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Page:Angellier - Robert Burns, II, 1893.djvu/457

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G. Shairp. — Sludiex in Poetri/ nnd Pliiloxopli/j, hy .!. C. Shnirp. Third Edition Ediuburgh, Ednionstoii and Douglas, 1876.

Asitecls of Poetry, beinij Leclurex delincrcd al Oxford, hy John Campbell Shairp. Oxford, at the Glarendoii Press, 1881.

On Poelic Inlerpretation of Nature, by ./. C. Shairp. Edinburg-h, David Douglas,

Sii\K.SPEARB. — The Works of William Shalispeara, edited by William George Clark and William Aldis Wrigt [The Globe Edition). London, Macmillan and G", 18(54.

Shaw. — .1 Histori) of Enqlish Literature, by Thomas B. Shaw. London, John Murray, 18T2. .

Sheij.ey. — The Poe'iral IForfo of Shelley, repriuted from the Early Editions. [The Chindox classics). London. Frcîderick Warne and G", n. d.

Sidtiey Smith. — Elemvntary Sketches of Moral Philosophy, delivered at the Royal Institution in the years 1804, 1805 and 1806, by the late Rev. Sidney Smith . New-York, Harper and Brothers, 1850.

The Spegtator. — A uew édition with Introduction, Notes, and Index by Henry Morley. London, George Routledge and Sons, n. d.

Spbnseb. — Complète Works of Edmund Spenser, edited from the original édition? and manuscripts by R. Morris [The Globe Edition). London, Macmillan and G", 1813.

P. Stapfer. — Molière et Shakspeare, par Paul S'.apfer. Paris, Hachette. 1887.

Laurence Sterne , élude biographique et littéraire , précédée d'un fragment inédit de Sterne, par Paul Stapfer. Paris, 1870.

Sterne. — The Works of Laurence Sterne, etc. London, George Routledge and Sou, n. d.

J. A. Symonds. — Shelley by John Adding ton Symonds (of the collection o? English Men of Letlers). London, Macmillan. 1884.

Taine. — Histoire de la Littérature anglaise, par IL Taine. 5 vols. Paris, Hachette, 1873.

Notes sur l'Angleterre, par H. Taine. Paris, Hachette. 1874.

Tennyson. — The Poetical Works of Tennyson. 12 vols. Leipzig, Tauchnitz.

Thackeray. — The English Humourists, by William Makepeace Thackeray. London, Smith, Elder and &, 1873.

VlM.ON. — Œuvres complètes de François Villon. Edition préparée par LaMonnoye, mise au jour, avec Notes et Glossaire, par Pierre Jannet. Paris, A. Lemerre, 1873.

W'arton. — The Hislory of English Poetry, from the Elevenlh lo the Seventeenth Cenlury, by Thomas Warton. London, Ward, Lock and Tyler, n. d.

^^'0RDSW0RTH. — The Poetical Works of William Wordsworth. London. Ward, Lock and C, n. d.