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Page:Convention relative à l'esclavage, signée à Genève le 25 septembre 1926.djvu/12

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League of Nations — Treaty Series.


of the States Parties to such a dispute should not be parties to the Protocol 1 of December i6th 1020 relating to the Permanent Court of International Justice, the dispute shall be referred, at the choice of the Parties and in accordance with the constitutional procedure of each State, either to the Permanent Court of International Justice or to a court of arbitration constituted in accordance with the Convention* of October 18th, 1907, for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes or to some other court of arbitration. y

Article 9.

At the time of signature or of ratification or of accession, any High Contracting Party may declare that its acceptance of the present Convention does not bind some or all of the territories placed under its sovereignty, jurisdiction, protection, suzerainty or tutelage in respect of all or any provisions of the Convention ; it may subsequently accede separately on behalf of any one of them or in respect of any provision to which any one of them is not a party Article 10.

In the event of a High Contracting Party wishing to denounce the present Convention, the denunciation shall be notified m writing to the Secretary-General of the League of Nations who will at once communicate a certified true copy of the notification to all the other High Contracting Parties, informing them of the date on which it was received. i^ung Z+ ? fi de f- UnC i ati ° n S u a j ° ? lv 0 have ef k£t in regard to the notifying State, and one year after the notification has reached the Secretary-General of the League of Nations. Denunciation may also be made separately in respect of any territory placed under its sovereignty, jurisdiction, protection, suzerainty or tutelage. Article ir.

Th e Present Convention which will bear this day’s date and of which the French and English NatfoSuntU April ?st 1 T ° PCn f ° r signature by thc States Ambers of the League of The Secretary-General of the League of Nations will subsequently bring the present Convention to the notice of States which have not signed it, including States which are not Members of the League of Nations, and invite them to accede thereto. (. 1W r % dc f [ li* 18 T t0 accede , 1°, the Conv e nt ^n shall notify its intention in writing to the Secretary-General of the League of Nations and transmit to him the instrument of accession which shall be deposited m the archives of the League. ’ c . The Secretary-General shall immediately transmit to all the other High Contracting Parties a certified true copy of the notification and of the instrument of accession, informing them of the date on wnicn ne received them.

Article 12.

■« .^he present Convention will be ratified and the instruments of ratification shall be deposited Tv +h wSf r ^ S ^retary-G e neral °f the League of Nations. The Secretary-General will inform all the High Contracting Parties of such deposit.

«+-« Th f- Conven ti°n will come into operation for each State on the date of the deposit of its ratification or of its accession. *

vzoeXe 1 : Vol It^L P T , 4 °4, : xY°* * XV ’ Z a Tr ’ Vo1 ’ XXTV - P a ^ e *52 » Vol. XXVII, 8 Ntnil SerS XXXIX ’ page l6 5 »* VoL XLV > P a S e 96 ; Vol. L, page 159 ; and Vol LIV, page 387 ! a British and Foreign State Papers, Vol. 100, page 298. No. 1414