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Page:Taché - Les asiles d'aliénés de la province de Québec et leurs détracteurs, 1885.djvu/52

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journal, de son examen, disait entre autres choses : — « He expected to find her an excitable and irritable person, whose nerves had been shattered by long confinement and whose dispositions had been soured by injustice and ill usage. But he was agreably surprised to find her as calm in her manner and as moderate in her expressions, even when those who had injured her most were the subject of conversation, as any lady of the land… When asked why she had been placed in the furious ward, she said that she would not tell. She was not conscious of having done anything or said anything to either the nuns or the attendants to deserve such treatment. When she entered the asylum she was, she said, kept for four nights in the First Ward. On the fifth night she was slapped, had hair torn out of her head, was tied to a chair and was finaly put in a dirty bed. On being ask if punishment of that kind was often inflicted at Longue-Pointe, she replied that patients were beaten frequently by the nuns, by the servants and by the man in attendance. »

Suit une dissertation de Rose Church, ou du reporter, on ne sait trop lequel des deux, sur les conditions hygiéniques de l’asile de la Longue Pointe et sur le traitement des aliénés, dissertation qui se termine ainsi : — « Mrs Lynam describes the whole management of Longue Pointe Asylum as unmitigatedly bad. The patients are badly lodged, badly fed and badly treated. The frequency of punishment and the irresponsibility of those who inflict it must strike every reflecting person as most pernicious and tending to aggravate the diseases of the mind and nerves, with which the unfortunate are afflicted. »

L’auteur de cet écrit, qu’il est inutile de réfuter, attendu que de pareilles billevesées portent en elles-mêmes leur réfutation, finit par conclure que non-seulement Rose Church est complètement saine d’esprit aujourd’hui mais qu’elle l’a toujours été ; il ne cache pas sa lumière cet expert là, comme on voit : — « Her enemies have tried their best, but they have been unable to prove her insane in a Court of Justice, and any one who see how she conducts herself now and hears her talk will he surprised that even the suspicion of lunacy ever attached to her. »