L’Encyclopédie/1re édition/MALADRERIE
MALADRERIE, s. f. (Police.) hôpital public de malades, & particulierement de lépreux :
A sad, noizom place, wherein are laid
Numbers of all diseas’d of all maladies !
Dire is the tossing, deep the groans ; despair
Tends the sick, busy from couch to couch ;
And over them, triumphant death his dart
Shakes, but delays to strike, thó oft invok’d
With vows, as theirs chief good, and final hope.
A sad, noizom place, wherein are laid
Numbers of all diseas’d of all maladies !
Dire is the tossing, deep the groans ; despair
Tends the sick, busy from couch to couch ;
And over them, triumphant death his dart
Shakes, but delays to strike, thó oft invok’d
With vows, as theirs chief good, and final hope.
C’est la peinture qu’en fait le célebre Milton, voyez Infirmerie, Léproserie. (D. J.)