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Littérature américaine/Index

La bibliothèque libre.
William P. Trent
Traduction par Henry-David Davray.
(p. 413-428).


Abbott (Jacob), 174.
Adams (Abigail). 134.
Adams (John), 97, 98, 104, 115, 116, 129, 190, 373.
Adams (Samuel), 103.
Adams (William Taylor), 174.
Adams and Liberty, 135.
Addison, 69, 142. 153.
Adventures of Captain Bonneville, 155.
Advice to the Privileged Orders, 120.
Aeropgitica, 43.
Afloat and Ashore, 162.
Agassiz, 299.
Age of Elizabeth, 391.
Agnes of Sorrento, 347.
Agnew (Mary), 316.
Aids to Reflection, 2OO.
Airs of Palestine, 186.
Al Aaraaf, Tamerlan and Minor Poems, 244.
Alcott (Amos Bronson), 201, 202, 205, 207, 208, 209, 210, 215, 233.
Alcuin, 140.
Aldrich (Thomas Bailey), 314.
The Algerine Captive, 139.
The Alhambra, 154.
Allan (Mr. et Mrs.), 243, 244, 245.
Allen (James), 109.
Allibone (Samuel Austin), 389,
Allston (Washington), 150, 183, 201, 214.
Almvich Castle, 181.
Alsop (George), 26.
Alsop (Richard), 116.
The American Journal of Science, 189.
American Magazine, 67.
The American Museum, 131.
American Anthology, 308.
American Note Books, 237.
The American Quarterly Review, 189.
Ames (Fisher), 143.
Ames (Natbaiiiel), 63.
Analectic Magazine, 152.
Analogy, 344.
André, 138.
Andros, 33.
Angelo (Giovanni), 211.
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, 78.
Annals of America, 283.
Anne Boleyn et Leonor de Guzman, 321.
Annual Register, 141.
Anthon (Charles), 392.
Antislavery Days, 212.
Antislavery Poems, 281.
Appeal for that Class of American called Africans, 172.
Arbuthnot, 104.
Arnold (Elizabeth), 243.
Arnold (George), 351.
Arnold (Matthew), 69, 216, 219, 298, 304.
« Artemus Ward », 367, 368, 369.
Arthur Mervyn, 141.
Astor (John Jacob), 180.
Astoria, 155.
Astræa, 285.

The Atlantic Monthly, 217, 237, 279, 285, 297, 324, 347, 350, 351.
At Sundown, 280.
Audubon (John James), 189.
Aurelian, 259.
Austen (Jane), 169, 348.
Austin (William), 172.
Autobiography, 66, 67, 79, 87, 91, 129, 151, 370.
The Autocrat of the Breakfast Table, 284, 286, 288.


Bacon (Nathaniel), 4, 16, 23, 24.
The Backwoodsman, 180.
Baldwin (Joseph G.), 364.
Balzac, 89, 139, 159, 166, 168, 225, 338, 341.
Ballads and Narrative Poems, 280.
Ballads and Other Poems, 271.
Bancroft (George), 201, 232, 372, 373, 375, 376, 380, 381.
Bancroft (Aaron), 373.
Barlow (Joel), 115, 116, 119, 121, 144.
Barnaby Rudge, 247.
Barnard (John), 79.
Barnum, 316.
Bartram (John), 88.
Bartram (John et William), 130.
Barrow, 39.
The Battle-Field, 179.
Baxter, 3.
Bay Psalm Book, 2, 12, 13, 20.
Beecher (Harriet), 343.
— (Catherine), 343.
— (Lyman), 343.
Beers (Mrs Ethelinda), 320.
Belcher, 61.
The Belfry of Bruges, 271.
Bellamy (Joseph), 195.
Benezet (Anthony), 123, 124.
Benjamin (Park)", 309, 319.
Ben Jonson, 58.
Benton (Thomas H.), 396.
Bentham, 170.
The Berber, 259.
Berkeley (Sir William), 4, 23, 24, 80, 81.
Berrian (Francis), 188.
Beverly (Robert), 75, 76.
Biglow (Hosea), 293.
Biglow Papers, 365.
Bigot, 292, 293, 294, 297, 299, 355, 385.
Bill Arp, 361.
Bird (DR Robert Montgomery), 260.
Birds of America, 189.
Bismarck, 380.
Bitter Sweet, 323.
Blacklock, 146.
Blackmore (Sir Richard), 58, 60.
Blackwood’s, 170, 183, 230, 310.
Blair (Rév. James), 24, 25, 176.
The Blithedale Romance, 233, 235, 241.
The Bloody Tenent Made yet more Bloody, 46.
The Bloody Tenent of Persecution, 46.
The Bloody Tenent Washed, 43.
Boanerges, 51.
Boccace, 254.
Body of Liberties, 47.
Boker (Georges Henry), 314, 321, 323.
Bonifacius, 51.
Boucher (Rév. Jonathan), 101, 102.
Bopp, 392.
Boston Courier, 292.
Boston News-Letter, 87.
Boston Quarterly Review, 202, 209.
Boswell, 88.
Boyle (Charles), 74.
Brackenridge (Hugh Henry), 111, 112, 139, 357.
Bracebridge Hall, 153, 154.
Bradford (William), 12, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31, 92.
Brainard (John G. C), 277.
The Bravo, 165.
Bret Harte, 340.
Bridge Horatio, 231, 232.
A Brief Account, 61.
Briggs (Charles F.), 247.
British Empire in America, 76.
Broadway Journal, 247, 248, 292.
The Brocken Heart, 151.
Brook Farm Association, 203.
Brooks (Maria Gowen), 183, 184.
Brown, 141.
Brown (Charles Brockden), 131, 138, 140, 141, 149, 169, 261, 379.
Browne (Charles Farrar), 367, 368.
Brownell (Henry Howard), 320.
Browning, 233, 253, 297, 298, 394.
Brownson (Orestes A.), 202, 209.
Brougham (John), 351.
Bryant (William Cullen), 148, 166,

