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Ordre du Gouverneur en chef, en conseil, du 4 juin 1818/English version

La bibliothèque libre.
Herman W. Ryland
P. E. Desbarats (p. 6-28).

of the


At His Majesty’s Executive Council of and for the said Province of Lower-Canada, held at the Castle of Saint Lewis, in the City of Quebec, in the said Province, on Thursday, the Fourth day of June, in the Fifty-eighth Year of His Majesty’s Reign, and in the Year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighteen.


WHEREAS by an Act made and passed in the last Session of the present Provincial Parliament of Lower-Canada, intituled, « An Act for making a temporary Provision for the Regulation of Trade between this Province and the United States of America, by Land or by Inland Navigation, » it is amongst other things enacted, That for and during the continuance of the said Act, it shall and may be lawful for the Governor, Lieutenant-Governor or Person administering the Government of this Province for the time being, with the advice and consent of His Majesty’s Executive Council, by order or orders to be from time to time issued and published, to suspend the operation of the whole or of any part or parts of any Ordinance or Ordinances, or of any Act or Acts of the Legislature of this Province relative to Trade and Intercourse by Land or Inland Navigation, and to give directions and to make regulations with respect to Importations, Exportations, Duties or otherwise, for carrying on the Trade by Land or Inland Navigation between the People and Territories of His Majesty in this Province and of the People and Territories of the United States of America, any law, Statute or Usage to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding. It being nevertheless provided that nothing in the said Act contained shall extend or be construed to extend to empower the Governor, Lieutenant-Governor or Person administering the Government of this Province for the time being and His Majesty’s Executive Council in this Province or either of them, by an order or orders or in any manner or way, to impose any Duty or Impost of any description or denomination upon any Goods or Merchandize imported into this Province in the course of Trade by Land or Inland Navigation from the United States of America, during the continuance of the said Act.

I. His Excellency the Governor in Chief by and with the advice of the said Executive Council, doth hereby order that all things whereof the exportation, is not and shall not be by Law entirely prohibited, may freely, for the purposes of Commerce, be carried and exported free and exempt from all Duties whatsoever from and out of this Province into the United States, as well by His Majesty’s Subjects as by the Citizens of the said United States. Provided always, that nothing herein-contained shall extend or be construed to extend to authorize or permit the Exportation, by Land or Inland Navigation, of Furs and Peltries, as prohibited by the Provincial Ordinance of the 28th Geo. III. Chap. I, Sec. 3.

II. And His Excellency the Governor in Chief by and with the advice and consent of the said Executive Council doth hereby further order that all Gold and Silver Coin and Bullion, all things of the growth or produce of the United States of America, whose Importation into this Province is not and shall not be entirely prohibited, may freely, for the purposes of Commerce, be Imported and brought from the United States of America into this Province, by Land or Inland Navigation, as well by His Majesty’s Subjects as by the Citizens of the United States, in manner herein-after directed, and upon payment of the several and respective Duties which are or shall be by Law imposed and payable thereon — Provided always, that nothing herein contained, shall extend or be construed to extend, to authorize or permit the Importation of any Fresh or Salted Provisions of any description, Rum and other Spirits or Manufactured Tobacco, from the said United States into this Province by Land or Inland Navigation ; and that the Importation of the same into this Province from the said United States, by Land or Inland Navigation, from henceforth shall be and hereby is entirely prohibited. Provided also always, that nothing herein-containcd shall extend or be construed to extend to authorize or permit the Importation of any Flour of Wheat, Indian Corn, Rye, Oats, or other Grain from the said United States into this Province, by Land or Inland Navigation, except for the purposes of Re-Exportation, and as herein-after is directed. Provided also always, that nothing herein-contained shall extend or be construed to extend to subject or to continue subject to any Duties whatever, the following articles or any of them upon Importation of the same into this Province from the United States of America, by Land or Inland Navigation, that is to say :— 1. Gold, and Silver Coin or Bullion. 2. Masts, Yards, Bowsprits, Spars, Planks, Boards, Knees, Futtocks or ship Timber of any kind. 3. Pitch, Tar, Turpentine, Rosin, Hemp, and Flax. 4. Hoops, Shingles, Clapboards, Trees, Lathwood, Staves, Timber square and round, and Lumber of any kind. 5. Seeds, Wheat, Rye, Oats, Barley, Potatoes, Indian Corn, Beans, Pease, Rice, or Grain of any kind. — 6. Fresh Fish, Horses, Neat Cattle, Sheep, Hogs, Poultry, or other live Stock or live Provisions of any kind. 7. Pot and Pearl Ashes, Butter, Cheese, Honey, Furs and Skins, undressed Hides or Skins, Pig Iron, Tallow, or Flour of Wheat, Indian Corn, Rye, Oats, Barley, or other Grain of any kind. And that all, each and every. Ordinance and Act of the Provincial Parliament of this Province, whereby any or either of the above-mentioned articles is subject to any Duty upon Importation into this Province from the United States of America, by Land or Inland Navigation, shall be and the same is hereby suspended.

