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Born in 1950, Professor at the Université Libre de Bruxelles, J. Monnet Chair ad personam (course of International relations, Comparative politics, European integration, History of political thought). Former Director of the political studies Department of the IEE, ULB and President of the Master in European politics. 2005-2009, President of the Institute for European Studies, ULB, then Vice-President of the same Institute (2009- ). Director of the PhD School in EU studies, ULB (2000-2012) . Professor at LUISS-Rome, Department of Political science, and Rector’s advisor for IR.

Leading member of international network funded by the FP6 and EM, European Commission:”GARNET Network of Excellence” ( 40 universities, DG Research 2005-10, as President of the international PhD school Academic council). “NESCA” ( 10 EU and East-Asian Universities); ”Transcultura”international institute chaired by U.Eco; “GEM”- Globalization, Europe,Multilateralism, Doctoral Erasmus Mundus 2010-2017), based on a consortium between 9 European, Asian and American Universities; ‘Action J.Monnet’ networks in 2001, 2005/6 and 2009-11; “G10 on Global governance” based at the EUISS,Paris, Inst. Brazil-Europe, based at Un.Sao Paulo (2011-14). Director since 1997 and of the ULB-IEE research unit “EUNRAGG”(European Union, New Regionalism and Global Governance) Member of the “Antonian’s club Oxford” and of the “Orbis Humboldtianus”, Berlin.

Awards 1992, Fellow, Queen Mary and Westfield College, London, Institute for European Studies. 1995, Jean Monnet Chair “ad personam” and responsible of the “Jean Monnet Center of Excellence of Brussels” (IEE) 2006, Member of the “Foundation Coudenhove-Kalergi” Scientific Board, Vienna 2006, Member of The Royal Academy of Sciences, Belgium.

Visiting professor or visiting researcher on “EU integration” and “EU /International relations”in the following Universities and research institutes: Univ. Hambourg 1984/5, Berlin-Humboldt Univ.(1999); Drew Univ., New Jersey. (1988 and 2005); Mexico City UAM (1985), Chuo University Tokyo (2005); CASS, Beijin; Fudan University and SIES (Shanghai Institute for European Studies), Shanghai; European Studies Institute, IEEM and University of Macau (2000-2009); Ho Chi Min City and Hanoi Univ.(2001,2003); Bandung Catholic Univ., Indonesia; Queen Mary and Westfield College, London (1993); Roskilde University Centre, Danmark (1978/79), the Italian Universities of Florence (1992-2006), Pisa, Sant’Anna School for Advanced Studies (2000, 2001), Bologna (2001,2002), Bari (1988, 2005), Genua (2000,2001); LUISS-Rome, 2010; Institute for European Studies, Geneva (2000) and LSE (2009-2010), Oxford, St Antony’s college (2010), Columbia univ. SIPA (2010); Sciences po. Paris, (2010/11).

Lectures opening the academic year by the Universities of Geneva, Turin, Brussels.