175, 176, 177, 179, 180, 181, 182, 186, 265, 266, 275, 280, 320.
The Buccaneer, 183.
Buckminster (Rév. Joseph), 107, .
Buckminsler (Rév. Joseph Slevens), 197.
Bunker Hill, 139,
Bunyan, 3.
Burke, 92, 103, 399.
Buins. 181, 276, 282.
Burr (Rév. .aion), 85, 145.
The Bun,ell Papers, 24.
Bushiiell (Rév. Horace), 393.
Butler, 3 !i4. 350.
Byle, 357.
Byles (Rév. Mather), 62, 63.
Byrd (Col. William), 74. 75. 357.
Byron, 171, 179, 186, 188, 236, 243, 254, 343, 388.
Calavar, 260.
Calavnos, 321.
Caldêron, 300.
Calef (Robert), 71.
Calhoun (John G.), 81, 147, 396, 398.
Cambridge Thirly years Ago, 291.
Campbell, 176.
Canaid Examination, 102,
The Canoë and the Saddle, 350.
Cape Cod, 224.
Captain Simon Sugçs •, 363,364.
Carav, 144, 148.
Carey (Henry C), 392.
Carey (Matthew), l3l, 132, 392.
Carew, 11.
Carlisle, 104.
Carlyle, 200, 209, 214, 215, 291, 333.
Carpet Bag, 366, 368.
Carver (Jonathan), 122.
Cases of Conscience, 50.
The Cassi(jue of Kiawah, 262.
The Cathedral, 2’.i7.
Calo Major, 88.
Cecil Dreeme, 350, 351.
Cellini, 144.
The Century Magazine, 323, 368.
The Chain Bearer, 167.
Champions of Freedom, 169.
Channing (D’), 212.
Channing (William EUery), 197, 198, 223, 227, 233, 289.
Channing (William Henry), 212,
Chnppol (William), 42.
Character of the Province of Maryland, 26.
Charciial Skelches, 365,
Charles the l-ifth, 379.
Charlotte Temple, 134, 138.
Chateaubriand, 126.
Chaucer, 274, 2’.)W.
Chauncy (Charles), 194.
Cheever (George B.), 266.
Chesterfield, «2, 93.
Chei’y Chase, 61.
Child (Francis J.), 389.
Child (Mrs Lydia Maria), 171, 172, 258.
Chivers (Thomas Holley), 309.
Choale, 396.
/Vif Choice, 65, 66.
Les Chouans, 159, 160.
Christmas Eve, 153.
Christus, 273.
Chronological History nf Sew England,ii.
Chronological Outlines, 129.
Churcli (D’ Benjamin), 65, 78.
Churchill, 65, 66, 110.
Cicéron, 88.
Civil Liberty and Self-Govemment, 392,
Clara lIo^K’ard, 141.
Clari, 179.
Clarke (James Freeman), 197, 202, 212.
Clarke (Samuel), 195.
(lassic Mélodies, 186.
Clay (Henry), 143, 147, 148, 188, 277, 396, 398, 399.
Clemm (Mrs.), 345, 246.
Cleveland, 3.
Clifton (William), 132.
Cobbet (William), 131.
Coke (Sir Edward), 44.
Cockings (George), 64,
Coleridge, 126, 183, 200, 244, 253, 301, 310.
Collier, 390.
Collins. 68, 132, 309.
Colman (Benjamin), 62, 71, 83.
Columbind, 121, 148.
The Cornet, 284.
Common Sensé, 105.
Complète Body of Divinity, 79.
Conduct of Life, 216.
The Congratulation, 110.
The Conquest of Canaan, 117, 119.
The Conquest of Granada, 154.

Considération on Behalf of the Colonies, 97.
Conspiracy of Kings, 121.
The Conspiracy of Pontiac, 384.
The Conirast, 137, 138.
Conversations, 292.
Conversations in Rome, 228.
Conversations with Children, 206.
Cooke (Frederick), 138.
Cooke (John Esten), 340.
Cooke (Philip Pendleton), 309, 340.
Couper (James Fenimore), 2, 57, 148, 155, 156, 157, 158, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 168, 169, 172, 180, 214, 228, 229, 230, 235.
236, 239, 254, 257, 258, 261, 340, 402.
Copley (John Singleton), 130.
Cortez. 181.
Cotter’s Saturday Night, 282.
Cotton (Rév. John), 14, 17, 39, 42, 43, 44, 45, 66.
Count Frontenac, 38.5.
Courtship of Miles Standish, 274.
The Court of Fancy, 67.
Cowley, 60, 69.
Cowper, 102, 143, 176.
Cozzens (Frederick S.), 365.
Craiich (Christophe Pearch), 210, 227.
The Crater, 167.
The Crisis, 105.
Creighton, 30.
The Croaker Papers, 180.
Crockett (David), 370.
Cullen (William), 176.
The Culprit Fay, 180.
Cummins (Miss Maria S.), 341.
Curtis (George William), 204, 342, 350, 369, 380, 394, 395.
Cyclopædia of American Literature, 389.


Daily Advertiser, 361.
Damsel of Peru, 179.
Dana (Miss). 203, 205.
Dana (Richard Henry), 177, 182,183.
Dante, 215, 296, 306, 310.
Daudet, 233, 240.
Davenant, 20.
Davidson (Margaret Miller), 156.
Davies (Samuel), 80.
Davis (Charles Augustus), 361.
Davis (Jefferson), 396.
The Day-Dreaking, 48.
The Day of Doom, 20.
Daye (Stephen), 13.
Days of my Youth, 145.
Death of Flowers, 179.
Déclaration, 107.
The Deerslayer, 166.
Defoe, 138.
Democracy Unveiled, 133.
Démocratie Review, 232, 234.
Démocratie Vistas, 333, 334.
Denham, 119.
Dcnnie (Joseph), 141, 142, 143.
Dcr Arme llciwich, 273.
Derby (George Horalio), 367.
The Dial, 210, 216, 221, 228, 285, 292.
Dickens, 153, 341, 359.
Dickinson (John), 102, 103.
Dictionary of British and American Authors, 389.
Diplomatie Correspondance, 373.
Discourse Concerning Unlimited Submission, 99.
Discourses on Davila, 129.
Dissertations, 130.
The Direrting IJistory ofJohn Bull, 150.
Divine Comédie, 274, 311.
Divine Songs for Children, 114.
The Divine Tragcdy, 273.
D’ Grimshinve’s Secret, 237.
Dnlliver Romance, 237.
Donne (John), 14.
The DotK’n E asters, 171.
Douglas (William), 79, 402.
Drake (Joseph Rodman), 180, 181, 358.
Drayton (Michaël), 12, 14.
The Dream of a Day, 186.
Dreani Life. 342.
Drcd, 34(1, 347.
Drisler (Henry). 392.
Drum Taps, 332.
Dry.len, 20, 58, 60, 69, 310.
Dudlev (Thomas), 15.
Dulany (Daniel). 98.
Dunciad, 66.
Dunlap (William). 137, 138, 140.
Dutchvian s Firexide, 151.
Duyckinck (Evert et Georges), 389.
Dwight (John S.), 20i.
Dwight (Théodore), 116.
Dwight (Timothy), 114, 115, 117, 118, 140, 195, 349.
Dyer, 67.