III. And His Excellency the Governor in Chief by and with the advice and consent of the said Executive Council doth further order that before any such Flour so permitted to be imported as aforesaid into this Province from the said United States shall be allowed to pass any of the hereafter mentioned ports of entry and clearance, a Bond shall be entered into by the Owner or Importer thereof, with two sufficient Sureties, to His Majesty, His Heirs and Successors in double the value of the said Flour that the same and every part thereof shall be well and truly exported from this Province, and that no part thereof shall be consumed therein ; which Bond shall not be afterwards discharged or delivered up until a Certificate shall have been obtained from the Collector and Comptroller of His Majesty’s Customs at the Port of Quebec, that the Flour for which such Bond shall have been given as aforesaid, has been duly shipped for exportation from this Province, which Certificate the said Collector and Comptroller are hereby required to grant, upon the oath of the Owner of the said Flour, of that of his Agent, that the said Flour or Meal so shipped for exportation is the same for which Bond may have been given as aforesaid. And in case no such Certificate shall be obtained and produced within Six Months from the day of the date of such Bond, to the Collector or other Officer of His Majesty’s Customs by whom such Bond may have been taken, it shall and may be lawful for the said Collector or other Officer to cause such Bond to be put in suit.

IV. And His Excellency the Governor in Chief by and with the advice and Page:Order of the governor in chief in council, of the 4th June, 1818, for the regulation of commerce, between this province and the United States of America, Bilingual EN-FR, 1818.djvu/10 Page:Order of the governor in chief in council, of the 4th June, 1818, for the regulation of commerce, between this province and the United States of America, Bilingual EN-FR, 1818.djvu/12 Page:Order of the governor in chief in council, of the 4th June, 1818, for the regulation of commerce, between this province and the United States of America, Bilingual EN-FR, 1818.djvu/14 Page:Order of the governor in chief in council, of the 4th June, 1818, for the regulation of commerce, between this province and the United States of America, Bilingual EN-FR, 1818.djvu/16 Page:Order of the governor in chief in council, of the 4th June, 1818, for the regulation of commerce, between this province and the United States of America, Bilingual EN-FR, 1818.djvu/18 Page:Order of the governor in chief in council, of the 4th June, 1818, for the regulation of commerce, between this province and the United States of America, Bilingual EN-FR, 1818.djvu/20 Page:Order of the governor in chief in council, of the 4th June, 1818, for the regulation of commerce, between this province and the United States of America, Bilingual EN-FR, 1818.djvu/22 Page:Order of the governor in chief in council, of the 4th June, 1818, for the regulation of commerce, between this province and the United States of America, Bilingual EN-FR, 1818.djvu/24 Page:Order of the governor in chief in council, of the 4th June, 1818, for the regulation of commerce, between this province and the United States of America, Bilingual EN-FR, 1818.djvu/26