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On a intentionnellement exclus de ce vocabulaire tous mots français semblables aux mots anglais ou en différant à peine par le sens ou l’orthographe.

à, to, at, in, on, by, for, with.
un  abandon, neglect ; rester à l’abandon, to be neglected.
abandonner, to leave, forsake, give up.
abattre, to fall, descend.
une  abeille, bee.
un  abîme, abyss.
abonder, to abound, to support (an opinion).
un  abord, access, approach ; d’abord, at first, to begin with.
aboutir, to end.
un  abri, shelter ; à l’abri, safe.
l’ absinthe, f., absinth.
absolument, absolutely.
accabler, to crush, overwhelm.
accompagner, to accompany.
accrocher, to hang up, hook on ; s’accrocher à, to cling on to.
un  accueil, reception.
accueillir, to receive, welcome.
accuser, to accuse, acknowledge.
achalander, to patronize.
acheter, to buy.
achever, to finish, complete.
activer, to set going.
un  adieu, farewell.
adiousias, farewell.
affaire, thing, matter ; in pl. business ; avoir affaire à qqn., to have to do with someone ; un homme d’affaires, steward.
s’ affaisser, to sink, collapse.
affectueux, affectionate.
afin de, in order to ; afin que, in order that.
une  agathe, agate,
un  âge, age, generation.
agir, to act ; s’agir de, to be a question of.
agiter, to move, wag, wave, agitate.
agrandir, to grow bigger.
aider, to help, aid, assist.
un  aigle, eagle.
une  aiguille, needle.
une  aile, wing, bunch.
ailleurs, elsewhere ; d’ailleurs, besides, moreover.
aimer, to love, like ; aimer mieux, to prefer ; un cœur aimant, a loving heart.
ainsi, thus, so ; ainsi de suite, so on.