Earth, 141.
Edgar Huntley, 141.
Edgeworth (Miss). lt> ».
Edinburgh Review, 200.
Eggleston (Edward), 378.
Edward Evorelt. IS’J, U»0, 201.
Edwards (Jonathan), 3’.', 5('>, tib, 70, 71, 80,. 81, 82, 83, S^i, 85, 117, 194, l’JS.
Edivin Brulliertoft, 350.
Eikonoklasles, 46.
Eliol (George). 348, 349.
Eliot (John), 13, 19, 32, 33, ’lO, 45, 4S.
El Do/ado, 316.
EUic l’enner, 283, 286, 287, 3’j2.
The Embargo, 176.
Emerson (Marv Moodv), 213.
Emerson (Ralph Waldo), 2, 199, 200, 201, 202, 2n5, 207, 209. 210,
212, 213, 215, 216. 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 225, 226, 227,
228, 233, 236, 237, 252, 253, 257, 258, 265. 266, 267, 287, 291, 327,
330, 333. 393.
Emerson (William), 213.
Emmons (Nathanael), 195.
Enéide, 227.
Enfer, 310.
English Note-Books, 237.
Enelish Traits, 216, 219, 236.
Epictète, 221.
Epitaph made by his Mari, 16.
Era, 34Ô.
Essais, 87.
An Eisat/ for thc Recording of Illustrions Providences, 50.
Essaijs and Poems, 227.
Essays and Refien’s, 391.
Essays to do Good, 51.
Eureha, 249, 25b.
Euta» 262.
Evangeline, 272, 27’i.
Evans (Nathaniel), 67, 68.
The Evening Mirror, 131, 247,
Evening l’ost, 178, IHO.
Everett (Edward). 213, 373, 396, 397.
Examination, 91.
Excursions, 225.
Expostulation, 278.


A Fable for Critics, 293, 294, 303.
Falconer, 65.
Familiar Leitcrs, 225.
The Family Meeting, 184.
Fansliawc, 231 .
Farrnrr’s Allininax, 36S.
Tlic Farmers Weckly Muséum, 141.
Farrago, 143.
The Fate of Mansfield Humphreys, 390.
Faust, 318.
The Federalist, 107, 108.
Felton (Cornélius C), 392.
Fernandi) de Lemos, 377
Fessenden (Thomas Green)], 133, 357.
The Feu de Joie, 110.
Fichte, 200.
Fielding, 138, 301, 359.
Fields (James T.), 234, 297.
Filmer (Sir Robert), 101.
Fiske (John), 378.
Fiske (Mr.), 385.
Flint (Rév. Timolhy), 188.
Fins h Times, 364.
Folger (Peter), 18.
The Foresters, 180.
The Forrst Ilymn, 178.
Forrest (Edwin), 260.
La Fortune de la République, 217.
Foster (Stephen Collins), 365.
Fourier, 201, 203, 204.
Franccsca da Rimini, 321.
Francis (Convers), 202.
Franklin (Benjamin), :{U, 53, 56, 57, 58, 63, 66, 67, 70, 71, 72, 80, 85, 86. 87, 88, 89, 90. 91, 92, 103, 104, 106, 107, 110, 129, 130, 132,
151, 264, 357, 358, 373, 402.
Freedom of the Witl, 85.
Freeman (James), 196.
French and Jtalian Note-Books, 236.
Freneau (Philip), 104, 110, 111, 113, 114, 176, 357.
Froude, 381.
Fugitive Poetry, 241, 270.
Fuller (Margaret), 203, 205, 207, 209, 210, 211, 212, 215, 227, 233,
241, 270, 388.
Fuller (Timothy), 208.
Fulton (Robert), 128, 362.
A Funeral Song, 20. i7

Gaine (Hugh), 112.
Gallatin (Albert), î)9.
Galloway (Joseph), 102.
Garden (Alexander), 80.
Garrick, 137.
Garrison (William Lloyd), 277, 396.
Gates, 105.
Gay, 132.
Gayarré (Ch. Etienne Arthur), 376.
General Ilislory, 123.
A General History of New England, 34.
General History of Virginia, 21, 22.
The General Magazine, 87.
The Gentle Boy, 232.
The Gentleman’s, 61.
George Fox Digged oui, 46.
Georgia Scènes, 355, 363.
Gibbon, 378.
Gildersieeve (Basil L.), 392.
Giles Corey, 273.
The Gladiator, 260.
Godfrey (Thomas), 67, 68, 131, 132, 136.
God’s Controversy, 20.
Godwin (William), 171, 261.
The Golden Legend, 272, 273, 318.
Goldsmith, 92, 148, 153, 155, 156, 358.
Good News from New England, 28.
Good News from Virginia, 22.
Goodrich (Samuel Griswold), 174, 175, 232, 265, 266.
Goodwin (William Watson), 392.
Gookin (Daniel), 32, 33, 34.
Grahains Magazine, 247, 266.
Grandfafhcrs Chair, 235.
Grant, 300.
The Grave, 176.
Gray, 58, 63, nS, 310.
Greeley (Horace), 205, 211, 223, 396.
Green (Joseph), 60, 62, 63, 357.
Greene (Albert Gorton), ;^66.
Green fi eld flill, 119.
Grenville (George), 96.
Greyslaer, 308.
Griswold (Rév. Rufus Wilmot), 265, 266, 308, 309, 315, 388.
The Group, 132.
The Guardian Angel, 287.
Guizot, 381.
Guy Rirers, 261.


Hadad, 180.
Hail Columbia, 110.
Hakluyt, 51.
Haie (D’), 201.
A Half Century of Conflict, 385.
Haliburton (Thomas Chandler), 362.
Halleck (Fitz Greene), 178, 180, 182, 266, 358.
Halpine (Charles Graham), 351, 366, 368.
Hamilton (Alexander), 101, 104, 107, 108, 112, 132, 306.
Hammond (John), 25.
Hannah Thursfon. 317.
Hans Breitmann’s Ballads, 365.
Hausen (Marie), 317.
The Harbinger, 204.
Harlan (James), 331.
Harley, 24.
Harper, 351.
Harper’s Monthly, 395.
Harris (George Washington), 364.
Harrison (Gesner), 392.
Hartmann von der Aue, 273.
Harvard (Rév. John), 39, 64.
The Hasty Pudding, 121.
Hawthorne (Nathàniel), 2, 8, 133, 174. 181, 201, 227, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 251, 252, 254, 255, 257, 258, 26i, 267, 272, 340, 342, 352 369.
Hawthorne (William), 230.
Havnc (Paul Hamilton), 324, 325, 396, 399.
Hazlitt (William), 164, 196.
The Headsman, 165.
A Health, 188.
Hcarisease and Rue, 298, 301.
Hedge (Frédéric Henry), 199, 201, 202.
The Heidenmaner, 165.
The Height of the Ridiculons, 284.
Henry (Patrick), 103.
Heraud, 209.
Herrick, 3.
niaivaiha, 273, 274.
Higginson (John), 79.