Conferences and lectures in the following Universities and Institutions: - Americas: Harvard-CES, Cambridge/Boston; J.Hopkins univ, Washington,, Centre for transatlantic studies; Sao Paolo Univ.; Toluca and Puebla Mexico; UBA-Buenos Aires; Univ. de Montreal,Canada; - Asia: Indian Institute of Advanced Studies, Dehli; Pondicherry French Institute, and J.Nehru University and ISS, Dehli, India. In Japan: Hitotsubashi Un., International Christian and Chuo University, Kyoto Univ., Tokyo Univ., Shizuoka Un.; Waseda-Tokyo; In China: Fudan University and European Institute, Shanghai, Macao, Remnin University and Beijin University, European Studies Institute by CASS Beijin; China Foreign Affairs university; Seoul University and Korea University; Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok; Academy of diplomatic studies and Universities of Hanoi and Ho Chi Min, Vietnam; Amman Univ., Jordan; Hebrew Univ. Jerusalem. - UK: London School of Econ and Polit. Science., RIIA-Chatham House, Queen Mary and Westfield Coll.-London, Cambridge Univ. (Dept of Politics), Warwick (CSGR); Oxford ( Balliol College and St Anthony’s College, European studies centre) ; - Sweden: Stockholm Univ., Gotheborg Univ., Lund and Uppsala Univ.. - Germany: Academy of European Law-Trier, Berlin FU, Berlin Humboldt Univ., Universitaet Bonn, Un.Stuttgart, Univ. Giessen, Univ. Hambourg, Univ. Bremen, Universitaet Heidelberg, Universitaet Bochum, Wissenschaft Zentrum-Berlin; Berthelsmann-, Genshagen-, Adenauer-, Ebert-and Neumann- Foundations; Auswaertiges Amt-Berlin. - Belgium :UCL and Leuven Catholic University (UCL and KUL), Collège d’Europe-Bruges, Bruges UN/CRIS, Université de Liège,VUB;furthermore: Belgian Senate, Belgian House of representatives, Belgian French Community, PRC Embassy at EU, Italian Embassy,Austrian Embassy, EPC, EFAC,FRIDE,CIFE,IFRI. - France: Paris-Sorbonne; Paris-Nanterre , Sciences Po; Paris- EU Institute for Security Studies, Lyon-Villa Gillet, Un. Dijon, Univ de Bordeaux ;Université de Nantes. - Italy: Florence Univ., European University Institute, Pisa Sant’Anna School for Advanced Studies, Padua Un., Rome-Sapienza, Roma 3 and Tor Vergata Un., Rome-LUISS, and the Univ. of Bologna, Bari, Parma, Pavia, Genua, Milan, San Marino,Perugia,Lecce, Salerno, Cagliari, Aosta, Siena, Palermo, Un.Naples Oriental, European University Institute Florence ; Villa Vigoni,Como lake ; San Carlo and Dragan Foundation ; Centro studi sul Federalismo, Turin, Rome SIOI and Scuola Nazionale d’amministrazione . - Other countries: Institute for European Studies, Geneva; Universitaet Zurich; Un.of Vienna, Un of Leiden and Amsterdam; Univ.of Braga, Portugal; SEDES and IEEI,Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon ; Panteion Univ., Athens; Greek Association of IR; Istambul Univ.; MGIMO,University of Moscow ; Budapest Academy of social sciences and Hungarian Institute of International Relations ; University of Sofia; University of Warshaw, University of Wroklaw and Centre European studies, Lodz, Poland; Univ of Helsinki ; Univ of Luxemburg ;Un. of Barcelona and Madrid UAM and CEU St.Pablo. - ECPR, SGIR, ISA: participation to several panels and organization of sessions. - European Commission (DG Relex, DG social affairs), European parliament, Belgian and Italian Ministery of Foreign affairs, EU Mission at the UN, EEAS, EUISS.

He served as external referee for selecting researchers and research projects and for PhD examens for: the Universities of Montreal, Taipei (Taiwan), Liège; Univ.Giessen, Dortmund and Münster (Germany); Bordeaux; Paris I, IEP; Katholieke Universiteit Leuven; Vreij Universiteit Brussels; Univ. Genth; La Sapienza Rome, Central European University, Budapest; the Swedish Center Advanced Social Studies (SCASS, Uppsala); the Volkswagen-Stiftung and DAAD, Germany; Italian Ministery for Research, Norwegian Research Council, Japanese Ministery of Education, Foreign Affairs University, Beijin. He served also as referee for Cambridge University Press, Routledge Publisher, Ashgate Publisher, Journal of Common Market Studies, Journal of European Social Policy; Journal of European Public Policy; International Studies Review (Univ. Connecticut); Review of International Political Economy , (J.Hopkins Univ. Baltimora), International studies (JNU, New Dehli). 2008, Global policy (LSE) European Journal of International Relations; Etudes du CERI-Paris, European Societies (ed. by G.Therborn,Cambridge)

