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editor of the Philosophical Magazine, begging him to publish them6.

I shall put into the hands of Mr Brandel, secretary to the legation, some chemical memoirs on subjects which I think may interest you, a series of the Journals of the Royal Institution, and a work published many years ago on the combinations of oxygene and nitrogene7, and I shall beg him to transmit them to you, as scon as an opportunity offers.

With the most lively interest in your labours. With respects to Mr Pontin

I have the honour to be, Sir,
With the highest esteem
Your obedient and obliged servant
H. Davy.

November 5. 1808, London.

3. Davy à Berzelius.
March 20, 1809.


About four months ago I transmitted to Mr Brandel a parcel containing some papers and journals of which I requested your acceptance ; and at the same time I sent a letter in which I begged you to receive my most grateful thanks for the valuable present of your works. Nearly a third of your 1 volume of Animal chemistry I have had translated, and the rest is in progress. Believe me, I take the greatest interest in this important inquiry which your labours have set in a new and more important light than any which proceeded them.

In the letter to which I allude I gave you an account of some of my later experiments. — I read in the beginning