Higginson (Thomas Wentworth), 7.
Hildreth (Richard), 376.
Hillhouse (James Abraham), I8G, 266.
The Hills of the Shatemuc, 341.
Historical Account, 3.5.
Historical Collections, 33.
Historical and Geographical Account, 3.T.
History of the American Revolution, 13’i.
History of the American Theatre, 138.
History of Bacon's and Ingram's Rébellion, 24.
History of the Conquest of Mexico, 378.
History of the Conquest of Peru, 378.
History of the Dividing Line, 74.
History of the First Discovery, 77.
History of the Formation of the Constitution, 375.
History of John Bull, 104.
History of Massachusetts, 122.
History of New England, 31, 370.
History of New York, 147, 357.
History and Present State of Virginia, 76.
Hittory of the Reign of Philip II, 379.
Hislory of the Spanish Literature, 189, 386, 388.
History of the United Netherlands, 381.
History of the United States, 376.
History of the United States Navy, 160.
Hobomok, 172.
Hoffmnn (Charles Fenno), 308, 309.
Holland (Dr Josiah Gilbert), 323, 324.
Holmes (Abiel), 283.
Holmes (Oliver Wendell), 198, 265, 266, 282, 283, 284, 2.>-5, 286, 287, 288, 289, 290, 342, 353, 359, 365, 379. 381.
Holt (Mrs. Katharine), 52.
Home as found, 166.
Home Journal, 308.
Home Pastorals, 319.
Home, Sweet Hume, 179.
Homeward Round, 166.
Hooker (Thomas), 39, 40, 44, G6, 71.
Hoole, IV.t.
Hoopor (Johnson J.), 363.
Hopc l.csiic, 171.
Hcplviiis (John), 13, .’{92.
Hopkins (Lcniuel), 116.
Hi.pkins (Samuel), 195, 197, 347.
HpKinson (Francis), 104, 110, 111, .’57.
Horsc-Shoe Robinson, 259.
House ofthe Sei’cn Gables, 235, 240, 2’il.
Hoivailji in Syria, S’Jk.
Howard, 92.
Howe (Mrs Jnlia Ward), 320.
Howe (Sir William), 105.
Howells (William Dean), 300.
Hubbard (Rév. William), 34.
Hudibras, 77, 1 14.
Hudson (Rév. Henry. N.), 389.
Hume. 92.
Humphreys (David), 116.
Hutchinson (Mrs. Anne), 41, 42.
Hutchinson (Thomas), 29, 31, 122.
Hymes, 176.
Hymns to the Gods, 310.
Hyperion, 270, 271, 315.


Ichahod, 281.
The Idle Man, 182.
« Ik Marvel », 369.
Iliade, 170.
Ilofe the Kingdom, 118.
Inchi(/uin, 189.
Indian Nantes, 185.
The Infulel. 260.
Ingersoll (Charles Jared), 189.
Inquiry into the qualifications, 85.
Irving (Peter), 152, 153, 154, 155, 136, 157, 109, 170, 181.
Irving (Washington), 148, 149, 150, 151, 21’*, 229, 235, 239, 268, 275,
304, 319, 353, 357, 358, 3.59, 369, 372, 373, 377, 378, 381, 382, 390.
I see thee still, 184.
Israël Potter, 26’«.
Italian Shetch-Book, .390.
Jackson (An.ircw), 147, ri8, 149, 165, 188, 193, 277, 354, 360, 371.
Jackson (Lydian), 215.

Jacobi. 200.

Jach Tier, 162.

James (Henry), 393.

James (William), 393.

Jameson (J. F.), 372.

Jane Talbot, 141.

Jav (John), 107, 159.

Jeilerson (Thomas), 25, 8^. lOG,

112, 128, 132, 146, li7, 176, 190,

243, 373, 387.
Jenyiis (Soame), 97, 142.
The Jesuits in Norlh America, 385.
John Rrent, 3.")0.
John Endicotl, 273.
John Godficy’s Fortunes, 317.
•■ John Phénix >• 367.
Johnson (Andrew), 361.
Johnson (Edward), 31, 71.
Johnson (Sanuiel), 79, 80, 92.
Jonathan Wild. 363.
Jones (Paul). 181, 264.
Jones (Rév. Hugh), 76, 77.
« Josh Billings », 367.
Josselyn (John), 356.
Journal, 73.
Journal, 124.

Journal of an African Cruiser, 231.
A Journey to the Land of Eden,

Judas Maccabcns, 273.
Judd (Rév. Sylvester), 264.
Junius, 104.
Justice and E.rpedienci/, 277.

Kalai’ala, 273.

Kaloolah, 259.

Kant, 200.

Kathrina, 323.

Javanagh. 271, 272.

Kearny’ (Philip), 322.

Keats, 68, 289, 290, 292, 310.

Kemble (Fanny), 394.

Kennedy (John P.), 246, 259, 260,

Kent (James), 189.
Kettel (Samuel), 175, 183.
Kettle. 265, 266.
Key (Francis Scott), 187.
A’ey into the Lan :^uagc of America.

A Key to Uncle TonisCabin, 346.
King Olaf 274.

Kirkland (.Mrs. Caroline Matilda

Stansbury), .393, 394.
Knickerbokèr, 150, 232, 266, 308,

Knight (Mrs. Sarah Kemble), 73, 357.
Kotzebue, 138.

Lady Bi/ron vindicuted. 348.

Lamb, 91, 12’f, 125, 156, 234.

The Lam/d’ghter, 341.

Landor, 295.

Lanier (Sydney), 319.

Lantern, 351.

f^apse ofTinie, 178.

La Rochefoucauld, 368.

Lars, 31S.

/,« Salle iind the Discovery of the
Great West, 385.

The Last Leaf 284.

The Last of the Mohicans, 163.

Laud, 7, 26. 42, 44, 47.

Lawson (John), 75.

The Lay Preacher, 141, 143.

/^ai/s of my Home, 278.

The Leaguer of Boston, 163.

Leah and Rachel, 25.

Leather-Stocking Taies, 161, 163,

Leai’es from Margaret Smiths Journal,

f^eaves from my Journal, 295.

Leaves ofOrass, 329, 330, 331, 332,
333, 334. 3.36, 338.

Léonard. 104.

Legaré (Hugh S,), 396.

Leland (John Godfrey), 365.

Leslie (Charles Robert), 3i9.

Leslie (Miss Eliza), 369.

Lessing, 299.

Lethe, 137.

I^etier to his Countrymen, 164.

Letter to Lafayctte, 164.

Letters and Social Aims. 217.

I^etters from Pennsylcania, 102.

Letters from under a Bridge, 307 .

Letters of an American Farmer,
125, 126.

Letters of J. Doiving, 361.

Letters of Life, 184.

Letters of the British Spy. 145.

Library of American Biography ,

Lieber (Francis), 392.

