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Convention relative à l'esclavage/Anglais

La bibliothèque libre.
Société des Nations (p. 1-en-5-en).


Albaxia. Germany, Austria, Belgium, thc British Empire, Canada, the Commokwealth of AusTRALiA. the Union of South Africa, the Dominion of Ne^v Zealand. and India, Bulgaria. China, Colombia, Cuba. Denmark, Spain. Estonia. Abyssinia, Finland, France, Greece] ITALY. Latvia, Liberia, Lithuania. Norway, Panama, the Xetherlands, Persia. Roland ! Portugal. Roumania. the Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats and Slovènes. Sweden. Czecho-SLOVAKIA and Uruguay.

Wherta.^ ilie signatoiiu^ ol tiic CiciKial Act thc Briissels Conférence of 1889-90 dedatcd that they wcrc oqit illv nnimnted by thc lirm intention of putting an r-u ! tlu> tr iHk in African slaves ;

VVliercas the signatories of the Convention of Saint Gcrmain-en-Laye of 1919 to révise thc General Act of Berlin of 1885 and the General Act and Déclaration of Brusscls of 1890 affirmcd their intention of securing the complète suppression of slavery in ail its fonns and of thc slave trade by land and sea ;

Taking into considération the report of thc Temporary Slavery Commission appointcd by the Council of the League of Nations on June I2th, 1924 ; Desiring to complète and extend thc work accomplishcd under thc Bnissels Act and to lind a mcans of giving practical effect throughout thc world to such intentions îis were expressed in regard to slave trade and slavery by thc signatories of the Convention of Saint Gcrmain-en-Layc, and rccognising that it is necessary’to concludc to that end more detailed arrangements than are contained in that Convention ;

Considcring, moreovcr, that it is necessary to prcvcnt forced labour from developing into conditions analogous to slavery ;

Have decided to conclude a Convention and have accordingly appointcd as their Plenipotentiaries :

The Président of the Suprême Couxcil of Albakia : Dr. D. DiNO. Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipoicmiary to H : M nr ty the King of Italy.

The Président of the Germas Rkich :

Dr. Cari von Schubert. Secretary of State for Forcign Affairs. The Président of the Fédéral Austrian Republic : M. Emerich von Pflugl. Envoy Extraordinaj> und Mmistcr Plcnipoteiuiary, Représentative of the Fcdeml Govemment accnditiKl t<> tljc Lcaguc of Nations. His Majesty the King of the Belgians :

’vJi ? BROucKfeRE. Member of the Senate, First Deleffate of Bclgium to the Seventh Ordinary Session of the Assembly of the League of Nations. His Majesty the King of the United Kincdom of Great Britain and Irfi and ^vn of the British Dominions beyond the Seas, Empekor of India : The Right Honourable Viscount Cecil of Chelwood, K.C., Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster.

For THE Dominion of Canada :

The Right Honourable Sir George E. Poster, G.C.M.G., PC, L.L.D., Senator. Member of the King’s Privy Council for Canada. For the Coumonwealth of Australia :

The Honourable J. G. Latham, C.M.G., K.C.. M.P., Attorney-Général of the Commonwealth.

For THE Union of South Africa :

Mr. Jacobus Stephanus Smit. High Commissioner of the Union in London. For THE Dominion of New Zealand :

The Honourable Sir James Parr, K.C.M.G., High Commissioner in London. And for India :

Sir William Henry Hoare Vincent. G.C.I.E., K.C.S.I.. Member of the Couiuil of the Secretary of State for India, former Member of the Executive CouncU of thv (iovernor-General of India.

His Majesty the King of the Bulcarians r M. D. MiKOFF. Chargé d’Affaires al iicii.e, Permanent icprcDcnuiivc of the Bulgarian Govemment accredited to the League of Nations. The Chief Execl»tive of the Chinese Republic : M. Chao-Hsin Chu, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister PlenijMtentiary at Rome. The Président of the Republic of Colombia : Dr. Francisco José Urrutia. Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to the Swiss Fédéral Council. Représentative of Colombia on the Council of the League of Nations.

The Président of the Republic of Cuba : M. A. DE AcOero y Bethancourt, Envoy Extraordinary and Ministcr Plenipotentiary to the Président of the German Reich and to the Président of the Austrian Fédéral Republic.

HiS MaJESTY THE KlNG OF DeNMARK AND ICELAND : M. Hcrluf Zahle, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiur. 1. Président of the German Reich.


