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Promenade d’un Français dans l’Irlande/Dédicace

La bibliothèque libre.



My Lord,

IT is well known, how spirited for the public good, was your late respectable uncle, Mr. Burton Connyngham : Ireland has lost him and will long remember the loss. It is by his kind protection, that I have been enabled to execute this work : I wish, My Lord, it may not prove unworthy the protection he afforded to it. Should it prove what engaged him not to disdain my endeavours : in a hundred thoughts thoughts one be useful, my labour will not have been lost.

In putting it under the sanction of your Lordship’s name, I think myself highly flattered to have an opportunity of paying homage to the memory of the man, that all good men regret, and also to acknowledge the kind attentions I have received from you, My Lord, whose ambition is to follow the same steps, and whose benevolence has already won the hearts of the numerous inhabitants that live on his Estates.

I have the honor to be, with great regard,

____My Lord,

_________your most obedient

_______________humble servant,

___________________DE LATOCNAYE.