Life and Death of John of Barneveld, 381.
Life and Sayings of Mr. Partington, 365
Life in the Open Air, 350.
Life, Letters, and Journals, 386.
Life of Colomhus, 154.
Life of David Brainerd, 85,
Life of George Washington, 144, 145. 155. 373.
The Light appearing more and more, 48.
Lincoln (Abraham), 90, 188, 354, 371, 401. 402.
Lind (Jenny). 361.
Lionel Lincoln, 163.
Litterary Remains, 277.
Literati, 248.
Little Britain, 153.
Little Women, 206.
Living-stone (William), 66.
Livre de conduite, 369.
Locke. 25, 82. 200.
Locke (David Ross), 361, 362.
Logan (James), 88, 170.
The London Magazine, 61.
Long (George), 392.
Longfellow, 2. 175, 201, 248, 251, 265, 26(), 267, 26S, 265). 270, 271, 273, 274. 275, -.’76, 282, 287, 28’.», 296, 306, 315, 318, 342, 388, 402.
Longstroet (Augustus Baldwin), 362, 36.S.
Looking-Glass for the Times, 18.
Lotus Eating, 394.
Lounsbury, 159.
Love and Skates, 350.
Lovejoy, 401.
Lovelace, 3.
Lovewell’s Fight, 60.
Lowell (Rév. Charles), 290.
Lowell (James Rnssell). 2, 7. 8, 202, 215, 250, 252, 264, 2H5, 266, 270, 285, 289, 291», 291, 2l»2, 293, 294, 295, 296, 297, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306. 308, 310, 313, 319, 320, 347, 350, 361, 3(,5, 389, 390.
Lowell (Mary ei Roborl Traill Spence), 2’jO.
Lucy Temple, 134.
Lyrical Ballad.i, 132, 176.


Mocatalav. f*.9, 379, 391.
Mackenzie, 146.
Mndison, 107, 108, 111, 121, 147.
Magnalia, 50, f» !, 52, 60, 78.
Magnalia Christi Americana, 51.
Mahomet, 155.
Maine Wonds, 225.
To the Manito of Dreams, 181.
Major Jones Conrisliip, 363, 364.
Mnibone (Edward), l.JO.
Mallhus, 392.
Man the Reformer, 216.
The Marble latin, 23G, 2.’|1.
Marc Aurèle, 218, 22(i, 221. 226.
Le Marchand de Venise, 137.
Marco Hozzaris, 181.
Mardi, 263.
Margaret, 264.
Mariou (Francis), 144.
Mark Twain », 340, 356.
Markoe (Peler), 132.
Marshall (John). 145, 373.
Martin l’aber, 201.
Marwell (Andrew), 17.
Martineau (Harriet), 346.
Mason (John), 30.
Masque of the Gods, 318.
Mather (Cotlon), 2, l’i, 40, 49, 50, 51, 53, 58, 60, 66, 71, 78, 193.
Mather (Incrense). 34, 49.
Mather (Richard), 13, 48, 52.
Malthews (Tiiomas), 24.
Maupassant, 2’iO, 2.".4.
May (Louisa), 206.
The Maij/lo.ser, 345.
Mayhew (Jonathan), 98, 99, 194.
Maylem (John), 64.
MaVo (D’ William S.), 259.
Mazzini, 211.
Me linaal, 114, 115.
McClellan, 352.
Meai oui of the Eater, 20.
Méditations, 61.
Melville (Herman), 162, 235, 258, 263, 289.
Memoirs, 144.
Memoirs of the Life of William Wirt, 260.
Mémorial Poenis, 300.
Mercedes of Caslile, 167.
Mernj Mount, 380.
Mrtamorphoses, 12.
Muhacl Angelo, 274.
Mirhelet, 3/9.
Miles Slandish, 20.
Mille et une Nuits, 343, 358.

Milton, 3, 7, 31, 42, 43, ’iG, GO, 215, 273.
The Minister’s Wooing , 343, 3i7 , 348.
Minnesiiigers, 186.
Mirror, 169, 266, 277, 307.
Miscellanies, 215.
T/te Missing Man, 172.
« Mrs. Mary Clavers .., 393.
The Mistress of tke Manse, 323.
Mitchell (Donald G.). o41.
Mitchill (Samuel Latham), 151.
Mitford (.Miss), 394.
Moby Dick, 162, 263.
Model of Christian Charity, 31.
Modem Chii>alry, 139.
Monaldi, 183.
Monikins, 167.
Monroe, 147.
Moiitcabn and Wolfe, 384, 385.
Monthli/ Anthology, 143.
Moore (Clément G.), 309.
Moore (Thomas), 179, 186.
Moral Pièces, 184.
More Wonders of the Invisible World, 71.
Morell (William), 12.
Morley (Lord), 43.
Morris (George P.), 169, 373.
La Mort, 176.
A Mortal Anlipailiy, 287.
Morton (Nathaniel), 26, 29.
Morton’s Ho/)e, 380.
Mossehead Journal, 296.
Masses, 233.
Masses from an Old Mansc, 234.
Motley (John Lothrop), 2S7, 289, 372,’ 377, 379, 380, 381, 382, 385, 386, 387.
Moiiriiful Lamentation, 63.
Moiirt’s Relation, 26.
Murray (Liiidlcy), 144, 145, 15’i, 380.
My Study Windows, 299.


Nadoivessicrs Todtenlied, 122.
Napoléon, 147.
Narrative of Arthur Gordon l’ym, 246, 25^.
Narratii>e ofSurprising Conversions, 83.
Narrative of thc Troubles with the Indians, 34.
The National Gazette. 112.
Natural Ilistory of Intellect, 217, 218.
Nature, 215.
Neal (John), 170.
Neal (Joseph Glay), 365.
Near Home, 228.
New American Cyclopaedia, 205.
Newbery (.John), 174.
Newell (Robert H.), 361.
New England’s Annoyances, 12.
New England^s Crisis, 18.
New En gland Galaxy, 173.
New England’s Lamentations, 41.
New En gland Magazine, 284.
New Englan.ds Mémorial, 29.
New England Primer, 114.
New England’s Prospect, 12, 30.
New England Tragédies, 273.
The New Era, 279".
Newes from Virginia, 11.
The New Gospel of Peace, 390.
A New Home, 394.
New Pastoral, 323.
The New Priest in Conception Bay, 290.
New Voyage to Carolina, 75.
New’s front America, 30.
Nichol (John), 351.
Nich ofthe Woods, 260, 261.
Nile Notes of a Ilowadji, 39’i.
Niles, 78.
Nina Gordon, 346.
Norman Leslie, 172.
North American Review, 177, 180, 298, 299, 305, 374, 378, 380, 397.
Northampton, 84.
Norton (Charles ? :iiot), 298.
Norton (John), 42.
Norwood, 23.
Notes on Virginia, 107.
Notions ofthe Americans, 164.
Nova Anglia, 12.
Novenibcr Boughs, 334.
Noyos (l’iév. Nicholas), 60.


