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Page:Corneille - Polyeucte, édition Masson, 1887.djvu/80

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BSNaX BVâ, B.--ès-&. Jnrench Muter at Merchant Taylora’ School, London. NEW CONVERSATIONAL FRENCH COURSE. The First French Book. z vol., z8o pages, cloth. iioth Thousand. Price lOd. ORAMMAR, EXERCISES, CONVERSATION, & VOCABULARIBfiL Drawn np acsordiag to the reqnirementB of the First Stage. Adopted hy thé Seh^l Board for Iy)ndt% the Miaiater o/ PuhUê Instruction in Canada, $te,, ete, Erery lesson is followed by a short dialogue for conversational practices. Tlw rolurae comprises the whole Accidence. llie raies are stated in the clearesk possible manner. A chapter on the Philology of the Langage, and soxie for readinx and translation, a complète Index, and two complète Vocabularies. foUow the Grammatical portion. Its moderato price and its completeness xrm tcake it one of the bùst oooks for use in our Middle-Class and National SchooU and other large establishments. The Second French Book. z v(A.f 2oS pages. 8th Edition. Cloth, price Is. ORAMMAR, EXERCISES, 00 .V VERSAT ION, & TRANSLATION. Complété Voeabulariei and a Set of ExamincUion Paptrs, Drawn np according to the reqnirements of fhe Second Stage. The First Steps in French Idioms. 5th Edition. Cloth. Price Is 6d. Oontaining an Alphabetical List of Idioms, Explanatory Notes» and Examination Papers. (See likewise under Idioms.) The Key to the Above Three Books. X voL cloth, price 2s. 6d. (For Ttachers only,) The New Conversational First French Reader. A Collection of Intereitinfç Narratives, adapted for use in Schools, with a List of the Difficult Words to be Leamed by Heart, Conver- sation, Examinalion Questions, and a Complète French-English Vocabulary. (See likewise under Graduated Frtfuch Read^rs.) "M. Bué’s ’First French Book * is much to be commended. The lessons ar^ very graduai, and the rules are explained with a simplicity that must greatly hein Doth teacher and pupiL At the end of each lesson a short vocabulary, » model exercise, and a conversation are given. At the end of the verbs is a ’ short chapter for the inquisitive/ which is well worth getting up^ even by more advanced pupils. The chief merit of elementary books of mis kmd lies iz> iheir arrangement, and in this respect we hâve seen no better book than M. Btté’sf ’— iScAooi Guardian, Nov. 10, 1877.

    • A handy little volume, which may serve with advantage as an introdactio»

' > the study of more elaborate works. — TAe Pietorial ITorM, Oct 13, 1877.