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Page:Corneille - Polyeucte, édition Masson, 1887.djvu/85

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KEY to the Translations and Exercises in French Syntax, VOB THE USE OF TBAOHEBS AKD 8ELF-TAUQHT 8TUDBNT& Price 2s. 6d. "The appearance of a seventh édition of M. Baume’s well-known ^pramnuu ■peaks for itself . It possesses distinctly a praiseworthy character of its owd. marked chiefly by a just promineiice given to * practice/ a clear direct Btyle ol •xposition, and a refreshing freedom from technicalities. Itis amply funiished with carefully graduated exercises, bestows due attention on the irregularitiea of the yerb, and contains many well-selected lists of nouns. . . . Altogether this graznmar is an admirable work of the kind, essehtially designed for use, devoid of pedantic phraseology, systematic, and therefore simple. It may alao e commended on the score of cheapness, and of beautifùl typography."— dueational News.

    • The attractiveness of Syntax is fully given effect to by M. Baume, who

xflustrates the idlomatic peculiarities of Uàllic construction in 1000 racy ’ coUoquialisms. The rules, which form the basis of his work, are simple and > coxnprehensÎTe, and their opération is immistakably exhibited in 100 reading, paramç, and translatinç leasons. Some 40 of its 151 pa|;es are taken up with preliminary rules of accidence and construction, alist of irregular verbs, <&c., so as to obviate the neoessity of referring to preliminary books, and to give to his présent work a character of completeness. Its more extensive use in the schools ^yould certainly be productive of excellent fruits." — EdiuMtionai News. PAUL BAUMFS FfŒNCÏÏ MANUAL OF GRAMMAR, CO^n^ERSATION, AND LITERATURE. New Edition. Price 3s. %♦ This new Work is on a totallv différent plan from the ordînary run of Beaders and Oonversation Books. from which grammatical knowiedge is genf rally exclnded. The Mannal is divided into 80 lessons. £ach lesson, which may be prepared in part or wholly according to the ability of the pupil, oontaÎDg tbree divisions : — Istly, A eet of examination questions and answers on grammar. Sdiy, A familiar conversation of a modem type on a given subject. Sroly, A biographical sketch of and quotation from a noted French writer, with hints for the translation ot difficult expressioDs, historical notes, àc, The whole Book thus f orms an extensive examinatîon paper on grammar, with 461 questions and answers systematically^ and progressively arranged ; a set of eighty familiar conversations on given subjects ; and a Reader, or elementary course oi literature, containinç eighty biographical sketches of and quotations from the best French prose wnters and poets, m chronological order. This French Manual is intended to be a usef ul as well as a necessary adjunct to any French grammar that may be in the hands of pnpils. "M. Baume has succeeded, by means of a chronological séries of dassical qanotations, In tracing the development of French literary style. The excerpta are of the most diversified character, and include spécimens from the writings of eî^ty ’ authorsj ranging from Rabelais to Hugo and Taine. A novel and excellent faature is the mtroduction of brief biographie sketches of the various writers." — Xdueational Netot.

    • Together, thèse three works form an almost idéal séries, yet each may be

«mploved independently, or in conjunction with other class-books. They are ail ntpitally got up, and may be saf ely recommended for private as well as for dast ê