The Oak Openings, 167.
Oakes (Urian), 17.
O’ Brien (Fitz .James), 343, 351, 352.
O’ Connor (William D.), 332.
Ode on Ihe Prospect of Peace, 68.
Odell (Rev. Jonathan), 110, 357.
Œuvres, 182.

The Old Bachelor, 145.
Old Ironsidea, 284.
Oldinixon, 7t>.
Old Onktn lUicket, 1(59.
The Old liciiime in Canada, 380.
Oldschool (Oliver), Wl.
Oldtoivn Folks, 348.
One-lloas Shay, 286.
Oomoo, 2tj3.
The Grêlon Trail, 383.
O" Reillv (John Bovlc), 3 :.l.
OrUndô, 149.
Ormond, l’il.
Orpheus C. Kerr », 361.
Orphie Sai/intfs. 210.
Osl)oi’n (John), t>3.
Olis (James), ’Jl, 98, 134.
Our Hundred Days m Europe, 28"
Our Old Home, 236.
Our village, 394.
Outre-mer, 2(38, 271.
Oi’cr the Tea-Cups, 287.
Owen (Roheit Dale), 203, 393.


Paine (Robert Treat), 135, 136, 182.
Paine (Thomas), 104, 105, 106, lOS, 136.
Palfrey (John Graham), 376.
l’apers on Lite rature and Art, 212.
Paradis, 311.
Parentator, 49, 51, 52.
Park (Benjamin), 380.
Parker (Théodore), 194,203, 207, 21(1.
Parkman, Rév. Francis, 155, 197, 372, 383, 384. 385, 386.
Parnassus, 217.
Parr (Dr.), 388.
Parsons (William), 310.
The Partisan Leader, 187, 262.
Partridge, 63.
Party Leaders, 304.
Thc’Pasl, 179.
The /’ath/inder, 158, 166.
The Pairiot Chief, 132.
Paulding (James Kirk), l.iO, 179, 258, 358.
Paul licvere, 27’i.
Payne John Howard), I5’t. 179.
Penbody (Dr. Nathaniol), 2()1.
Peabodv (Miss Sophia), 233.
The l’e'arl ofOrrs Island, 347.
Pencillin^s by the yay, ’M)~ , 315.
Penhallo’w, ’78.
Penn (Willinni), 45, 88.
Pennsyli’ania Freeman, 278.
Pennsi/hania Magazine, 104,
l’opys, 7. !.
Percival (James Gate), 185, 186,266.
Percy (George), 4.
Perkins, 133.
Personal Poents, 281.
Pestalozzi, 205.
Peter l’oreu/iine, 131.
Peter Rugg, 172.
Peters (Rév. Samuel), 123.
Philander Dœsticks », 365.
Phillips (Wendcll), 289, 396, 400, 401, ., 264.
PhilosDjihic Soli’ude, 66.
Philolhea, 172.
Phd-nixiana. 367.
Pickei-ing (Timothy), 142.
Pickwick, 365.
Picture o/St John, 318.
The Picture o/Wen’ J’orA, 151.
Pictures front Appleadore, 396.
Pierce (Franklin), 231, 235, 236 237, 329.
Pierpont (John), 186, 266.
Pietas et Gratuhttio, 65.
Pike (.lbert), 310.
The Pilot, 162, 163.
Pinknoy (Edward Coate), 188.
The Piôneers, ICI, 292, 385.
The Pirate, 161.
Platon, 202.
Pleasures ofllope, 176.
Poe (Edgar), 2, 168, 170. 181, 187 188, 229, 230, 239, 240, 242, 243
244, 2’i5, 24C., 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255, 2.56, 257
258, 260, 261, 265, 266, 270, 299 303, 309, 310, 352, 369, 388.
Poems, 2^i5, 292, 293.
Poems, Dramatic and Miseellaneous. 134.
Poems of Nature, 280.
Poems of the Orient, 316.
Poems on Slaveri/, 271.
Poems Subjective and lieminiseent 282.
The Poel al the lirealifasl Table, mi.
Poetical Works, 288.
Poets ami l’oelry of America, 265
PoeCs Journal, 318.
PocU and Poctry, 308.
Poets of America, 265.
The Poets and Poetry of Europe, 271,
The Pulitieal Caleehism, 110.

Polilical Efsays, 302.
Pomfret (John), 66.
Pope, 66, 68, 176.
Porteus, 1"6.
Portfolio, 137, 142, 143.
Pory (John), 22.
Potip/iar Papeis, 395.
The Prairie, 165.
Précaution, 159.
Prentice (George D.), 365.
Prentiss S. S., 390.
PrescoU (William), 372, 377, 378, 379, 381, 382, 383, 385, 386.
Présent State of Virginia, 76.
Preston (Mrs. Margaret), 321.
Presidentiad, 329.
Prettij Story, 104, 110, 150.
Price (Dr.). 120.
Priestley, 92.
Prince heucalion, 319.
Prince (Miss Elizabeth Oakes), 360.
Prince (Thomas), 29, 71, 78._
The Prince of Parthia, 36, 67.
The Professor at the Breakfast
Prometheus, 185.
Proud I Robert), 140.
A Progrcss to the Mines, 74.
The Prophet, 318.
Prue and I, 342, 395.
Psalm Book, 78.
Psalm of Life, 270.
Public Occurrences, 87.
Purchas, 51.
Purgatoire, 311.
Putnam’s Magazine, 296, 395.


Quarles, 15. 19.
Queechv, 341.
Queries of Ilighest Considération, 46.
Quincev (De), 191.
Quincy (Edmund). 299.
Quincy (Adams John), 142, 387.


Ralph (James’), 66, 67.
Ramsav (D’ David), 1 .5.
Randall, 321.
Randolph (John), 33, 145, 148, 187, 387, 399.
Raien, 247.
Read (Thomas Buchanan), 314, 321, 322.
The Rebels, 172.
RecoUections of a Lifetime, 175.
RecollecUons of Ten Years, 188.
The Red Rover, 162, 165.
The Reilskins, 167.
Reed (Henrv), 389.
Reid, 99.
Remarkable Providences, 49.
Rcfiresciiialivc Men, 261.
Rêveries of a Dachelor, 341.
Revue des Deux Mondes, 201.
Ricardo, 392.
Rich (Richard), 11, 12.
Richardson, 138.
Rip Van Winkle, 153, 173.
Ripley, 199, 201, 202, 203, 205, 207.
The Rise of the Dutch Republic, 380.
Rilteiihouse, 130.
Rivington, 112.
Roanoke (Randolph de), 143.
Robertson, 379.
Rogers. 236.
Rollo Books, 174.
Roscoe, 388.
Rousseau, 299.
Rowlandson (Mrs. Mary), 34.
Rowson (Susanna), 133, 134, 138.
liudiments of Latin Prosody, 97.
Les Ruines, 120.
Rupert, 47.
Rush (D’), 131, 132, 144, 151.
Ruskin, 236.
Russell (James), 290.
Russel’s Magazine, 324.
Ryan (Abraham J.), 321.


