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Page:Angellier - Robert Burns, II, 1893.djvu/450

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The Life of Mansie Wauch, tnilor in Dalkeith, writlen by Himself. Stéréotype Edition. William Blackwood and Sons, Edinburgh.

L'Ermite en Ecosse, par M. de Jouy, 2 vols. Paris, Pillet aîné, 1826.

My Schools and Schoolmasters, by Hugh Miller. Edinburgh, William Nimmo, 1881.

The Cotlagers of Glenburnie. A Scottish Taie, by Elizabeth Hamilton, a new édi- tion. Edinburg-h, Johnstone, Hunter and G", n. d.

Skelches of Life among my Ain Folk, by William Alexander. Second édition. Edin- burgh, David Douglas, 1882.

Peasant Life being Skelches of Ihe Villagers and Field Labourers in Glennldie. Edin- burgh, Edmonston and Douglas, 1869.

Chronicles of Stratheden, a Highland Parish of to Day, by a Résident. William Black- wood and Sons, 1881.

Peasant Life in the North. Sketches of the Villagers and Field-Labourers in Glenaldie Second édition. Strahan and G", London, 18'70.

fioôeri' Z)tc^, baker, of Thurso, geologist and botanist, by Samuel Smiles. London, John Murray, 1878.

■A Treatise on Agriculture and Rural Affairs, by Robert Brown, fermer at Markle, county of Haddington, 2 vols. Edinburgh, Printed for Oliphant, Waugh and Junes, 1811.

Report on Ihe Présent State of the Agriculture of Scotland, arranged under the aus- pices of the Highland and Agricultural Society. Edinburgh, William Blackwood and Sons, 18*78.

Essoi sur l'Économie rurale de l'Angleterre, de l'Ecosse et de l'Irlande, par LÉONCE de Lavergne. Deuxième édition. Paris, Guillaumin et G", 1855.

The Industries of Scotland, their Rise, Progress and Présent Gondition, by David Bremner. Edinburgh, Adam and Charles Black, 1869.

Gymnastics, Golf, Curling. W. and R. Chambers. Edinburgh, 1877.

The Scottish Cookery Book. Edinburgh, John Menzies, n. d.





The History of Scotish Poelry, by David Irving, edited by John Aitken Garlyle. Edinburgh, Edmonston and Douglas, 1861.

The Ballads and Songs of Scotland, in View of their Influence 07i the Charac/er of the People, by J. Clark Murray. London, Macmillan and G", 1874.

Illustrations of Scottish History, Life, and Superstition, from Song and Ballad, by William Gunnyon. Glasgow, Robert Forester, 1879.

The History and Poelry of the Scottish Borders : their main Features and Relations. John Veitch. Glasgow, James Maclehose, 1878.