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Page:Chouinard - Histoire de la paroisse de Saint-Joseph de Carleton (1755-1906), 1906.djvu/99

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Indian, Michael Arginau, chief, Pierre Bernard Cataup, captain, Joseph Portis, captain, Mickmacks of Chignectou.

Francis Joseph Istashe, captain, Mickmack of Pogmouche.

Michael Sagaket, Charles Nocout, (Principal Indians), Mickmacks of the Basin of Merias.

Suit les dispositions du traité avec les sauvages, fait en septembre 1778.

Le premier résultat fut la déclaration suivante envoyée à John Allan, agent des Américains et signée par les principaux chefs : —

To John Allan and his Associates at Machias.

The Chiefs and Great Men of the Malecete and Mickmack Indians hereby give thee notice.

That their Eyes are now open and they see clearly that thou hast endeavoured to blind them to serve thy wicked purposes against thy Lawful Sovereign, King George, our forgiving and affectionate Father.

We have this day settled all misunderstanding that thou didst occasion between us and King George’s men.

We now desire that thee and Preble, and thy Comrades, will remain in your wigwams at Machias, and not come to Passamaquadie to bequile and disturb our weak and young Brethren. We will have nothing to do with thee or them or with your storys, for we have found you out ; and if you persist in tempting us, we warn you to take care of yourselves. We shall not come to Machias to do you harm, but beware of Passamaquodie for we forbid you to come there.

At Menaguashe, the 24th September, 1778.
Jean Baptiste Arimph   x,
Chief of Richeboutou an in behalf of the Mickmacks.
Pierre Thomas   x,
xxxxxxxxxxxxFrancis Xavier   x,
Chiefs of the Melecetes and in their behalf.