St John de Crevecœur (J. Hector), 125, 126.
Salmagundi, 1.50, 151, 180.
Sand (George). 349.
Sands (Robert C), 178, 181, 358, 369.
Sandys (George), U, 12.
Sargènt (Epes), 309.
Sartor rcsartiis, !il5.
Satanstoe, 167.
Sawin (B.), 293.
Saxe (John Godfrey), 366.
Scarborough, 60.
Scarlet Lettvr, S, 229, 234, 235, 239, 240, 241.

Schelling, 200.
Schleiermacher, 200.
Schurz (Carl), 99.
Schoolcraft (Henry R.), 189.
Schillaber (Benjamin Penhallow), 365, 366, 368.
Scott (Walter), 152, 156, 160, 161, 168, 171, 230, 254, 255, 276, 280, 358.
Scribner’s Monthly, 323.
Seabury (Samuel), 100, 101, 102, 104.
The Seaside and the Fireside, 272.
Seccomb (John), 61.
Sedgwick (Miss Catherine Maria), 171.
The Selling of Joseph, 72.
To Seneca Lake, 186.
Septimius Felton, 237.
Sewall (Samuel), 58, 71, 72, 73.
Seward (Miss), 133, 396.
Seymour (Sir Edward), 25.
Shakespeare, 4, 137, 143, 178, 184, 276, 321, 327, 339, 383, 403.
Shakespeare’s Scholar, 390.
Shaw (Henry Wheeler), 367, 368.
Shaw (Robert G.), 298.
Shelley. 186, 253, 254, 319.
Shepai-d (Rev. Thomas), 17.
Sheridan (D’). 61.
The SliifjiKTeck, 65.
Sigourney (Mrs), 184, 185, 2f,6.
Silliman (Benjamin), 189.
Simple Cobbler of A^Oivam, l’i, 47, 356.
A Simple Talc, 181.
Simms (William Gilmore), 261, 262, 324, 340, 369. 389.
Sketch Bouh, 153, 154, 35S.
Skelches, 145.
The Slave, 376.
Slender (Roberl). 113.
The Slint^sbtf l’apers, 307.
Smart ((.’hristopher), IVJ.
Smith (Adam), 92.
Smith (Charles Henry), 361.
Smith (D’ Elihu H.), 141.
Smith (Samuel F.), 283.
Smith (Seba). 360.
Smith (Sidnev). 170.
Smith (William), 101.
SmoUett, 139.
Smyth (A. H), 319.
Snoiv-Buund, 276, 278, 282.
The Snoii’ Ima^e, 235,
Society and Solitude, 217.
Some Considérations, 124.
Song of Mai ion’s Mm, 179.
.^on^fs for Sational Airs, 186.
Sonffs in Many Aeys, 286.
Sangs of Labour and lieform, 280.
Sonfis of the Sea, 309.
The Sot-Weed l’actor, 357.
The Soui’s Implanlalion, 41.
The SouVs location, 41.
The Southern Lilerary Messenger, 246.
The Southern Quarterly /JectViv, 189, 262.
Southey, 126, 176, 184.
Southwell (Sir Robert), 74.
The Soi’creignty and Goodness of God, 34.
Spanish Papers, 156.
The Spanish Student, 271.
Sparks (Rév. Jared), 189, 198, 373.
The Sparrowgrass Papers, 365.
Spécimens, 175.
Spécimen Days, 331, 333, 334.
Spécimens of American Poetry, 174.
Spécimens of Modem Standard Literature, 201.
Speed (James), 332.
Spotswood, 57, 75.
Sprague (Charles), 183.
The Spy, 156, 158, 159, 160, 163, 169, 170.
The Squibob Papers, 367.
Staël (Mme de), 387.
Standard, 292, 293.
Standish, 7.
Stansbury (Joseph), 109.
The Star-Spangted Banner, 187.
Stedman (Edmund Clarcnce), 314.
Sterne, 73, 79, l.")2, 359.
Stephens (Alexander H.), 396.
Sternhold, 13.
Stevenson (Robert Louis), 263.
Stiles (Ezra), IIS.
Stith (Rév. William), 77. 78.
Sloddard (Richard Henry), 314.
Stone (Samuel), 13.
Slorrs (Charles P.), 281.
Slowe (Mrs.), 279, 289, 312. 313, 341, 343, 344, 345, 346, 347, 348.
Stowe (Rév. Calvin E.), 34’i, 3’i5i
Strarhey (William), 4.
Struggles, 362.
Stuart (Gilbert), 130.

Stuart (Moses), 198.

Sturge (Joseph), 281.

The Succession of Forest Trees, 225.

Suckling, 11.

Sunimary, 7’J.

Summer on Ihc Lakes, 210.

Suraner (Charles), ’JSO, 396.

« Sut Lovengood », 364,

Sivalltnv Bain, 259.

Swift (Jonathan), Hl, 6G, 69, 79,

104, 152, ltj7, 215.
Sn’in !(in’ Round the Cirkle, 362.
Sylphs of the Seasons, 183.
Sylvester, 15, 19.

Taillefer (Patrick), 77.
A Taie of the Tory Ascendency ,

Taies uf the Grotesque, 247.

Taies of a Trafeller, 154.

Taies of a Wayside Inn, 274.

Tamerlane and Other Pocms, 244.

Tans^lewood Taies, 23().

The Task, 176.

Taylor (Bayard), 313, 314,315, 316,
317, 318. 321, 32fi, 342.

Taylor (Jeremy), 39.

Taylor (John), 195.

Ten Great lielii^ions, 212.

Tennyson, 254, 294, 298, 313,320.
.The fenlh Muse, 14,

Tent on the Beach, 279, 280.

Terrible Tractoration, 133.

Thanatopsis. .

Thackeray, 313, 341.

Theolo^y E.rplaincd, 119.

Thirty Years ont of ihc Senale, 360.

Tlion’ias (Gahricl). 35.

Thomas (Isaiah), 141.

Thompson (Benjamin), 130.

Thompson (Jolin Randolph), 321.

Thompson (William Tappan), 363.

Thomson (Mortimcr), 67, 365.

Thoreau, 201, 210, 215, 221, 222,
223, 224, 225, 226, 228, 233, 237,
289, 330.