Long and short term consultancy: - EU Commission: he served as Member of the Advisory Group for Social Science DG research, promoting international workshops on Global Governance (2001-2006); in this capacity he also promoted several missions to China and Brazil focusing on international scientific cooperation in human and social sciences. He served in 2000/1 as coordinator of the J.Monnet Chairs network on European democratic governance (Governance White paper, 2001), DG Culture. - Advisor to the rotating Presidency of the European Union Council in 2000 and 2007; - Advisor the European Parliament (Research Group on “EU and Globalization”); Advisor to the Belgian Parliament in 1989 on EU enlargement ( Report published in 4 languages: “From disunity to unity”) and on “ EU and Globalization" ( Report of expert group to the Parliament in 2003) . Advisor to the Belgian Government on “Federalism” and member of the scientific board of the international conference of 2004. - Member of international high level groups: European Commission,Gulbenkian Foundation, Berthelsmann Foundation, FEPS-Geneva Group, “G10 Group” - Invited as lectures or consultant by the Belgian Ministery of Foreign affairs and by the Embassies of : Belgium, Italy, PRChina, Japan. - In 2008-2011, he has been consulted by President J.M.Barroso (Dec. 2009), President H.Van Rompuy (February 2010) Lady C.Ashton, HR for EU foreign policy (September 2010).) and was Member of the Belgian Royal Academic Delegation to India led by the Belgian King Albert II.

Doctoral studies. He has been founding member of the ULB PhD school in European Studies and elected director from 2000 to 2009. In 2006 he is a foiunding member, in cooperation with the IEE-UCL the Ecole doctorale thématique en études européennes de la Communauté française de Belgique (FNRS) . He ihas been President of the International PhD school academic council of Garnet and co-coordinator (with prof L. Langenhove, UNU-CRIS) of the Garnet Network of PhD school. He successfully supervised 13 theses and was member of the board of 9 more achieved theses in Belgium and abroad. He is currently in charge of supervising 8 PhD dissertations.

PUBLICATIONS. M.Telo` published or edited 24 books and more than 140 scientific articles and bookchapters in several languages (French, Italian, English, German, Dutch, Greek, Swedish,Mandarine, Japanese, Serbo-Croatian,Spanish, Portuguese,Vietnamese) BOOKS:. - The European New Deal in the Thirties , in French , Brussels,Editions de l’ULB , 1989 (in French and in Italian, Milan 1985) , - State and Europe, Labor, Bruxelles, 2005 and 2008 (in French and in Italian, 2005) - Europe. A Civilian Power? EU, global governance and world order, Palgrave Macmillan, Hampshire 2005 ( in English; and in Italian, 2004, Laterza). - International Relations.A European Perspective, foreword by R.O.Keohane, Editions de l' Université de Bruxelles 2008 and 2009, Ashgate 2009,Athens, 2010,in Mandarin, 2011,Shanghai People Publishing House.


- Government and reform policy in Europe: the Swedish Model, Milan,Angeli ,1988 (in Italian) ; - The German Socialdemocracy from Bad Godesberg to the ‘Berlin Program’, Preface by W.Brandt , Rome ,1988( in Italian); - Towards a New Europe?, ULB 1991( in French and English), - From Nation to Europe, Bruyland, 1993 (in French); - EU and the Challenges of Enlargement, ULB, Preface by W.Wallace, 1993(in French); - EU as a Social Union ?, ULB, 1994 (in French) ; - Democracy and European Construction , ULB, 1995 (in French); - After the Break of Communism.The Revolution of 1989 and the Political Theory ( in collab. with G.Haarscher), ULB, 1992 ( in - French and in Greek, Athens,1996); - Rethinking European Construction ( in French, in collaboration with P. Magnette), ULB, 1996 ; - From Maastricht to Amsterdam. Treaty Reform in EU, (in collaboration with P. Magnette, in French) Complexe, Brussels, 1998 - Norberto Bobbio. State and International Democracy (in French)Complexe, Brussels, 1999 and 2002 ( in French) - European Union, New Regionalism and Global Governance,Ashgate, Aldershot , 2001 and , second edition, 2007 ( in English) - Europe civilian power or declining entity?,( edited in Italian) Il Mulino , Bologna 2007 - The EU and Global Governance, London Routledge 2009, in English., FNRS -Wernaers Price 2010.

