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Sujet sur Discussion utilisateur:Zyephyrus/Structured Discussions Archive 1

علاء (discussioncontributions)

Hello Zyephyrus, Hope you are doing well.

I'm Alaa a Steward in Meta-wiki, I see that there's few open requests at Wikisource:Bots (especially I'm talk about Fluxbot request), so can you please evaluate this requests as you are the only Bureaucrat here.

Wait your response!

Thanks on advance


Zyephyrus (discussioncontributions)

Hello علاء,

I have been waiting that French Wikisourcians react, but none of them has.

They are the persons to convince, not me.


علاء (discussioncontributions)

Thanks for your replay,

Yes I know that, but as you see that there's no reaction since almost 1 year, so as a Bureaucrat you should take step froward either accept or not. We can't deal with this requests on Meta because there's a local bureaucrat here on fr.wikisource.

Also, if I'd talk specifically about Fluxbot situation, the user want to fix Spécial:LintErrors, if not fixed there will be a huge mass on fr.wikisource on June (take a look here ).

Linedwell (discussioncontributions)

Bonjour Zyephyrus,

Effectivement, être le seul bureaucrate n'est pas chose facile pour ce genre de requête mais comme l'indique mon collègue, en tant que seul bureaucrate c'est à toi qu'il appartient de clore ces requêtes. Je pense que dans ce genre de situation il y a deux options:

  • le requérant t'a convaincu toi, et en l'absence de réaction de la communauté (voire en l'absence de communauté) tu peux donner le bot flag
  • le requérant ne t'a pas convaincu et en l'absence de réaction de la communauté, tu peux traiter la demande de botflag en refus

Pour également rebondir sur le cas de Fluxbot le besoin est justifié par la mise à jour qui sera effectuée en juin et qui aura un gros impact sur le rendu des pages si les erreurs ne sont pas anticipées.


Xaosflux (discussioncontributions)

Hello, jut to follow up on this - I am primarily a technical editor, and do not plan on working on "content" here on frwikisource at all, edits under Fluxbot will be purely technical in nature to repair errors that may impact your readers. Currently the request is only for one type of LInter error that can cause major display issues - I would normally request additional tasks to be approved per community standards. If you would like I can work on all types of HIGH and MEDIUM LInter errors - just let me know. If you don't want the help, I'll stop asking - and would have stopped asked a long time ago if I had received any response, including a denial. Thank you, X.

Zyephyrus (discussioncontributions)

علاء Linedwell et Xaosflux, puisque nous avons la chance de bénéficier de votre soutien et de vos explications, en plus de la non-opposition des wikisourciens francophones par ailleurs, accorder ce flag me paraît être ici la meilleure solution.

Merci à tous trois !

علاء Linedwell et Xaosflux, since we are fortunate enough to have your support and explanations, in addition to the non-opposition of French-speaking Wikisorcerers, granting this flag seems to me to be the best solution here.

Thank you to the three of you!