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Page:Trent - Litterature americaine.djvu/427

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Higginson (Thomas Wentworth), 7.
Hildreth (Richard), 376.
Hillhouse (James Abraham), I8G, 266.
The Hills of the Shatemuc, 341.
Historical Account, 3.5.
Historical Collections, 33.
Historical and Geographical Account, 3.T.
History of the American Revolution, 13’i.
History of the American Theatre, 138.
History of Bacon's and Ingram's Rébellion, 24.
History of the Conquest of Mexico, 378.
History of the Conquest of Peru, 378.
History of the Dividing Line, 74.
History of the First Discovery, 77.
History of the Formation of the Constitution, 375.
History of John Bull, 104.
History of Massachusetts, 122.
History of New England, 31, 370.
History of New York, 147, 357.
History and Present State of Virginia, 76.
Hittory of the Reign of Philip II, 379.
Hislory of the Spanish Literature, 189, 386, 388.
History of the United Netherlands, 381.
History of the United States, 376.
History of the United States Navy, 160.
Hobomok, 172.
Hoffmnn (Charles Fenno), 308, 309.
Holland (Dr Josiah Gilbert), 323, 324.
Holmes (Abiel), 283.
Holmes (Oliver Wendell), 198, 265, 266, 282, 283, 284, 2.>-5, 286, 287, 288, 289, 290, 342, 353, 359, 365, 379. 381.
Holt (Mrs. Katharine), 52.
Home as found, 166.
Home Journal, 308.
Home Pastorals, 319.
Home, Sweet Hume, 179.
Homeward Round, 166.
Hooker (Thomas), 39, 40, 44, G6, 71.
Hoole, IV.t.
Hoopor (Johnson J.), 363.
Hopc l.csiic, 171.
Hcplviiis (John), 13, .’{92.
Hopkins (Lcniuel), 116.
Hi.pkins (Samuel), 195, 197, 347.
HpKinson (Francis), 104, 110, 111, .’57.
Horsc-Shoe Robinson, 259.
House ofthe Sei’cn Gables, 235, 240, 2’il.
Hoivailji in Syria, S’Jk.
Howard, 92.
Howe (Mrs Jnlia Ward), 320.
Howe (Sir William), 105.
Howells (William Dean), 300.
Hubbard (Rév. William), 34.
Hudibras, 77, 1 14.
Hudson (Rév. Henry. N.), 389.
Hume. 92.
Humphreys (David), 116.
Hutchinson (Mrs. Anne), 41, 42.
Hutchinson (Thomas), 29, 31, 122.
Hymes, 176.
Hymns to the Gods, 310.
Hyperion, 270, 271, 315.


Ichahod, 281.
The Idle Man, 182.
« Ik Marvel », 369.
Iliade, 170.
Ilofe the Kingdom, 118.
Inchi(/uin, 189.
Indian Nantes, 185.
The Infulel. 260.
Ingersoll (Charles Jared), 189.
Inquiry into the qualifications, 85.
Irving (Peter), 152, 153, 154, 155, 136, 157, 109, 170, 181.
Irving (Washington), 148, 149, 150, 151, 21’*, 229, 235, 239, 268, 275,
304, 319, 353, 357, 358, 3.59, 369, 372, 373, 377, 378, 381, 382, 390.
I see thee still, 184.
Israël Potter, 26’«.
Italian Shetch-Book, .390.
Jackson (An.ircw), 147, ri8, 149, 165, 188, 193, 277, 354, 360, 371.
Jackson (Lydian), 215.