Université de Bruxelles 2008 and 2009 (in Mandarin, 2011,Shanghai People Publishing House)

- Europe in the International System :challenges, obstacle and dilemmas by developing a civilian power (in Italian), Il Mulino, 2009 - Globalization,State and Multilateralism (ed) Springer, Dordrecht, 2012

Telo’ served for 5 years (2000-2005) as member of the managing board of the “Journal of European Integration” (Essex university) and several years as member of the scientific board of several academic journals as « European Politics », « Journal of Southern Europe and the Balkans » (London Un.), « Res Publica» (VUB, Brussels), « Transitions » (Un . Bruxelles), « Europa/Europe» (Rome) . From 1997 to 2004 he served as director of two book series in European studies published by Complexe and from 1998 to 2005 by the Editions de l’Université de Bruxelles and from 2012 by Ashgate. He is currently member of the international board of two Journals, “Journal of European Integration” (Maastricht University) and “Global Policy” (LSE).

He takes for decades intensively part in the international theoretical discussion on European studies by publishing scientific articles in the following journals: Teoria Politica (Turin Univ.), Filosofia politica, Il Politico (Pavia Univ.), Problemi del socialismo (ISSOCO, Rome), European Union Review (ECSA), New Political Economy (Sheffield Univ.), Asia Pacific Journal of European Studies, Telos (New York), La Revue générale (Bruxelles), Studia Diplomatica (Institut Royal de Relations Internationales, Bruxelles), Democrazia e diritto (CRS, Rome), Europa/Europe (Rome), Transitions (ULB), Dialectica (Mexico), Res publica (VUB, Brussels), Europa: Novas fronteiras ( Centre J. Monnet, Lisboa), Publico, Estrategia (IEEI, Lisboa); Esprit (Paris), Il Mulino (Bologna); Internationale Zeitschrift für Philosophie, Das Parlament (Berlin), Neue Gesellschaft/Frankfürter Hefte, Die Union (Vienna), Revue politique et parlamentaire (Paris), Annali Feltrinelli (Milan), La pensée et les hommes (Bruxelles), Politique européenne (Grénoble et Paris), Revue fédéralisme/régionalisme (Liège),Europe’s World, The website of the European Council for Foreign Policy.

He published book chapters by the following publishing houses: Feltrinelli, Einaudi, Laterza, Il Mulino, Carocci, Olski, Electa, Angeli, Ed. Université de Bruxelles, De Boeck, Complexe, Bruyland, Van Halewyck, Peeters, Peter Lang, Ashgate, Elgar, Palgrave-Macmillan, Routledge, Presses Sciences Politiques Paris, Bund Verlag, Verlag SozialWissenschaften. Among his book chapters we mention the following ones:

