marked faroar with wbich nia varions Works bave been received is a suffioient proof that be carried ont bis motto to tbe satisfaction of Instmotors and Principals of Sobools and Collège» throngbout tbe United KiDgdom. Practical Frencli Grammar & Exercises, FOR THB USE OF BEOINNERS AND GENERAL CLASSES, Eleventh Edition. Price 8s. 6d. %* The ohief featares of the Practical French Grammar are:^ Istly, Eacb page of praotice faces a page of tbeory. 2d]y, No dictionary is required. 8dly, It is oonstrocted on the progressive System, eacb page of practiee being as it were an examination paper on every previoas sabjeet. 4thly, Tbe rnles, 142 in number, are short, and such as can be easily explained to young pnpils. if.^.— Espedal attention is directed to pages 6 and 7 of the Fractioal French Ghrammar, in whioh the System of teaohing and manner of unng the book are f ully explained. KEY to Exercises in Practical French Grammar, WITH HINTS TO TEAOEEBS, AND ANNOTATIONS. Price 2s. 6d. Paul Baume’s French Syntax and Exercises, FOR THE USE OF ADVANCED STUDENT& Fourth Edition. Price 4s. •«• The chief features of the French Syntax are:— Istly, Tbeory and praotice facing eacb other. 2dly, The comprehensive nature of the practical pages, eacb containing a vocabnlary of idiomatic^ familiar, and colloqniai expressions; qnotatioDS from French classics, illustratins the rnles opposite; and, lastly,

familiar Englishtobe tnrned into French. 

i N.B.— Th» French Syntax is intended to prépare for the higher olass of pnblio à caminations, and shonld be nsed by those students only who are well aoquainted with fae accidenoe of the French language, and know the irregnlar verbs. The System «ad (AdTantages of the French Syntax are f nUy explained in the prefaos ■ 7