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La bibliothèque libre.

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newButtonx("Typo", "$.typo.exec()", "Run Phe's Gadget-Typo.js");
newButtonx("nowiki", "incapsula(nowiki,'')", "nowiki tag for a new paragraph at the beginning of the page");
newButtonx("„“","Virgolette(&quot;„&quot;,&quot;“&quot;)","Quotation mark as this:  „“ ");
newButtonx("i", "incapsula(corsivo,corsivo)", "Italic");
newButtonx("b", "incapsula(maiuscolo,maiuscolo)", "Bold");
newButtonx("↔", "incapsula('{{C|','}}')", "Center");
newButtonx("Sc", "incapsula('{{Sc|','}}')", "Small-caps");
newButtonx("larger", "incapsula('{{larger|','}}')", "larger");
newButtonx("Aa Bb", "capit()", "capitalize");
newButtonx("AA aa", "up_low()", "Toggle UPPER - lower case");
newButtonx("→", "indentSelection()", "Indent selection (most used in poems)");
newButtonx("←", "deIndentSelection()", "Dedend selection (most used in poems)");
newButtonx("Tiret", "incapsula('{{Tiret|','|}}')", "Apply Tiret");
newButtonx("rv", "eliminaRigheVuote()", "Delete all empty rows (most used in poems to fix scannos");
newButtonx("poem","incapsula('<poem>','</poem>')","Apply poem tag");
newButtonx("note+", "note", "Insert a ref placeholder (no selected text) or aplly a ref tag (around selected text)");
newButtonx("note⇄", "toggleNote", " Toggle refs from their position to the bottom of the page");
// newButtonx("autoRi", "newRi", "Inserisce un template RigaIntestazione ricavandolo da quello eventualmente presente due pagine prima");
// newButtonx("autoPt", "autoPt", "Applica il template Pt alla selezione in modo intelligente (legge il codice della pagina precedente)");
newButtonx("sal 0%", "sal0","Save a quality 0 page (empty page)");
newButtonx("sections", "newSections", "Split text in sections");
// newButtonx("preOCR", "preOCR()", "Elimina caratteri casuali da un testo OCR; NON USARE su pagine già formattate");
// newButtonx("éè", "convertiAcuti()", "sostituisci é con è");
// newButtonx("T&S", "mostraTrovaSostituisci()", "Trova & Sostituisci di Candalua");
// newButtonx("selAut", "selAut()", "nuovo AutoreCitato con selezione da una lista");
newButtonx("ˆ", "applicaDiac('ˆ')", "Apply ˆ to preceding character");
newButtonx("¯", "applicaDiac('¯')", "Apply ¯ (macron) to preceding character");
newButtonx("¨", "applicaDiac('¨')", "Apply ¨ (umlaund) to preceding character");
newButtonx("ˇ", "applicaDiac('ˇ')", "Apply ˇ (pipa) to preceding character");
newButtonx("~", "applicaDiac('~')", "Apply ~ (tilde)) to preceding character");
newButtonx("˘", "applicaDiac('˘')", "Apply ˘ (breve) to preceding character");
newButtonx("´", "applicaDiac('´')", "Apply ´ (accento acuto) to preceding character");
newButtonx("`", "applicaDiac('`')", "Apply ` (accento grave) to preceding character");
$("#newtattoo button, #areaBottoni button").css("padding","1px 2px");