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Almanach de Québec (1780)/Instructions for the Captains of Militia

La bibliothèque libre.
Guillaume Brown (1p. 27-31).


For the Captains of Militia when His Majeſty’s Forces are upon the March, or go into Quarters in the different Pariſhes.

I. THE Quarters of the Troops will be fixed by the Captains of the Militia for Officers and Soldiers, in ſuch a manner as to facilitate the March of the Troops, and the Eaſe of the Inhabitants.

II. The Quarters, once ſettled, ſhall not be changed, without the Knowledge of the Captains of Militia.

III. The Carriages of Proviſions, Ammunition, and other King’s Stores, ſhall be paid at the Rate of Seven-pence half-penny Currency per League in ready Money, and that from the Spot where the Loading has been taken in to the place where it is laid down.

IV. When the Troops march, the Officer commanding a Regiment or Battalion, may require two Carriages for himfelf, two for the Staff, and four for each Company, which ſhall be paid at the above-mentioned Rate ; if more are demanded, they arc to be furniſhed, on paying for this ſurpluſage of Carriages at the Rate of One Shilling Currency per League.

V. Theſe Carriages are to carry from Four Hundred and Fifty to Six Hundred weight each, if the ſtate of the Roads allows thereof.

VI. When the Troops go into Quarters, the Captains of Militia are to lodge the Officers as conveniently as in their Power, the Soldiers two and two, and only one in poor Houſes ; this being ſettled, the number in any one Houſe is not to be changed without the Knowledge of the Captains of Militia.

VII. The Officers ſhall have ſuch a Room as the Habitans can afford, a Bed, tho’ not the Landlord’s, a Table, three Chairs, and Lodging for his Servant ; he ſhall be warmed, and have the Means of dreſſing his Victuals : If the Officer has a Room to himſelf, Fuel ſhall be furniſhed him, by the whole of the Habitans, upon the Repartition of it made by the Captains of Militia.

VIII. The Saldiers ſhall be intitled in their Quarters to a Bed to two, with a good Paillaſſe, Blanket, and a pair of Sheets to be changed every Month ; they ſhall be allowed the Means of dreſſing their Proviſions, and have their Seats at the Landlord’s Fire and Light.

IX. When the Officers commanding the Troops in the ſeveral Quarters ſhall have Occaſion for Carriages, they are to require the ſame in writing of the Captains of Militia, ſpecifying for what Service they are deſigned, agreeable to which the ſame are to be paid for.

X. The Captains of Militia are to aſſiſt the Troops in all they can, and ſhall be reſponſible for every hindrance they may occaſion to the King’s Service.

XI. If the King’s Forces commit any Diſorders, the Captains of Militia are to carry the Complaints, well atteſted, to the Commanding Officer, and if this Officer does not render them Juſtice thereupon, they will forward the ſame to the Commander of the next principal Poſt.

XII. If a Guard is kept in the different Quarters, Fuel ſhall be furniſhed them, as above directed, where wanted for the Officers.

XIII. The Tranſport of the King’s Effects ſhall be from Captain to Captain ; but if the Service requires that the Carriages ſhould accompany the Troops the whole of the Day’s March, they ſhall be paid at the Rate of Four Livres Ten Sols, or Three and Nine Pence Currency per Day ; when drawn by Two Horſes, at the Rate of Six Livres or Five Shillings Currency.

XIV. This Regulation ſhall be in force from the firſt day of the preſent year. If there are yet outſtanding any Arrears of the Tranſport for the laſt Year, they ſhall be paid at the Rate of ſix-pence Currency by the League.

XV. This Regulation, paſted upon a piece of Board, ſhall be hung up in the moſt public place of each Captain of Militia’s Houſe, that none may plead Ignorence thereof.

Given under my Hand at Quebec, this 9th of Jan. 1779.