Thoughts on the Poets, 390.

Thoughts on the Uei’ival of Religion,

Three Mémorial Pocms, 298.

Ticknor (D Francis O.), 321.

Ticknor (George), 189, 201, 213
268, 269, 374, 386, 387, 397.

Tillotson, 39.

The Tintes, 65, 381,
Timrod (Henry), 32’., 325.

To a Fringed Gentian, 179.

To a U’aier l’owl. 11’.

The Token, 174, 232.

Tompson (Benjamin), 18, 19.

Tooke (Horne), 92, 120.

A Tour on the Prairies, 155.

Toussaint Louceriure, 401,

Transfcrmation, 236.

Traits of the Aborigènes of America,

Travels in New-England, 118.

Trai>els through the Interior Parts
of North America, 122.

Treatise concerning the Religions
Affections, 84. "

Treatise on Original Sin, 85.

Tribune, 204. 211. 315, :^18, 326.

The Triumnh of htfedelity, 119.

A True and llistorical !S’arrative, 77.

True Relation, 21, 22, 58.

Trumbuli (John), 104, 114, 115,
117, 140, 357.

Trumps, 395.

Tucker (Beverly), 187.

Tuckcr (St George), 145, 376.

Tuckorman (Henrv Théodore), 390,

Turell (Mrs. Jane), 62.

Tn’icc-Told Talcs. 232, 234.

The Ti’o Admirais, 162.

’Avo Tears heforc the Mast, 182.

Tyler (Coit Moses), 42.

Tvler (Royal), 70, 98, 137, 139, 140,
141, 357.

Typee, 263.


.. Unclc Esek », 368.

Uncle Tours Cabin, 341, 342, 344,

345. 346, 347, 348, 349, 376.
Underhill (John), 30.
Under the Willo^vs, 298.
The United States Litcrary Gazette, 178.
The United States Magazine, 112.
Van Biiren (Martin), 375.
Vassall Morton, 385.
Yerplanck (Gulian G,), 178,

Vers sur le Massacre, 109.
Very (Jones), 227.
View of the Causes and Consequences, 102.
Views Afoot, 315.
Vindiciæ Hibernicæ 131.
The Virginia Comedians, 340.
Vision of Columbus, 120.
The Vision of Sir Launfal, 294.
Voices of the Night, 270, 271.
Volney, 120.
Voyage dans la Haute Pennsylvanie, 126.
Voyage of the Good Ship Union, 284.
Voyage to Virginia, 23.
Voyages de Gulliver, 69.


Walden. 223, 224.
Waller, 19, 58, 62, 65.
The Wanderer, 228.
Wandering Recollections, 171.
War, 64. ’
Ward (Henrv 343.
Ward (Nalhàniel), 14, 46, 48, 356.
Ware (William), 259.
H’n/- Lyrics, 320.
Warner (Miss Susan), 341.
Warren (Mrs. Mercev), 134.
Washingtan. 80. 86", 91. 10."., 100. 107, 112, 127, 145, 151, 155, 170. 373. 374, 401.
The Water Witch, 162.
Watts (D’ , 60, 114, 176.
Warerley, 159, 169.
The Ways ofthe /Jour, 167.
Webster (Daniel), 147, 189, 190.
Webster (Noah), 105, 130, 143, 144, 14.1, 148, 281,373, 396, 397, 398, 399, 4(10, 401.
Weed (Thurlow), KJO.
Week on the Concord and Merrimac Rivers, 223, 224.
Weems (Mason L.), 144, 145.
Welde (Thomas), 13.
Wendell, .M.
Wentworth, 26.
Wentworth Morton (Sarah), 135.
The Wept of Wish-ton-Wish, 165.
Werther, 387.
Wesley. 59.
West (Benjamin), 130.
Westward Ho ! 151.
Whaling Song, 63.
Wheaton (Henry), 189.
Whipple (Edwin Percy), 390, 391.
Whistonn, 195.
Wliitaker (Rèv. Alexander), 22.
Witcaker (Mrs. Frances Miriam), 365.
Whitcomb (S. L.), 129.
White (Kirke), 176.
White (Maria). 291.
White (Richard Grant), 361, 390.
White (Thomas W’.}, 246.
Whitcfield. 194.
The ]Vhitc Slare, 376.
White Tyranni/, 348.
Whitman (Walt), 149, 221, 239, 253, 257, 2S9. 299, ao.î, 312, 31 :<, 320, 326, 328, 329, 330, 331, 332, 333, 335, 336, 337, 338, 339, 340.
Whitney (Eli), 128.
Whittier (Klizabeth Hussey), 279.
Whittier (John Greenleaf"), 2, 124, 125, 175, 265, 266, 270, 272, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282, 289, 320, 402.
Who’ll Folloiv, 394.
The Wide. Widc World, 341.
« Widow Bedott », 365.
Wieland, 141.
Wigjjrlesworth (Michael), 2, 19, 20.
Wigglesworth (Samuel). 20, 59, 60.
Wiîbcrforce, 29.
Wilbur (Rév. liomer), 293
Wilde (Richard Henry ;, 309.
Wilkie, 118.
WiUard (Samuel), 79.
Williams (Roger), 7, 40, 43, 44, 45, 46.
Willis (Nathaniel Parker), 267, 3u6, 307, 308, 310, 315, 369.
Willson (Hyron Forceytlie), 320.
Wilson (Alexander), 180, 183.
Wilson (John), 14.
Win :f and Wirn ;, 162, 165.
Win’slow (Edward), 26, 28, 29.
A Winter Wtitk, 225.
Wint<’r (William), 351, 352.
Winthrop (John), 7, 26, 30, 31, 61, 88.
Winthrop (Mrs.), 73.
Winlhrop (Théodore), 343, 349, 350, 351, 352.
Wirt (William), 145, 146, 187.
Wise (John), 80.
Witherspoon (John), 99.
Wolcotl (Roger), 61.
Wolfe, 67, 309.
Wolfcrls lioosl, 155.

The Wonder Book, 235, 236.
The Wonder-Working Providence, 32.
Woman in. the Nineteenth Century, 212.
Wood (William), 12, 30.
Woodbridge (Benjamin), 17.
Woodbridge (John), 15.
Woodmans Spare that Tree, 169.
Woodworth (Samuel), 169.
Woolman (John), 124.
Woolsey, 349.
Worcester (E. Joseph), 189.
Wordsworth, 113, 177, 186, 200, 280, 301, 338, 389, 391.
Worship of Nature, 280.
The Wound Dresser, 331.
Wyandotte, 167.


Yamoyden, 181.
Yaucey, 396.
The Yankee in Canada, 225.
Yarns, 361.
A Years Life, 291.
The Yemassee, 262.
The Youth’s Companion, 306.


Zenobia, 259.
Zophiël, 184.