- Between Europe and Modell Deutschland , in « Telos. A Quarterly Journal of Critical thought », summer 1989, n.80,New York,pp.127-138 - La question allemande et ses implications européennes ,with S. Schwersensky, in Groupe de réflexion auprès de la Présidence de la Chambre des Représentants de Belgique « De la division à l'union », Bruxelles, 1990,pp. 87-109 (published also in German,English and Dutch) -The Interaction between European Integration and Domestic Politics, in « Res Publica », vol. XXXVIII, 1996/2 ,pp.461-67. -National Democracy and Supranational Democracy, in «Quaderni FORUM», Conflicts in Europe. 1. A General Framework, éd., 1996, Florence, VIII, n.1, pp.45-59 - L’Italia nel processo di costruzione europea, in Storia dell’Italia repubblicana, Einaudi, Turin, 1995,third volume, pp.131-253 - Le développement de l’Union politique, in M.-F.Durand et Vasconcelos (éd.), La Politique étrangère et de sécurité commune, 1998, Presses de sciences politiques, Paris , pp.93-133 ; - Globalizaciòn, Regionalizaciòn y Goberno mundial ; Europa, Asia, América Latina in « Los Retos de la Globalizaciòn ». UNESCO, Caracas , 1998, pp. 377-412 - The European Political Union Between Treaties, Functional Trends and Constitutionalized Public Sphere in «  Zum Projekt einer transnationalen europäischen Verfassung », éd.par Europäische Kommission, Vertretung in Österreich in Die Union, 4/98, pp. 239-247 - Questions méthodologiques : quelques points d’interrogation sur le Néoinstitutionnalisme et le transnationalisme in « Pluralisme et intégration européenne », a cura di P.Claeys e altri, Presses interuniversitaires européennes,Bruxelles,pp.159-167 - Lo Stato e la democrazia internazionale. ll contributo di N.Bobbio oltre globalismo giuridico e relativismo ,in «Teoria politica»,XV,n.2/3,1999,pp.533-562. - O papel do multilateralismo o do regionalismo na modelacao das relacoes inter-regionais , in Regular y democratizar el systema global, edited by A.Vasconcelos,Principia ed. ,Cascais 1999 , pp 27-54 - Qui gouverne le monde globalisé? in «Studia diplomatica», Bruxelles , n.1/2,1999,pp.41-53 - European socialdemocracy and the third way, in “New Political Economy”(Univ. of Sheffield) n. 1,2000, pp. 139-145; - Le constitutionnalisme européen du XX siècle , in « La Constitution de l’Europe », ed by P.Magnette, Editions de ULB,2000 ,pp.69-79. - L’évolution de l’UE comme entité internationale, in « Le nouveau modèle européen », éd by P.Magnette and E.Remacle, Editions de l’ULB,2000,pp.131-141 - Justice and Solidarity, in A Soul for Europe, ed by F.Cerutti and E.Rudolph, Peeters,Leuven-Sterling Virginia, 2001, vol. 1, pp 73-90 ( also in Italian, Pisa ET2003 and in German, Orell Verlag, 2011) - The Nice Treaty reform: the Role of the Council, en P.Cullen (éd) The European Institutions after Nice: are they Fit for Enlargement?, Academy of European Law Trier, Germany,2002. - L’interdépendence entre la gouvenance européenne et la gouvernance globale in « The « European union Review », ECSA, n.1,2002, pp. 7-26 - Governance and government in the European Union, in M.J.Rodrigues (éd), The European Knowledge Economy, Elgar, London, 2001, pp. and Introduction to the French edition (Bruxelles 2004) - The EU, global governance and world order after September 11th, in P.Magnette (ed) La grande Europe, Editions de l’Université de Bruxelles, 2004, pp. 230-250

- The EU as an Incipient Civilian Power, in "Politique européenne", n 22, 2007, Harmattan, Paris, pp. 35-54.

- L’idea dell’unione politica dell’Europa tra storia e prospettiva, in Idee d’Europa, edited by P.Butti de Lima, AIEP, San Marino, 2007, pp 157-200. -Die Internationale Dimension der Europäischer Identität, in Europäische Identität als Projekt, edited by Th Meyer and J. Eisenberg, VS Verlag, 2009, pp.169-77 - Le modèle européen d’acteur international: aspects institutionnels, in M.Dony and L.S.Rossi (ed) Démocratie,cohérence et transparence, vers une constitutionnalisation de l’UE ?, Editions de l’Université de Bruxelles, 2008, pp.219-30. - L’UE come potenza civile : un concetto controverso in S. Giusti and A. Locatelli (a cura di) L’Europa sicura, Milano, Egea, 2008, pp. 55-72. - EU, multilateralism and alternative world orders, in P.Magnette and A. Weyembergh(eds) L’UE: fin d’une crise?, Editions de l’Université de Bruxelles 2008 , pp.87-102 -EU and India: a longue durée approach to the evolving relationship between two civilian powers, in S.Aziz Wülbers (ed), EU-India Relations, Academic Foundation, New Dehli 2008, pp. 105-125 - Regionalism and World Order, in “Asia Pacific Journal of EU studies”, n 2, winter 2007, pp. 95-127. - New Regionalism: a structural and multidimensional phenomenon of the globalized world, in R.Seidelmann/A.Vasilache (eds), EU and Asia, Nomos Verlag, Baden Baden, 2008 - Between Multilateralism, Unipolarism and Multipolarism, in R. Seidelmann, Heungchonk K.( a cura di) Regional integration in Europe and Asia, Nomos Verlag, Baden Baden, 2009, pp.13-43. - EU’s unprecedented power:divisions and unity in the development of European external policies, in A.Gamble and D.Lane (eds) The European Union and World Politics: Consensus and Division, Palgrave Macmillan 2009, pp.36-57. - The Lisbon Agenda and the Lisbon Treaty, in M.J.Rodrigues (ed), Europe Globalization and the Lisbon agenda, Elgar, London 2009 - The Lisbon Strategy as a Global Strategy of the EU, in M.J.Rodrigues (ed),Europe, Globalization and the Lisbon agenda,Elgar, London 2009 - EU role in the world: multilateralism, bilateralism and interregionalism, in L.Sales Marques, R. Seidelman and A. Vasilache (eds), Asia and Europe dynamics of inter and intraregional dialogue , Nomos, 2009 - Italian intellectuals and the Ideas of Europe: continuity and discontinuity, in European Stories. The Intellectual Debates on Europe in National Contexts, edited by K. Nicolaidis and J. Lacroix, Oxford University Press, 2010 - Japan and European Union for a new multilateral world order, in The Challenges of Globalization, Chuo Univ Press, Tokyo,2009 - EU,Regionalism, Interregionalism and Multilateralism, in J.P.Defraigne (ed) The EU and the Rise of Regionalism, Brussels, Bruylant 2009 ,pp.91-108 - Three European Constitutionalisms and their respective legitimacy requirements, in V.Schmidt, S.Lucarelli, F.Cerutti (eds),