M. M. Lopez RoBERTS. Marauis DE la Torrehermosa, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to the Swiss Fédéral Council. The PRF« ;inFNT of the Estoias’ Rfpublic : luiii uil Joluiii I iin»NtK, .Meiiil>er of Parhamcnt, Président of the Committec for Foriign Affairs and Naiiuiial Dufence.

Hfr MaJEST- THE EmPRESS and QuEEN of the KiNGS of AbYSSINIA and His I.MPERIAL AND Royal Highness the Prince Récent and Heir to the Throne : Dedjazmatch Guetatchou, Minister of the Interior ; Lidj Makonnen Endelkatchou ;

Kentiba Gebrou ;

Ato Tasfae, Secretary of the Impérial League of Nations Department at Addis-Abeba. The Président of the Republic of Finland : M. Rafaël W. Erich, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to the Sw’m Fédéral Council. Permanent Delegate of Finland accredited to the League of Nations. The Président of the French Republic : Count B. Clauzel. Minister PlenipotcJUiury, Hcad ui the French League of Nations Department.

The Président of the Hellenic Republic : M. D. Caci^MANOS, Envoy Extraordin :irv and M !nivt«-r Plcnipotonh’nrv to H- Pr^* itmic Majesty.

M. V. Dendramis, Chargé d’Affaires at Berne, Permanent Delegate accredited to the League of Nations.

His Majesty the King or It.i v :

Professer Vittorio Scialoja. Mùuster of State, Senator, Représentative of Italy on the Council of th«- L« :ii»u<- df X.itions. The Président of the Republic of Latvia : M. Charles Duzmans, Pennaiient Représentative accredited to the League of Nauoub. The Président of the Republic of Liberia : Baron Rodolphe A. LbHMAN.s. i.nvoy Extraordinary ami M^nl^lcr l’U uijxji. iitiary lo the Président of the French Republic, Permanent’ Delegate accredited lo Ou- Lrague of Nations.

The Président of the Republic of Lithuakia : M. V SiDziKAUSKAS. Envoy Extraordinary and MinisU-r Plenipotentiary to the Président of the German Reich.


Dr. Fridtjof Nansek, Professer at the University of Oslo. The Président of the Republic of Panama : Eh-. Euscbk) A. Morales, Professor of Law at the Panama National Farultv Finniiro Minister.

Her Majesty the Queen of THE Netherlaxds : Jonkheer W. F. van Lennep, Chargé d’Affaires a.i. of the Netherlands at Berne. His Majesty the Emperor of Persia :

His HighneHs Prinre Ari a Ambassador, Delegate of Persia accredited to the L. Nations.

The Président of the Polish Republic : M. Auguste Zaleski, Minister for Foreign Affaiis. The Président of the Republic of Portugal : Dr. A. de Vasconcellos, Minister Plenipotentiary, in charge of the League of Nations Department at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. His Majesty the King of Roumania :

M. N. TiTULESco. Professor at the University of Bucharest. Envoy Extraordinary and Minist«r Plenipotentiary to His Britannic Majesty, Représentative of Roumania on the Couiiril of the League of Nations. His Majesty the Kimc of the Serbs. Croats and Slovènes : Dr. M. JovA.NoviTcH. Envoy Extraordinary and MiiUbtcr Pkiiip<ii<mi ;iry to the Swiss Fédéral Council, Permanent Delegate accrt-dited fo the Lcague of Nations. His Majesty the King of Sweden :

M. Einar Hennings, Envoy Fvtr iordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to the Swis» Fédéral Council.

The Président of the Czechoslovak Republic ; M. Ferdinand Veverka. Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to the Swisa Fédéral Council.

The Président of the Republic of Uruguay : M. B. Fernandez y Medina. Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to His Majesty the King of Spain.

— 4 —

Wlio, havîng commuiucatcd their full powers, have agreecl as follows : # Article i.

For thc purposc of thc présent Convention, thc foUowing définitions are agrecd upon : 1. Slavery is the status or condition. of a person ovcr whom any or ail of the powors attarhinp to the right of ownership are exercised.

2. The slave trade includes ail acts involved in the capture, acquisition or disposai of a person vith intcnt to roducc hini to slavery ; ail acts involved in the acquisition of a slave with a view to selling or exchanging him ; ail acts of disix>sal by sale or exchange of a slave acquired iû a view to being sold or exchanged, and, in gênerai, every act of trade or transport in slaves. Article 2.

