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Page:Convention relative à l'esclavage, signée à Genève le 25 septembre 1926.djvu/5

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N °- SE 4 ^EMBER SL i VE 4 Y 6 . C ° NVEN1ION ’• SIGNED AT GENEVA, Ara^^E^™^" !! ; ’n BEII,SH Canada . Commonwealth op China, Colombia Suba ! Den^k Spain’ Es^rT Ze ^ kd " 30,1 lNDIA - Bulgaria^ Italy, Latvia, Liberia Ltthmnia iBaTpS.^tS}’ Finland, France, Greece Kingdom ’o^^^^ES^^ SEE

Generll Acfof R^^^ <* to revise the

their intention ol^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 18 ^- affim ^ trade by land and sea ; c ° m PI«e suppression of slavery in all its forms and of the slave ,

  • ™* "sion appointed by

a meaaTo ?^^ -ndcr the Brusseb Act and to find

regard to slave tracSe ^^^S^^^IZ^^ intentions as were expressed in and recognising that it is necessary to coStdlS* ^^^^Tm 0 ^^ 1 -^ 111 ^" 611 -^. contained in that Convention ; V C ° n ° lude t0 that cnd more detai ^d arrangements than are Junet ?Sl-UnTon f S Hay r 7 ^7^^~,

New Zealand, June iS, 1927 ; Lat via July Q 1027 • A^SS ? a Jun ? I§ ’ 1927 ; India > J une l8 > *&7 Accessions : Hungary, April 16, ig 27 , wit h the following reservation • against persons who without legal uffiato «fnS SS f ifii° f C j )e ? 1 ? ? authorities servants, agricultural labourers" or harvest , ? ffl ^ d f rl ? kings (duties as domestic civil law, cannot be considered as a ,11 J } . ente / ed into b Y them freely under the which is prohibited by the present ConvSon «^ mg *2 condition s analogous* to slavery ttep~pe£ob8ervan«ofM cases the sole object is to ensure Haiti Se° r t t0 r Ure COmpleti ° n ° f a ^

Ha,t, September 3, xc,a 7 ; Sudan, September x 5) I92 ? . Nicaragua> Qcto J 3 / TOlmaa ’ Vol. VIII, page 25 ; Vol. XXIV, page x6o ; and Vol. XXXV. page 29 8, of this Series