Debating Political Identity and Legitimacy in the European Union, GARNET book s series, London: Routledge 2011.

- Pertinence et limites des theses federalists: vers une constitution mixte?, in N.Levrat et F Esposito (ed) Europe : de l’intégreation à la fédération, université de Genève , 2010 - The European Union, regionalism, and world order: five scenarios, in Fédéralisme Régionalisme, Vol. 11,2011, N. 2 - Le régionalisme international : regards croisés. Europe, Asie et Maghreb ( )

He edited the following special issues of scientific journals :

- The EU , Regionalism and Global Governance, in “Studia Diplomatica”, 2001,12 - Dove va la nuova Germania ?( with R. Seidelmann), “Europa/Europe” 1996

              - Idee e modelli per l’ Europa del XXI secolo ,  “Europa/Europe”, 1999 

- L’evoluzione della governance europea, “Europa/Europe”, 2001

He contributed to the “Liber amicorum” in honour among others of Prof J.V.Louis (ULB), prof Ph Manin (Paris, Sorbonne), Prof. Toshiaki Furuki (Chuo univ.Tokyo), Prof R Seidelmann (Giessen Univ and Beijin), Prof.G.Vacca (Rome G.Institute), Prof E.Sciacca (Catane Univ.), B.De Giovanni (Naples Oriental Institute, former Rector).

Reviews of his books have been published among others by:

Times Literary Supplement, Revue française de sciences politiques, Teoria politica, Rivista italiana di Scienza politica, Etudes Internationales, Le Monde, Journal of Common Market Studies, European Review of Foreign and Security policy, International Spectator .

Extensive media contribution. He provides on a regular basis comments for the media, namely : Le Soir, La Libre Belgique, L’Echo de la Bourse, DH, Trends, Le Vif-L’Express, Le Monde, Libération, Il Mondo, La Repubblica, Europe’s world, Publico, La Jornada and gave interviews to EURONEWS, RTBF, RTL, Arte, France 2, TV5,Volskrant (NL), Secolo XIX, RAI 1, Agence France Press, Radio France Internationale, Deutsche Welle, CKRL 89.1 MF, Québec; Finnish, Swiss and Swedish TV, Swedish educational, Télé-Bruxelles, LCP:La Chaîne Parlamentaire de l’Assemblée Nationale-France, France-Culture, AB3, SF DRS and TSI ( Swiss Tv) , the Japanese newspapers Mainichi , NIKKEI and Asahi Shimbun; the Chinese new paper Remnin Bao, China Newsweek, China National TV; BBC News; Hospodarske noviny (Czech economic daily), Suomen Kuvalethi, Canal Z-Brussels, European Voice.

Languages: Italian, mother language French, spoken:fluent. Written:fluent German, spoken, fluent.Written:fluent English, spoken,fluent.Written: intermediate Spanish-castillano, spoken,basic. Swedish, spoken :basic Latin: written:intermediate

Experience keywords: EU institutions, EU external relations and foreign policy; History of European construction, History of political ideas,Comparative regional integration and globalization