Thc lligli Contracting Parties undertakc, each in respect of thc terntories placcd under its sovereignty, jurisdiction v»Tv>t.M t înri v/ rainty or tutelage, so far as Xhry l^ive not alroadv takon the necessarj»^ steps :

{a) lu picvcnt and suppress the slai uude ;

{b) To bring about, progressively and as soon as possible, the complète aboUtion of slavery in ail its forms.

Article 3.

The High Contracting Parties undertake to adopt ail appropriate measures with a view to prcventing and suppressing the embarkation, disernbarkation and transport of slaves in their territorial waters and upon ail vcsscls flying their respective flags. The High Contracting Parties undertake to negotiate as soon as possible a gênerai Convention with regard to the slave trade which will give them rights and impose upon them dutics of the same nature as those providcd for in the Convention of June I7th. 1925, relative to the International Trade in Arms (Articles 12, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, and paragraphs 3, 4 and 5 of Section II of Annex II) with the necessary adaptations, it being understoo<l that this gênerai Convention will not place the ships (even of small tonnage) of any High Contracting Parties in a position différent from that of the other High Contracting Parties.

It is also imderstoor> or forced labour .hail rest with the compétent central authoritic^ of hr lr rritory concerned. 1


Article 6.

Those of the High Contracting Parties whose laws do not at présent makc adéquate provision for the punishment of infractions of laM’s and régulations enacted with a view to giving cffect to the purposes of the présent Convention undertake to adopt the neccssary measures in order that sevcrc pcnalties may be imposed in respect of such infractions. Article 7.

Tlif lligli ContracHiig Piiilics mulniake to coininuuicutc lo each other and to the Sccretary-Gencral of the Leaguc of Nations any hiws and reguhitions whirh th. - ni.u- «uact with a view to the appUcation of the provisions of the présent Convention. Artick 8.

The High Contracting Parties agrée that disputes arising l)etween them relating to the interprétation or apphcation of this Convention shall, if they cannot be settled by direct negotiation, bc referrcd for décision to the Permanent Court of International Justice. In case either or both of the States Parties tosuch a dispute should not be parties to the Protocol of December i()th, 1920, relating to the Permanent Court of International Justice, the dispute shall hc rcferred, at the choice of the Parties and in accordance with the constitutional procédure of each State, either to the Permanent Court of Internationa ! Justice or to a court of arbitration constituted in accordance vith the Convention of October i8th, 1907, for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes, or to some other court of arbitration.

Article 9.

At the time of signature or of ratification or of accession, any High Contracting Party may déclare that its acccptancc of the présent Convention does not bind some or ail of the territorics placod under its sovereignty. jurisdiction, protection, suzerainty or tutelage in respect of ail or any provisions of the Convention ; it may subsequently accède separately on behalf n{ any onc of them or in respect of any provision to which any onc of them is not a party. Article 10.

In the event of a High Contracting Party ^%ishing to denounce the présent Convention, the dcnunciation .shall be notified in writing to the Secretary-General of the League of Nations, who will at once communicatc a certified true copy of the notification to ail tho otbrr High Contint tint : Parties informing them of the date on which it was received. The dcnunciation shall only have efîect in regard to the notifying State, and onc year aftcr the notification bas reached the Secretary-General of the League of Nations. Demmciation may also be made .separately in respect of any territory placed under its sovereignty, jurisdiction, protection, suzerainty or tutelage. Article 11.

The présent Convention, which will bear this day s date and of which the French and English texts are both authentic, will remain open for signature by the States Members of the League of Nations until April, 1927.

The Secretary-General of the League of Nations uill subsequently bring the présent Convention to the notice of States which have not signed it, including States which are not Members of the League of Nations, and invite them to accède thereto. A State desiring to accède to the Convention shall notify its intention in writing to the Secretary-General of the League of Nations and transmit to him the instrument of accession, which shall bc deposited in the archives of the League

The Secretary-General shall immediately transiiui i<> ail the other High Contractmg Parties a certified true copy of the notification and of th»- irT^inuîv nt of .irrr-s’^inn infnrminu : tlirm of tho date on which hc received them.

Article 12.

The présent Convention will be ratified and the instruments of ratification shall be deposited in the office of the Secretary-General of the League of Nations. The Secretary-General will inform ail the High Contracting Parties of such deposit.

The Convention will corne into opération for each State on the date of the dcposit of Us ratification or of its accession.