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Page:Angellier - Robert Burns, II, 1893.djvu/437

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The Hislory of Kilmarnock, hy Archihald Mac Kay, fourth édition. Kilmarnock, Archibald Mac Kay, 1880.

Rambîes Round Kilmarnock, with a sketch of the Towii, bj^ Archibald R. Adamson Kilmarnock, Dualop and Dreiinan, n. d. (second édition).

Views of in North Britain, illustrative ofthe Works of Robert Burns, by James Storer and John Greig. London. Vcrnor and Hood, 1805.

Memoriah of St Michaels, Ihe old Parish Churchijtird of Dumfrics, by Wiixia.m Mac DoNWALL. Edinburgh, William and Charles Black, IBTG.

The Visilor's Guide to Dumfries and Vicinity, bv William Mac Dowall. Dumfries, Currie and G», 1871.

Hktorij of the Burgh of Dumfries, by William Mac Dowall. vSecond Edition. Edin- burgh, Adam and Charles Black, n. d.

Troon and Dundonald with their Surroundings, Local and Historical, by the Rev J. KiRK WOOD. Kilmarnock, James Mac Kie, 1881.

Ardrossati, Saltcoasl, and Neighhowrhood, by Arthur Guthrie. Ardrossan. Arthur Guthrie.

Rambles in Galloway, Topographical, Historical, Traditional and Biographical, by Malgolm Mac Lachlan Harper. Edinburgh, Edmonston and Douglas, 18T6.

Il faut ajouter à ces ouvrages locaux les portions des ouvrages sur FÉcosse cités plus loin, qui touchent aux endroits oti a vécu Burns.





Walter Scott. Review of Reliques of Robert Burns by R. H. Cromek, in the Quar- terly Review, February and May, 1809. Cet article est reproduit dans les Œuvres complètes de sir "Walter Scott. Nous . l'avons trouvé dans les Prose Works publiés parBaudry.

Francis Jeffrey. Review of « Reliques Robert Burns » in The Edinburgh Review October 1808, January 1809. Nous avons trouvé cet article dans le choix d'articles de la Revue d'Edimbourg publié par Baudry.

A Critique on the Poems of Robert Burns, illustrated by engravings. Edinburgh, John Brown, 1812.

William Wordsworth. A Letler to a Friend of Robert Burns, occasioneà byan intended

republication ofthe account of theLife of Burns by D"" Currie and ofthe selectiou

made by him from his letters (octavo pamphlet). London, Longman, 1816.

L'ami auquel cette lettre était adi-essée était le Rev. James Gray, maître de la

Grammar School de Dumfries, cpii avait été fort lié avec Burns. Cette lettre se

trouve dans les Prose Works de Wordsworth édités par Grosart.

Lives of Scottish Poets {by the Society of Ancient Scots), 6 vols. London, Printed for Thomas Boys, 1822. ,

An Essay on English Poetry with notices of the British Poets, hy Thomas Campbell. London, John Murray, 1848.